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Case files containing background materials and drafts for speeches and testimony from his work in both the Department of the Treasury and the Department of the Navy. In addition, the collection includes a chronological file of his outgoing Treasury memoranda and correspondence, routine personal correspondence, and Treasury Department news summaries from the Carter administration.
Material related to White House liaison with Hispanics, and in particular with Cuban-Americans and Puerto Rican-Americans during the final months of the 1976 Presidential campaign.
Marrs handled White House liaison with interest groups not specifically assigned to other staff members of the Public Liaison Office. These associations were interested in veterans affairs, military matters, Indian affairs, medicine and health, education, religion, ethnic affairs, old age, and business. Among the issues he handled were Vietnam War amnesty, military personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia, and Indochina refugees. The Marrs Files include much substantive material and are a significant research resource.
Marsh was a senior advisor who oversaw the White House Congressional Relations and Public Liaison Offices. He had additional responsibilities relating to the 1975 investigations of the intelligence community, the Bicentennial celebration, various matters relating to former President Richard Nixon, and the 1977 transition. His files also span a wide variety of domestic and foreign policy matters, but only occasional items concern political affairs.
This collection contains material documenting foreign and domestic travel planning for the Vice-President, President, and First Lady.
Materials on her work as Domestic Council Assistant Director on such topics as abortion, problems of the aging and the handicapped, child welfare, health care, and medical research. Massengale also handled historic preservation, fine arts, and other cultural issues.
Microfilm copy of memoranda, correspondence, messages, publications and other material of David Mathews as Secretary of HEW. The microfilming and description were done at The University of Alabama.
Subject and chronological files concerning his work on the development of domestic policy in the area of drug abuse, privacy, small and minority businesses, housing and urban affairs, Olympic sports, the Postal Service, telecommunications policy, regulatory reform, and legal matters.
Extensive background files of newsclippings, reports, articles, speeches, and radio transcripts on a broad range of subjects. They were used as a reference aid to editorial office staff in verifying the factual accuracy of White House statements. Also included are copies of speeches and remarks sent to this office for fact and style checking.
McConahey handled liaison and policy coordination with state, local, and territorial governments and related organizations such as the National Governors' Conference and the National League of Cities. Community development, energy and environmental policies, revenue sharing, the 1976 campaign, and federal aid are typical issues. A smaller portion of the collection derives from his work on transportation issues such as no-fault insurance and highway projects.
Materials on economic policy and conditions accumulated during McCracken's three-week appointment to help with the 1974 Conference on Inflation and Ford's subsequent special economic address.
Materials relating to McLennan’s activities as director of the National Volunteer Desk of People for Ford during the 1976 general election campaign. The collection consists of her overview, assessment, and final statistical reporting on the National Volunteer Desk, as well as a portion of the volunteer contact information that the program compiled.
The collection contains correspondence between civil engineer Melvin Medema of Grand Rapids and Congressman Gerald Ford from throughout Ford’s congressional career. The letters discuss in some detail such topics as health issues, military appropriations, grain sent to India, Hoover Commission, Taft-Hartley Act amendments, government spending, Vietnam War, and busing. Two Ford form letters from the Vice Presidential and Presidential years are also included.
This is primarily a personal reference collection of reports, memoranda, speeches, and briefing and study material from David Meeker’s work at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and elsewhere. Major topics include HUD programs for housing, community development, disaster assistance, national growth policy, urban policy, and the celebration of the Bicentennial.
This collection consists of audiocassettes and transcripts of interviews of former President Gerald R. Ford, Ford White House staff, agency officials, and congressmen. Yanek Mieczkowski conducted the interviews in support of his scholarly works, including his book, Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s. The interviews focus heavily on Gerald Ford’s response to the economic and energy crises of the 1970s, relations with Congress, 1975 State of the Union Address, and the 1976 Presidential campaign.
The collection primarily contains marine telegrams between Charles T. Miller, captain of the merchant ship SS Mayaguez, and officials from Sea-Land Service, Inc., the ship’s parent company.  The messages were exchanged shortly before the ship and crew were seized by Khmer Rouge armed forces and after they were recovered by U.S. armed forces in May 1975.  The majority of the telegrams discuss business matters after the rescue, including reports on the ship and crew; requests for interviews; and concerns about a lawsuit filed by some crew members against Sea-Land Service, Inc. and…
Position papers on issues and administration accomplishments released to the news media and routine correspondence concerning press relations and the production of the White House news summary.
Materials include position papers on issues and administration accomplishments released to the news media, routine correspondence concerning press relations, and speeches and press interviews of Vice President Ford. The bulk of the collection, however, consists of newspaper clippings, wire stories, and press releases.
The collection documents Mitler's liaison activities with Bicentennial groups and Vietnam War MIA/POW groups. It also describes his occasional handling of White House meetings with veterans, educational, medical and religious organizations.
Materials primarily concerning long-range planning studies on Social Security financing and welfare reform with smaller amounts on a variety of other domestic issues, federal support for EXPO '81 in California, and Domestic Council administration.
Material concerning the work of Morton and his assistant Timothy Austin in advising the President in the period between February and April 1976. As a Counsellor to the President, Morton often advised the President on a variety of issues, but his files focus on political affairs, especially White House liaison with the Republican National Committee and the President Ford Committee and the Ford - Reagan contest for the Republican presidential nomination.
Michael H. Moskow was a federal government official with the Council of Economic Advisers, Department of Labor, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Council on Wage and Price Stability, and Office of U.S. Trade Representative. The collection contains materials from economist Moskow’s work as a senior official in several departments and agencies during the Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George H.W. Bush administrations. They concern such topics as collective bargaining, labor disputes, employment, economic policies, wage and price policies, and U.S. trade.
Office files on the General Revenue Sharing program.