A (9) | B (20) | C (22) | D (8) | E (3) | F (45) | G (11) | H (22) | J (5) | K (9) | L (12) | M (23) | N (48) | O (8) | P (35) | Q (2) | R (20) | S (22) | T (7) | U (19) | V (5) | W (43) | Z (1)
This collection consists of a complete set of construction drawings for Gerald and Betty Ford's post-Presidential home in Rancho Mirage, CA. The drawings include site plans, elevations, and construction details, and covers structural, mechanical, electrical, landscape, and swimming pool elements. The home was designed for the Fords by the Los Angeles firm Welton Becket Associates. Edward Randall was the swimming pool sub-contractor for the project.
The collection documents a significant portion of his activities as Domestic Council associate director working on energy, environmental and transportation matters; his work on selected political activities in 1976, especially the preparation of the 1976 Republican Party platform; and his work as executive director of the Intelligence Coordinating Group. A separate collection of Raoul-Duval personal papers relating to many of the same topics is also available in the Library.
Notes from presidential meetings and other materials concerning Duval's work on energy, natural resources, transportation and other issues. Also files on the 1976 general election, including campaign strategy and preparations for the Ford-Carter debates, and files on Ford's campaign for the Republican nomination, especially the California primary. Also small files on congressional investigations of the intelligence community and planning for a second Ford term.
These are Federal records, part of National Archives Record Group 220, Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards. The records contain the charter, meeting minutes, position papers, and drafts and finished version of the final report submitted on October 1, 1975.
The records, part of National Archives Record Group 459, consist of files accumulated during the Ford administration by Chairman Alan Greenspan, members Gary L. Seevers, William J. Fellner, Paul W. MacAvoy, and Burton G. Malkiel, and staff economists. The records document the Council's interest in a wide range of domestic and international economic policy topics, and include some files retained from the Nixon administration.
Reed served as assistant Secretary of the Interior in the Nixon and Ford administrations and had responsibility for the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service. His speeches and testimony concern fish and wildlife protection, public lands management, and environmental protection.
The materials document Reichley's work on the 1976 presidential campaign, including general campaign strategy, development of long-range goals and policies, the presidential debates, and statements of President Ford's position on specific issues.
Transcripts, reconstructed from notes, of interviews conducted by Reichley with former Nixon and Ford administration officials from the White House staff, Cabinet departments, National Security Council, Office of Management and Budget, and the Council of Economic Advisers about White House operations, issues faced by the administrations, and the philosophies of the Presidents and their staffs. Also included are interviews with members of Congress about their experiences with the two administrations and interviews focusing on the 1980 Reagan-Bush presidential campaign and transition.
Materials relating primarily to John E. Reinhardt’s work as Director of both the United States Information Agency (USIA) and the United States International Communication Agency (USICA).
Materials relating to the operation of Mr. Ford's vice presidential and White House press offices, liaison with the media for coverage of his trips and public activities, and the President's daily schedules with accompanying documentation.  Also Roberts's tape-recorded personal observations of the Nixon-Ford transition.
Materials primarily covering Robson's tenure as Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board and his activities as an advisor to the Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Bush administrations. Topics include regulatory reform, civil aviation, Civil Aeronautics Board, transportation issues, and economic matters. A later accession 96-NLF-004 (20 feet) is still unprocessed and not available for research.
This case file consist of the FBI's public release / sanitized version of records compiled in connection with its background investigation of Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller for the position of Vice President, including summary material from applicant-type investigations of Rockefeller conducted in 1950, 1952, and 1969. Included are interview reports and summaries, memoranda, correspondence, legal documents, financial statements and news clippings.
The Press Advance Office handled logistical planning and support for media covering the President's foreign and domestic trips. A small subject file includes useful folders on the 1976 campaign and advance procedures. Case files for foreign trips are occasionally substantive. Domestic trip files are very routine with rare exceptions, e.g. New Hampshire, 1976.
The Ross collection covers August 1974 to June 1975 and concerns his work as Assistant Director for Natural Resources at the Domestic Council. The material mainly concerns environmental matters, agriculture, Indian affairs, and U.S. territories.
Material concerning his work on legal matters in the Ford White House, especially in the areas of information and access (Freedom of Information, Nixon Papers, declassification, etc.) and political affairs (Federal Election Commission rulings and decisions, allocation of trip expenses, etc.). Included are folders he inherited from Associate Counsel William Casselman, folders turned over to him by Counsel to the President Philip Buchen, entire series on political travel and White House Special Files administration that he took over from other White House staff members, and Executive…
Hobart Rowen's reference file of miscellaneous materials related to economist and Federal Reserve chairman Arthur Burns. Included are press release texts of speeches, television appearances, and congressional testimony by Burns; printed materials; handwritten notes from discussions and interviews; and various other materials. Alice Rowen, a personal friend of Mrs. Helen Burns, separated and offered this file from her late husband's larger collection, which she had given to Mr. Rowen's alma mater.
Research interviews conducted by Rozell while writing The Press and the Ford Presidency (The University of Michigan Press, 1992). The interviews focus on President Ford's media image, public relations strategies, and press relations. The interviewees include President Ford, Counsellor Robert Hartmann, and Press Secretaries Jerald terHorst and Ron Nessen. Also interviewed were White House Deputy Press Secretaries John G. Carlson, William Greener, and Gerald Warren; Assistant Press Secretaries John W. "Bill" Roberts, Larry Speakes, and Louis M. Thompson, Jr.; and Margita White (Assistant Press…
Fragmentary files concerning his work in coordinating economic policy and advising President Ford on economic matters in the first three weeks of the Ford administration. Topics include: food production and pricing, crude oil price equalization, wage and price policies, and the FY1975 budget.
This collection contains correspondence, calendars, schedules, schedule proposals, briefing papers, Cabinet meeting minutes, foreign travel requests, and publications compiled or created by Presidential Scheduling office staff that document Scheduling Office operations and the activities of the President, First Family, Vice President, Cabinet, and political appointees.
Ryan's chronological file (April 1975 - March 1976) of carbon copies of outgoing letters, memoranda and other documents on her work on consumer and cultural affairs. The bulk of her files were dispersed to other Domestic Council staff members upon her departure from the White House.