Transcripts, audio and video recordings for oral histories conducted by staff members of the Ford Library with Ford administration officials, White House staff members, journalists, and others.
Gergen served in the Ford administration as special counsel to the president for communications and subsequently as director of the Office of Communications. His files reflect a broad spectrum of responsibilities including speechwriting, preparing the president for the campaign debates, overseeing the preparation of the president's question and answer briefing books, scheduling surrogate campaign speakers, handling media relations and various campaign-related special assignments.
Materials concerning his work on White House liaison with the academic world and with Jewish groups. The bulk of this collection is routine in nature, but some substantive materials on such issues as affirmative action, crime and the Arab Boycott appear.
Working closely with White House Chiefs of Staff Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney, Goldwin organized a series of seminars attended by the President on such topics as the world food situation, affirmative action, ethnicity, and jobs and unemployment. Goldwin's papers also reflect his involvement drafting occasional speeches for the President, his frequent contacts with prominent intellectuals nationwide, and his association with Donald Rumsfeld at NATO and the Defense Department. Other noteworthy subjects within the Goldwin Papers include the Cabinet and White House staff…
Extensive materials on President Ford's clemency program for Vietnam War draft evaders and military absence offenders, including minutes of meetings, case summaries, report drafts and internal memoranda. Also included are materials on Goodell's activities as a lawyer/lobbyist with a company called DGA International working on such issues as privacy legislation, Concorde landing rights, automobile emissions, and other personal interests and activities.
Materials relating to the formulation and implementation of the public information program of the Office of Education, and the total public relations effort of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
Materials concerning his work as Deputy Director of the Economic Policy Board for domestic economic policy, especially his duties as an administration spokesperson and liaison with departments and agencies. Substantive issues material appears on such topics as the domestic footwear industry, product liability insurance, air brake standards, the New York City financial crisis, the Task Force on Questionable Corporate Payment Abroad, and proposed amendments to the Clean Air Act.
Seven people who knew Gerald Ford as a young man discuss their acquaintanceships, Grand Rapids politics in the 1930's and 1940's, and Ford's 1948 congressional campaign. Included are interviews with Arthur G. Brown, Philip W. Buchen, Kay Clark, Paul G. and Maraget E. Goebel, Dorothy L. Judd, Willard B. Ver Meulen, and Niel A. Weathers.
The collection contains student publications, including yearbooks and literary magazines (also containing school news), of South High School in Grand Rapids, Michigan from the period 1927-1931. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. attended the school at that time and his picture or name appears in many of the publications.
Materials on White House and Department of Defense relations with the news media, and on President Ford’s campaign committee for the 1976 presidential election. Included is information on press briefings, liaison with the media during presidential trips, the organization and operation of the White House and DOD press offices, and the campaign advocates program in the general election campaign against Jimmy Carter.
This collection consists of passenger manifests of flights made by President Ford, Mrs. Ford, and the Ford family on government-owned aircraft. Also included is a chronological list of Air Force One trips of President Ford and a map of Camp David. Mr. Gulley donated additional items to the Ford Museum.