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This collection documents Robert Teeter’s role as a leader in survey research and his work as a key campaign strategist for Republican presidential, gubernatorial, and senatorial candidates, including Richard Nixon’s 1972 re-election campaign, Gerald Ford’s 1976 campaign, and George H. W. Bush’s 1992 re-election campaign (of which he was the national chairman). It also documents his work for Market Opinion Research and Coldwater Corporation, including public opinion surveys conducted for NBC News/The Wall Street Journal, The Council for Excellence in Government, and the Educational…
TerHorst, in preparation for his press briefings, August 9-September 6, 1974, gathered such material as schedules, draft announcements, and guidance prepared by the National Security Council and other staff. Also included is courtesy correspondence with well-wishers. There is no documentation concerning the Nixon pardon or terHorst's resignation over it. Some office files from the period are in the Ron Nessen Files and the Ron Nessen Papers.
The White House Central Files (WHCF) was a filing and retrieval system shared by President Ford and his staff. It includes many of their communications with each other, federal agencies, Members of Congress, and individuals and institutions across the spectrum of American public and private life. Some routine foreign government correspondence is included as well. A president's WHCF begins the day he takes office and ends the day he leaves (for Ford, August 9, 1974-January 20, 1977).The Ford Domestic Council and National Security Council staffs also used the WHCF. The latter mostly limited its…
Primarily printed materials related to GOP congressional and presidential campaigns of the 1960s and early 1970s. Includes RNC and RNCC publications, training seminar manuals, polls and research reports, commercial advertising packets, newsletters, candidate pamphlets and correspondence. Also included are 1975 White House Weekly Presidential Mail Sample Reports.
Primarily case files on presidential speeches, articles and other public statements. A file typically includes background material, drafts, and final text. Also included are Theis's and Orben's chronological files and some office administrative files.
Material compiled by Timmons and his assistant Powell Moore from August to December 1974 and Timmons' routine personal correspondence from 1969 to 1974. The files document the organization of the White House legislative liaison staff and contacts between Timmons and individual Members of Congress on pending legislation, presidential appointments and routine political matters.
This scrapbook consists of textual materials and photographs compiled by James L. Trimpe related to the 30-30 Club. The club, which met annually on Thanksgiving Day, consisted of the members of the 1930 All-City championship football team of South High School (Grand Rapids, Michigan). The name of the club comes from the year and the number of players, 30. The collection consists of club reports and correspondence, group photographs, and newspaper clippings primarily related to the 1974 team reunion hosted by Gerald Ford (a 30-30 Club member) at the White House.