A (15) | B (13) | C (11) | D (15) | E (11) | F (12) | G (41) | H (5) | I (1) | J (32) | K (4) | L (4) | M (20) | N (48) | O (1) | P (42) | R (33) | S (14) | T (7) | U (18) | V (2) | W (49) | Y (1)
The Presidential Messages Office (PMO) provided the President with written messages of commendation to the public, expressing his greetings and good will (see Appendix A). Director Eliska Hasek authored statements and messages in the styles of Presidents Johnson and Nixon in her prior White House experience. She joined the Ford administration in August, 1974. The Hasek collection includes the files of Associate Director Michael S.
The Elizabeth O'Neill files consist of press releases, magazine articles, newspaper clippings, carbons of outgoing public correspondence, and occasional memoranda compiled by O'Neill and her predecessors, Marba Perrott, Thomas McCoy, and Mrs. Ford's personal assistant, Nancy Howe.
RELATED MATERIALSAdditional documents pertaining to the design and construction of the home are located in the Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files, General Subject File series, under "Ford - Rancho Mirage Residence".
Eric Rosenberger and his successor, Douglass Blaser, directed White House press advance. Press advance was assistance to the White House press corps, the local press, and press office staff during all presidential trips outside the White House. Such assistance might include: visas, credentialling, air and ground transportation, lodging, camera lighting, press positions, equipment and space for filing stories, and organization of press pools.
A veteran press officer in the foreign affairs field, Edward Savage came to the White House press office as a consultant on detail from the State Department. In December 1974 he was named assistant press secretary for foreign affairs, a position he held until his resignation in June 1975. In this capacity Savage met daily with press secretary Ron Nessen to discuss developments in foreign affairs and served as liaison with the foreign press. He worked closely with foreign embassies on details of visits by heads of their governments and in press arrangements when President Ford
Political historians, Edward and Frederick Schapsmeier, have co-authored several works on politicians of the twentieth century including books on Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, journalist Walter Lippman, and Vice-President Henry Wallace. In 1987 they drafted a biography of President Ford and submitted it to him for comments and corrections. President Ford made several emendations in pencil. They mostly reflect corrections to factual material and consist of little commentary by President Ford on the detailed events that the Schapsmeiers narrate.
The Edward C. Schmults files, 1974-77, include materials created or received by Schmults and his two predecessors, Philip E. Areeda and Roderick M. Hills.Schmults had the title Deputy Counsel to the President while Areeda and Hills were Counsel to the President. The three had virtually the same duties and responsibilities and served successively as the primary assistant to Philip Buchen, head of the Counsel's Office under President Ford.
Enter text here...Edward C. Schmults began his career in public service as the General Counsel for the U.S. Department of the Treasury in June 1973. During his tenure he provided legal advice and counsel on the Federal Government’s General Revenue Sharing Program, was involved in the integration of processes to institute the Privacy Act of 1974 within the Department, directed a reorganization of the Treasury General Counsel’s office, and oversaw the conflict of interest vetting for candidates for positions and consultancies within the Department.
Most of the material listed below is still housed in the original boxes and folders that Congressman Hutchinson’s office used to ship them to the Bentley Historical Library. The Ford Library staff has not done any arrangement or description work. These boxes are available for research only on a review-on-request basis – researchers interested in using them should contact the Library well in advance of a visit to allow the staff time to prepare them for research. Please contact us for more information on the contents of individual boxes or to request that material be added to