Materials collected by the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies from crewman John Paul Priolette during oral history interviews conducted with men who had served in World War II on the U.S.S. Monterey. Included are a photocopy of Mr. Priolette’s personal war diary and fragmentary ship publications, such as newsletters edited by Lt. Gerald R. Ford, daily ship work schedules, memos issued by commanding officers, war news releases, and a ship anniversary celebration menu. Mr. Priolette’s diary will be published as an appendix to the Center’s upcoming book…
Fairly routine files concerning various foreign policy issues, President Ford's trips abroad, visits of heads of foreign governments, and operation of the White House press office. Also includes more substantive briefing materials for Ford's meetings with heads of foreign governments, but these are currently security classified and closed.
A draft of Edward and Frederick Schapsmeier’s book, Gerald R. Ford’s Date With Destiny: A Political Biography (New York: Peter Lang, 1989), with handwritten annotations by President Ford.
Material concerning the development of federal government legislation and policy affecting the development, production, and environmental impact of nuclear, fossil, and alternative energy sources. Topics include the Alaska pipeline, off-shore oil, clean air, coal mining, deregulation of energy pricing, Naval Petroleum Reserves, proliferation of nuclear power technology, and uranium enrichment. Significant files also concern structures for providing the President with advice on science and technology policy, the space program, and earthquake prediction.
The collection consists of a single chronological sequence of weekly briefing papers produced by the Domestic Council staff. The focus is on issues in the policy areas in which Schleede worked (natural resources, environmental protection and energy), but some concern such topics as housing and community development, human resources, crime and justice, and intergovernmental relations.
The collection contains materials relating primarily to the administration of food and drug regulatory policy in the United States on such topics as the drug approval process; the introduction of new drugs into the marketplace; over-the-counter drugs and self-medication; new treatments and therapies for cancer, stroke, diabetes, and influenza; food safety; and food additives and additives in veterinary food products.
This collection contains materials related to legal determinations and advice given within the Treasury Department and White House on such topics as Watergate, General Revenue Sharing Program, Emergency Loan Guarantee Program, railway improvement, regulatory reform, constitutional or statutory powers of the President, conflict of interest rules, standards of conduct, political restrictions, and a variety of domestic and foreign policy issues involving legal questions.
Materials concerning advice given to President Ford and White House staff members on a variety of domestic and foreign policy issues involving legal questions, constitutional or statutory powers of the President, conflict of interest rules, standards of conduct, and political restrictions. Also files concerning the Domestic Council Review Group on Regulatory Reform. The collection includes much material created or received by Schmults' predecessors Philip Areeda and Roderick Hills.
Materials relating to Scott's work in the White House Office of Communications (1971-1973) and as the White House liaison with minorities (1973-1975). The bulk of the collection dates from the Nixon administration, but significant materials from the first year of the Ford administration also appear. Some files concern such issues as minority business, civil rights, and equal employment opportunity. Others relate to White House contacts with the Congressional Black Caucus, the role of African-Americans in the Republican Party, and the role of Mr. Scott and other Black appointees in the two…
Audio tapes and photocopies of interview transcripts and notes relating to the Mayaguez incident.The bulk of the material concerns interviews with Mayaguez crew conducted by Donald O'Hare of Sea-Land Service, Inc., in the days following their release.The collection also contains notebooks prepared by Roy Rowan while conducting research for his book Four Days of the Mayaguez (apparently including his own interviews with Mayaguez crew), as well as possible chapter drafts.
This is a key collection for domestic and economic affairs. Topics range from policy-making on trade, inflation, taxation, employment, and energy, to specific matters such as product liability, fair trade laws, aid to New York City, and various international meetings. The collection includes extensive records of the Economic Policy Board, a powerful interagency body chaired by Treasury Secretary William Simon.
A small collection of materials concerning his Domestic Council work on labor, education and veterans affairs and some items on his work with the Presidential Advisory Committee on Refugees assisting with the resettlement of Indochina refugees.
Files concerning his work on coordinating policy formulation, monitoring legislation in Congress, attending interagency meetings, and preparing statements and briefing papers for the President in the areas of justice, civil rights, and drug abuse. Topics include: busing, campaign finance reform, the Vietnam War amnesty program, illegal aliens, and crime.
Shiskin was a leader in the development of modern statistical methods for national economic measurement and forecasting. His books, articles, speeches, and testimony form the core of this collection.
Materials include August 1974 - July 1976 issues of "News and Comment", the President's daily news summary, plus draft news summaries and clippings. Also briefing books for the President's press conferences, media interviews and trips.
This collection contains material prepared or compiled by Slight documenting his work assisting Counsellor to the President Anne Armstrong and in communications office activities. There are extensive materials related to Spanish speaking Americans and White House communications.
Materials relating to advance work for members of the First Family including briefing books, correspondence, memoranda, notes, schedules, Secret Service deployment diagrams, fact sheets, airport and venue schema, seating arrangements, event brochures and tourist information, newspaper clippings, thank you notes, press releases, and State Department telegrams.It also includes material relating to a "homestate reception" at the Capitol Hill Club for Vice President Ford on the evening of his swearing-in on December 6, 1973.
Materials concerning Frederick T. Steeper's work as a Michigan-based political analyst and career in survey research and analysis for Republican Presidential, senatorial, and gubernatorial candidates and campaign organizations. The collection contains materials related to Steeper's work for the Republican National Committee, George H.W. Bush's 1992 and 1996 Presidential campaigns, George W. Bush's 2000 and 2004 Presidential campaigns, and various state campaigns.
Published material related to the biological effects of microwave radiation and government documents, acquired under the Freedom of Information Act, related to the microwave bombardment of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Steneck collected the material during research for his book, The Microwave Debate.
Papers documenting Stever's academic and governmental career, professional affiliations, and private sector consulting in the fields of aviation, aeronautics, outer space, engineering, and technology development. Included is material on such topics as engineering education, professional aeronautical and engineering societies, ballistic missile defense, transfer of technology to developing countries, Air Force science, and the U.S. space program.
The bulk of this collection relates to fundraising for and construction of a new White House swimming pool. Stiles and Mueller served as the White House coordinators for this project. The collection also includes materials on Stiles' responsibilities and interests in the areas of housing and the Bicentennial celebration.
Transcripts of interviews conducted by scholar William Syers in the course of his research on the effect of Gerald Ford's Congressional career on his approach to the Presidency. Interviewees include: William Baroody Jr., Philip Buchen, Pat Butler, Richard Cheney (closed), Barber Conable, Glenn Davis, Max Friedersdorf, Charles Goodell, Bryce Harlow, Robert Hartmann, Joseph Jenckes, William Kendall, Tom Korologos, Melvin Laird, Charles Leppert, Thomas Loeffler, Patrick O'Donnell, Roger Porter, Patrick Rowland, Hugh Scott, and L. William Seidman.