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Memoranda, schedule proposals and briefing papers documenting Alexander Haig's duties as President Ford's chief of staff. Topics include various aspects of the transition: personnel, the selection of a new vice president, arrangements for Nixon's post-presidential life, and arrangements concerning the new president's schedule. Also included is the collection is a file of routine personal correspondence.
This collection consists of textual and audiovisual materials related to the planning and execution of community events held in conjunction with the dedication of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in September 1981. The textual materials, which consist of press releases, schedules, correspondence, agendas, and minutes, document the work of the Gerald R. Ford Museum Dedication Committee’s Community Events Committee headed by Peter Secchia. These events celebrated the opening of the Ford Museum, and included a lecture series, fireworks, and the dedication ceremony, among others. There is…
The collection consists primarily of Norman Ross's and James Falk's files from their work on the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico. Halper, a journalist, inherited and used the files while serving as a part-time consultant.
Materials concerning civil service, federal government labor-management relations, equal employment opportunity, the Civil Service Commission, the Federal Labor Relations Council, and the National Academy of Public Administration.
Vice President Nelson Rockefeller conducted a series of meetings around the country to gauge public domestic policy concerns. Hanzlik handled the logistics, staff, and records of proceedings but not policy evaluation or follow-up. A small portion of this file concerns Hanzlik's work as an assistant to Stephen McConahey handling intergovernmental relations.
Hartmann, a senior adviser to the President, oversaw the work of the White House Editorial Staff and White House liaison with Republican Party organizations. His files concern the drafting of presidential speeches, statements, messages, and correspondence; political affairs, especially Republican Party liaison and the 1976 presidential election; presidential appointments to federal government positions; the appointment of a new Vice President in 1974; and a wide variety of issues.
Materials concerning Hartmann's early life; his career as a reporter and bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, public relations aide for the Republican Conference of the U.S. House of Representatives, and senior advisor to Gerald R. Ford (1969-77); and the drafting of his memoir Palace Politics:  An Inside Account of the Ford Years.
Routine and incomplete material related to White House production of presidential messages of a congratulatory nature and some campaign-related messages to groups and individuals.
Material concerning White House efforts to identify administration spokesmen to fill key speaking invitations that the President could not accept.  The bulk of the collection dates from 1976.
Photocopies of the final texts of public speeches and statements by Carla A. Hills while she was Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, March 1975 - January 1977.
Materials from his work in the Ford White House and the Securities and Exchange Commission. They concern economics, federal government regulation of financial institutions and businesses, the SEC, and corporate governance. Additional papers concerning his post-government career remain unprocessed and closed to research.
Material relating primarily to his work with the Atomic Energy Commission (1971-1973), the Department of Defense (1973-1975), and the Department of the Army (1975-1977). In addition to documents on atomic energy and national security matters, the collection contains information on agency legal matters, the honor code at the U.S. Military Academy, and the work of James Schlesinger (initially as AEC administrator and later as Secretary of Defense). The collection also concerns Hoffmann’s later work (1988) on the Defense Secretary’s Commission on Base Realignment and Closure.
Materials concerning his Vietnam-era military service and participation in the Ford administration’s clemency program.
Materials primarily related to the daily administration of White House Office spending, personnel actions and allocations, office space, passes, equipment, mess privileges and other perquisites, and more. Some material relates to other Executive branch personnel appointments or to administration of the Executive Office of the President. Additionally, there is an extensive set of formal briefing papers for Presidential meetings and events, arranged by date.
This collection contains material used by Jonathan D. Hoornstra in the course of his work on President Gerald Ford's daily news summary staff.
Prominent topics include domestic and international aviation, Department of Transportation budgets, highways, motor vehicle safety and energy efficiency, railroads, trucking, mass transit, domestic waterways and transportation industries regulatory reform. There is a small file on federal paperwork reduction.
Materials on the administration of the Presidential Clemency Board covering such matters as budget/finance, personnel, training, board organization and workflow, and public comments. Documents include regulations, meeting minutes, training manuals, decision lists, and pardon recommendations.
Hullin's chronological file of outgoing letters, memoranda and other documents primarily concerning his work on housing, urban affairs, disaster relief, growth policy, and sports (especially the Olympic Games). Also included are two briefing books. The bulk of his files were dispersed to other Domestic Council staff members upon his departure from the White House.
Materials concerning the development of Ford administration environmental policies in such areas as pollution, ocean policy, effects of energy policy on the environment, wildlife, parks and recreation, and control of coyote attacks on sheep.
Papers concerning his work as a Congressman, especially his activities as a member of the House Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee files relate not only to legislation, but also to such topics as the 1970 attempt to impeach Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, the Nixon impeachment hearings, and the confirmation hearings for the nominations of Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President. Also included in the collection is material on legislation, political affairs, House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, Commission on the Revision of the Federal…
Interviews with 20 Ford administration staff, including Richard Cheney, Max Friedersdorf, Robert Hartmann, Jerry Jones, W. Allen Moore, Donald Ogilvie, Roger Porter, Michael Raoul-Duval and Glenn Schleede. The interviews provided information for a joint research project on enrolled bill processing, legislative clearance and annual programming over several presidential administrations.
This collection contains material primarily documenting William G. Hyland's post- government career, in particular his tenure as editor of Foreign Affairs but includes some material from his government service during the Nixon and Ford administrations.