Files concerning the planning of Office of Public Liaison meetings with groups and individuals in the private sector, various other transmissions of information from the public to the government, President Ford's consumer initiatives, and presidential personnel appointments.
Chronologically-arranged photocopies of selected Central Intelligence Agency Staff Notes, Weekly Reviews, and issues of the National Intelligence Daily and National Intelligence Bulletin; Department of State INR morning summaries, memos and memoranda of conversations; and Defense Intelligence Agency documents regarding intelligence issues and findings. Also included are National Security Council documents as well as an almost complete collection of National Security Decision Memoranda from 1969 to 1976. The documents cover an extensive range of foreign policy and national security topics and…
Materials relating to both an effort in 1960 to secure the Republican Vice Presidential nomination for Ford and Ford's 1970 and 1972 congressional election campaigns. Also included are records related to the 1968 Nixon campaign activities in Michigan. Among other materials are a few Jack Stiles White House files concerning the book, Portrait of the Assassin, President Ford's papers, a pro-Ford song, and an audio recording of a television program featuring the 1972 Michigan Fifth Congressional District Democratic primary election candidates.
Material concerning his work organizing White House meetings and briefings for business and trade associations, and other aspects of liaison work with these groups.
Working papers of Robert Visser, Legal Counsel for the President Ford Committee (PFC) and material that he collected from other PFC offices for legal and historical reasons. Major topics include ballot security, campaign travel, delegate selection, federal and state election laws, the Federal Election Commission, campaign finance, insurance, campaign volunteers, Republican National Convention rules, and the creation of both the 1976 Presidential Campaign Liquidation Trust and Campaign '76 Media Communications, Inc.