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This collection contains index cards prepared by Anne Kamstra documenting autograph requests for President Ford. Cards typically include the recipient's name and address, requester's name, suggested inscription, date of request, and date answered. Most requests are for signed photographs; some requests are for items provided by the requester, including programs, newspapers, and quilts. Occasionally, cards are accompanied by correspondence between Kamstra and other staff members discussing whether or not to fulfill the request, and if so, how.ARRANGEMENTThe first two sections ("Special File"…
This collection consists of printed material and memorabilia from assorted presidential campaigns from 1896 to 2008.
The collection consists of files documenting contacts with senators and their aides regarding pending legislation, appointments and routine requests; and advising the president on congressional votes and views on legislation. Topics include Vietnam, military spending, intelligence community oversight and energy issues, as well as other matters.
Materials concerning a wide variety of legal matters and legislation. Prominent topics include busing for school desegregation, the Arab boycott of U.S. firms dealing with Israel, the Vietnam-era clemency program, and the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism. Included are sizable files which she inherited from Philip Buchen, Roderick Hills, and Jay French on issues which they had previously handled. A series concerning Secret Service protection remains unprocessed and unavailable for research.
This collection contains materials relating to Virginia Knauer's work as Director of the Office of Consumer Affairs under the Nixon and Ford administrations. The materials document consumer programs, budget development, and implementation of the President's Consumer Representation Plan, as well as related speeches, press releases and publications.
The papers consist of nine speeches delivered by Kontos, thirteen reports to Congress and five general reports covering the history, formation, role and status of the Sinai Support Mission (SSM) and its overseas arm, the Sinai Field Mission (SFM), and the use of sensor technology as a peacekeeping tool.
Materials concerning economic policy analysis and advice prepared for Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs, L. William Seidman, especially in the areas of the organization and operation of the Economic Policy Board and the March 1975 quarterly economic review. Also, materials on his work as White House liaison with the Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations during the time between the resignation of one Special Trade Representative and the appointment of a successor.
Myron B. Kuropas joined the White House staff in January 1976 as Special Assistant for Ethnic Affairs. This newly created position was assigned to the Office of Public Liaison (OPL) and reported directly to William J. Baroody, Jr. Kuropas was responsible for White House liaison with leaders of major ethnic organizations, including fraternal, civic, religious and academic associations. He met with representatives of ethnic groups, represented the White House at ethnic functions, advised the President on ethnic concerns and worked with federal agencies on programs regarding ethnic…
Materials relating primarily to Kuropas's work as Special Assistant to the President for Ethnic Affairs in 1976, including arrangements for meetings with ethnic groups and background information on ethnic issues. A few items concern his duties in 1977 as Legislative Assistant to Senator Robert Dole.