Much of the collection is comprised of carbon copies of routine outgoing letters signed by President Ford or Roland Elliott. Also included are administrative materials such as weekly mail reports and analyses, an office manual, form letters, response cards, and attachments used with the letters.
A scrapbook of letters and other memorabilia collected by Clifford Ericson in celebration of the Bicentennial. Ericson began his scrapbook at the age of 83, in his hometown of Aurora, Illinois. He mailed letters to the White House and to all of the nation’s governors, asking them to comment on the Bicentennial and what it meant to them. Every governor, including those from U.S. territories, responded, most with a letter addressed personally to Ericson. Each response was preserved in the scrapbook, along with other Bicentennial souvenirs like postage stamps, fact sheets for…
Materials compiled by Jeffrey Eves and his assistant and successor, John Shlaes, on their work organizing White House conferences, briefings, and field conferences. Arrangements and proceedings for the meetings are much better documented than policy impact. Also includes material on liaison with business and trade associations.