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Falk handled White House liaison with U.S. territorial, state and local government officials and their organizations and lobbies. Renewal of the general revenue sharing program and the economic impact of military base closings are typical and prominent concerns.
This collection contains materials documenting White House tour operations and visitor-related special events.
Speech material, including notes, drafts, and press copies, produced by Richard L. Feltner while serving as Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Consumer Services.
Correspondence concerning the 1976 election, especially presidential messages, telegrams, candidate endorsements, and fundraising.
A chronological file of Fisher's outgoing memoranda and correspondence plus two briefing books. The materials concern the management of energy and mineral leases on public lands and the continental shelf, ocean mining, mine safety and health issues, the work of the Geological Survey, mineral and energy stockpiles, the Naval Petroleum Reserve, and the Energy Resources Council.
Materials concerning his work on urban affairs, minority business, and other issues of interest to Black Americans during 1976.
This Ford Library Project File is a copy set of all formerly classified documents opened, wholly or partly, since November 1, 2008 under the Remote Archive Capture (RAC) program described below. Earlier RAC releases are not included. The Project File includes copies from both processed and unprocessed collections. It is intended as a convenience to researchers, affording expedited access to declassified information from unprocessed/closed collections. It also allows returning researchers to more easily discover newly declassified information from previously processed/open…
This collection consists of copies of materials opened, in whole or in part, as a result of Ford Library compliance with a National Security Council mandate to search for and have reviewed for declassification all materials relating to questionable activities in Chile from 1970 on, especially regarding Augusto Pinochet. Included are documents about the kidnapping and death of General Rene Schneider, the election of and coup against Salvador Allende, and the 1976 bombing in Washington, D.C. that killed former Chilean ambassador Orlando Letelier. In some cases this may be the only…
This collection consists of copies of items opened, in whole or in part, as a result of Ford Library compliance with the President Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. This legislation mandated the review of all records related to President Kennedy’s assassination. In some cases this may be the only location in the Library where the item is currently available for research as the documents were often selected from unprocessed collections. Subjects include the assassination itself and subsequent investigations, but also anti-Castro activities, organized crime…
This collection documents Betty Ford’s activities during her time as the wife of Vice President Gerald Ford and then First Lady. It includes correspondence and other materials related to trips, local events, state dinners, activities, family activities, and personal interests during the White House period. It also includes Christmas cards that the Fords received during the 1973 holiday season.
Material that pertains to former First Lady Betty Ford's public life and activities after she left the White House in 1977. The collection includes correspondence, schedules, speeches, planning materials and other information about her involvement in many groups, including the Betty Ford Center. It especially documents her work on issues such as cancer, alcohol, and drug abuse awareness and treatments.
Collection of letters, photographs, scrapbook materials, and books that were set apart by Gerald Ford, Betty Ford or their staff and deemed to have special value.  Most of the materials were given to the Fords by world leaders, other presidents, politicians, celebrities, prominent individuals, and personal friends.
Material concerning President Ford's service in the Navy during World War II and in the inactive reserve, 1946-1963, plus the history of the USS Monterey, the aircraft carrier on which he served in 1943 and 1944. Included are copies of his official Navy personnel file, Mr. Ford's own file of orders and correspondence, and materials on the Monterey sent to Mr. Ford by former shipmates.
Ford's campaigns, voting record, bill sponsorship, speeches, newsletters, and press releases are documented, 1948-73. Ford's work on House committees to 1965, and as Minority Leader thereafter, is thinly documented with the exception of his membership on the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (Warren Commission). The Ford office routinely destroyed many non-current files until 1964, when the University of Michigan approached Ford about the archival deposit of the papers now at the Ford Library. As a result, constituent and interspersed political correspondence,…
Printed Materials, 1947-73. (231 linear feet)When Gerald Ford donated his congressional papers to the Library, he included a large collection of published materials which supplements those papers.  Included are congressional publications (especially those relating to committees on which he served), compilations of laws and regulations, reports of government commissions, publications concerning state government in Michigan, Republican Party publications, 5th Congressional District directories, and routine publications distributed to constituents.While covering Ford's entire…
This collection consists of condolence messages sent to Betty Ford and family following the death of President Gerald R. Ford.
