Material relating to the daily operations of Campaign’76 Media Communications, Inc., especially its work on Gerald R. Ford’s campaign advertising for the 1976 primary elections. The collection is mostly comprised of his office files including memoranda, correspondence, brochures, bumper stickers, news clippings, market research materials, and advertising copy.
Materials concerning the compilation and publication of "News & Comment," a daily news summary of articles editorials and political cartoons from the national print and television press. Also included is a small research file on 1976 campaign issues, coverage and Ford opponents.
Materials concerning White House liaison with the news media, excluding the White House Press Corps. Included is information on media briefings and receptions, press interviews with the President, local and regional press conferences, and coordination of Federal Government public relations efforts.
Press clippings, interview and press briefing transcripts, speech texts, press releases, and briefing books used by the White House Communications Office, as well as subject files of newspaper articles on the post-presidency of Richard Nixon and on Congress' investigation in 1975 of Northrop Corporation's foreign arms sales.
Routine scheduling correspondence and other letters drafted for L. William Seidman's signature, Seidman schedules, reference files of press releases and similar nearprint material, and material on office procedures.
Material compiled by Weidenfeld and the East Wing Press Office staff documenting Mrs. Ford's activities and the press office operation. Included are files concerning daily events, trips, plans for head of state visits, Mrs. Ford's campaign involvement and activities and background on the Ford children.
This collection primarily documents Weidenfeld's tenure as the Press Secretary to First Lady Betty Ford, Mrs. Ford's activities, press operations, Weidenfeld's personal correspondence, and materials related to the writing of Weidenfeld’s book, First Lady’s Lady. This collection is temporarily closed under the terms of the donor's deed of gift.
This collection contains the supporting materials collected by Roy Wetzel over the years while making audio and video recordings of presidential national conventions and elections and other political events. The papers also document Wetzel’s activities as an NBC News executive and leader and innovator in the field of news media and political analysis.
Small subject and chronological files concerning his work as an aide to White House Counsellor Anne Armstrong and later with the Economic Policy Board. Topics include: Council on Wage and Price Stability, Federal Property Council, World Food Conference, economics, and the organization and operation of the Economic Policy Board.
The White House Budget Files are a fragmentary collection of materials relating to White House Office budget and appropriations hearings for fiscal years 1975, 1976, and 1977. The collection primarily documents costs of White House Office staff.
This collection consists of bulk public opinion mail on a variety of topics and issues, including the pardon of Richard Nixon, Common Situs picketing legislation, amnesty for draft evaders, GI Bill, Vietnam veterans, New York City financial crisis, and energy, among others. Another major component of this collection is the uncategorized bulk mail received from children and adults.The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library saved an appropriate sample of general opinion mail from each of the major bulk mail subject areas, with a few exceptions, most notably the Nixon pardon, where staff retained…
The White House Central Files Name File is an important component of the Ford administration’s White House Central Files (WHCF), and it served two purposes. It was used to file routine materials which were not classified by subject and it was also used as a cross reference or finding aid to material filed in the Subject File, indexing not only correspondents but also names mentioned in documents. Material is filed alphabetically by name of the individual, company, or organization. If names (e.g., Federal agencies or officials) have been assigned a WHCF Subject File file code, cross…
The heart of the WHCF is its Subject File. It contains information on nearly everything and everyone associated with the Ford administration. Sixty basic subject categories divide into over 1,000 subcategories using alphanumeric file codes, e.g. CO-Countries has a subcategory CO 75 Japan, and FI-Finance has a subcategory FI 4 Budget-Appropriations. Generally higher level materials are in yellow-labeled "Executive" folders, while samples of public opinion mail and similarly routine materials are in green-labeled "General" folders. Click on the names of the primary Subject File categories below…
This collection consists of two series: KARDEX Directories and Outgoing Correspondence Indexes.KARDEX Directories (Boxes 1-3, 1 linear foot). This series consists of computer printouts of KARDEX directories. There are five directories: last name; state or country, thereunder by last name; category, thereunder by last name; first name; and state or country, thereunder by first name. Each directory includes information on presidential acquaintances, athletes, celebrities, politicians, and other prominent individuals. An individual record includes the following fields: name, address, and…
WHCA selectively created, or acquired, videorecordings of news and public affairs broadcasts from the national networks CBS, NBC, and ABC; the public broadcast station WETA in Washington, DC; and various local station affiliates. Program examples include: news special reports, national presidential addresses and press conferences, local presidential events, guest interviews of administration officials, appearances of Ford family members, and the 1976 Republican Convention and Ford-Carter debates.
WHCA created weekly compilation tapes of selected stories from the evening news broadcasts of the CBS, NBC, and ABC television networks. It offered these “Weekly News Summaries” to White House staff via an internal cable TV system. The stories range across a host of national political, domestic policy, and foreign affairs topics.
The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) recorded audio of First Lady Betty Ford’s public remarks at the White House and a few other locations. The table below is based on WHCA’s inventory log. Actual tape times may differ from what was indicated by the White House staff. Use the search capabilities in your PDF reader program to locate specific people or keywords in this table. There are no copyright restrictions with these tapes. WHCA did not make audio recordings of Mrs. Ford’s other speeches and statements.
The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) recorded President Ford's speeches, news conferences, and other public statements. The table below lists these recordings and is based on WHCA’s daily inventory log. Actual tape times may differ from what was indicated by the White House staff. Use the search capabilities in your PDF reader program to locate specific people or keywords in this table. There are no copyright restrictions with these recordings. A select group of audio recordings are available as WAV and MP3 Files through links in the table below. To purchase a copy of additional…
The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) made a few audio recordings of Ford family interviews. The table below lists these recordings and is based on WHCA’s daily log inventory. Actual tape times may differ from what was indicated by the White House staff. There are no copyright restrictions with these tapes. WHCA did not make audio recordings of other statements by the Ford family.