Photocopies from the Truman, Eisenhower, and Johnson libraries and the Nixon Presidential Materials Project of documents and cross-references filed under "Ford, Gerald R." in selected collections, and transcripts of selected telephone conversations concerning the formation of the Warren Commission from the Johnson Library.
This collection contains material documenting Gerald R. Ford’s personal finances and financial activities in and out of government service. The bulk of the collection consists of itemized financial data on income and expenses.
Material concerning the work and activities of former President Gerald Ford after he left the White House in 1977.  The collection includes Ford’s speeches, schedules, correspondence, trips and events, and materials related to the transition from the White House and the operation of the Office of Gerald Ford in Rancho Mirage, California.  It also documents Ford’s involvement in the 1980 presidential campaign, the AEI World Forum, the New Leadership Committee, and his work on various corporate boards.
This collection contains a redacted photocopy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) report detailing the special inquiry into the personal and professional affairs of Gerald R. Ford, nominee for Vice President in 1973. The report, submitted to the Congressional committees charged with investigating the nominee, consists of field office reports and raw investigative data prepared by special agents, along with supporting materials.
This collection contains extensive materials collected by Gerald Ford, his family, and his staff. It contains newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs, invitations and programs, certificates, correspondence, and other memorabilia.  The Scrapbooks date from Ford's high school years through his public life to a few months following his death.
The collection includes material on Ford's congressional career and Vice Presidential confirmation; miscellaneous domestic and foreign policy issues; scheduling, travel and speeches; office organization; and constituent casework and public opinion mail.  However, material on the Watergate affair and relations with the Nixon White House is scattered, and material on the Presidential transition is very limited.
At the end of his administration, Gerald R. Ford contracted with publisher Harper & Row to write his memoirs. Trevor Armbrister, a journalist and correspondent for Reader's Digest, assisted him in the research and writing of the book, entitled A Time to Heal. This collection contains correspondence, notes, audio recordings of interviews, interview transcripts, drafts of chapters, and other materials related to the writing and publication process.The portion of the collection that is available for research are Gerald R. Ford's handwritten personal reflections on twenty-seven different…
From 1929 to 1962, Gerald Ford, Sr., and his sons, Thomas G. Ford and Richard A. Ford compiled a scrapbook documenting the operation of their business firm, the Ford Paint and Varnish Company. Ford Sr. opened the factory in October 1929, three weeks prior to the stock market crash and the beginning of the Great Depression. The enterprise struggled, survived, and flourished until it was sold in 1970. The scrapbook primarily includes newspaper clippings, advertisements, and memoranda from the company to its customers, but also contains product brochures, correspondence, photos,…
Miscellaneous correspondence of Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Gerald R. Ford, Sr. and Dorothy Ford; a selection of Ford family books; and a scrapbook compiled by Thomas G. Ford covering his career as a Michigan state representative and his public relationship with his half-brother, Gerald R. Ford, Jr.
Extensive material on the Vietnam War clemency program for Vietnam-era draft evaders and military absence offenders and French's role as White House liaison with the Presidential Clemency Board. Also more routine information concerning assistance given to the President, First Family, and White House staff on legal matters, foreign and domestic issues, conflicts of interest, presidential powers, personal matters, and standards of conduct.
Material compiled by Friedersdorf from August 1974 until January 1977. The files document Friedersdorf's duties from August until December 1974 as deputy assistant for legislative affairs responsible for liaison with the House of Representatives. The files also illustrate Friedersdorf's enlarged duties as head of the Congressional Relations Office from January 1975 until the end of the administration during which time he was responsible for all liaison between members of Congress and the White House.
Material includes appointment books, courtesy and some official correspondence, First Family schedules, and small subject files on domestic and international matters and Legislative Affairs Office activities.