The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) recorded press briefings by various officials, press pool reports, and occasional other events during the administration of Gerald Ford. The table below lists these recordings and is based on WHCA’s daily inventory log. Actual tape times may differ from what was indicated by the White House staff. Use the search capabilities in your PDF reader program to locate specific people or keywords in this log. There are no copyright restrictions with these tapes. To purchase a copy of these recordings, locate transcripts (when available), or for more…
The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) recorded many of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller’s speeches, news conferences, and public statements made at the White House and other Washington, D.C. locations. The table below lists these recordings and is based on WHCA’s daily inventory log. Actual tape times may differ from what was indicated by the White House staff. Use the search capabilities in your PDF reader program to locate specific people or keywords in this log. There are no copyright restrictions with these tapes. WHCA did not make audio recordings of other Rockefeller speeches or…
Detailed logs and abstracts of incoming congressional mail plus carbon copies of outgoing correspondence arranged alphabetically by the name of the Representative or Senator.
Records related to the disposition of gifts exchanged between members of the First Family and foreign and domestic donors. Included are a head of state gift exchange register, declarations of receipt, gift lists, card catalogs, letters of acknowledgement, and packing lists.
Passenger lists for all air and helicopter flights made by President Ford and the First Family, and an invitations file of Richard L. Lawson, head of the Office of the Military Aide from July 1973, until his resignation in March 1975.
The office provided still-photographic coverage of Gerald Ford's day-to-day activities as Vice President and President. David Kennerly, a photojournalist whom Ford met while Vice President, and four other photographers, shot approximately 290,000 photos of Mr. Ford and his staff and family. They took the photos in White House meeting rooms, offices, and the family residence; at Camp David and aboard Air Force One; during trips overseas, vacations in Colorado , and campaign swings. Kennerly enjoyed exceptional access to the President. White House photographers also documented Vice President…
The bulk of the materials are routine requests for photographs, slides, and other photo related services; administrative concerns of budget, workload, office policy, staffing, facilities, and equipment are also documented.
White House volunteers created this detailed card index to press releases from Ford's speeches, announcements, interviews, statements, press conferences, and messages. Over 200,000 entries give keyword or phrase, the context phrase, and full text citation. The entries cover subjects from Mass Assured Destruction to broomcorn imports, and places from China to Latvia. Researchers can easily acquire photocopies of entries by mail or telephone inquiry.
A chronological set of press releases issued by either the White House Press Release Unit or the Press Secretary's office covering all aspects of the Ford White House. Included are transcripts of speeches, briefings, and press conferences; schedules; biographies; proposed legislation; press pool reports; etc.
Case files on both public and private bills passed by Congress and sent to President for signature or veto. The case files contain recommendations from the agencies interested in the legislation, the Office of Management and Budget, the Domestic Council, and the White House staff along with summaries of the bills and draft signing or veto statements.
Photostatic copies of notes taken by White House staff members during senior staff meetings. Ford Library staff assembled these documents from several individual collections at the Library. The notes are arranged chronologically, and a folder of background material begins the collection.
Mail from the general public sent to First Lady Betty Ford, or to both President and Mrs. Ford, on a variety of topics. It includes public opinion mail related to Betty Ford's 60 Minutes interview, her breast cancer surgery, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the Nixon pardon, and Mrs. Ford's prayer for Dr. Maurice Sage. It also includes holiday and occasion cards addressed to the Fords and requests for greetings for special occasions.
This collection consists primarily of outgoing correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters.
This collection consists primarily of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford's East Wing staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters.
This collection consists primarily of outgoing correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters. The collection is arranged alphabetically by child's name, thereunder alphabetically by name of correspondent or category. A container list is unavailable.
This collection consists primarily of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters.
This collection consists primarily of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters. The collection is arranged by White House Social Office Central Files file code, thereunder chronologically. A copy of the filing manual is available in the research room.Oversized attachments found in this series were removed from their original filing location by the…
Materials accumulated by the Special Files Unit on President Ford's preparations for his debates with Jimmy Carter, his review of federal agency budget requests, and selected issues considered sensitive.
A random 3% sample of carbon copies of telegrams received and dispatched by the White House Telegraph and Travel Section. The collection contains no information on the operation of the Telegraph and Travel Section.
The White House Usher's Office, headed by Rex Scouten, was responsible for White House Executive Residence operations. This collection includes materials pertaining to staff appointments, events, swimming pool construction, Christmas preparations, budgets and expenditures, and construction of a warehouse for storage of furnishings. Also included in the collection is material related to the production of a film on the history of the White House.
The collection includes separate chronological files of memoranda and correspondence concerning various aspects of the work of White and her staff, and a fragmentary subject file relating to the organization and operation of the Communications Office, including a significant file of notes taken at White House senior staff meetings.
Whyte was a U.S. Steel Corporation executive and friend of Gerald R. Ford. Photocopies of a scrapbook containing miscellaneous 1974-75 magazine and newspaper clippings and photographs concerning his long friendship with Gerald R. Ford.
Material concerning his career in the State Department, especially Micronesian status negotiations; his work on human rights, refugees and humanitarian affairs; and his service in Thailand and the Philippines.
Material concerning his work on legislation, congressional liaison, issues, and office administration while serving as the deputy director of the White House Congressional Relations Office. The most significant documentation concerns a variety of national security and foreign policy issues, including the Vietnamese War and investigations of the intelligence community, although some material on domestic issues appears. Included are minutes of some congressional leadership meetings with the President, 9/75-6/76.