A (9) | B (20) | C (22) | D (8) | E (3) | F (45) | G (11) | H (22) | J (5) | K (9) | L (12) | M (23) | N (48) | O (8) | P (35) | Q (2) | R (20) | S (22) | T (7) | U (19) | V (5) | W (43) | Z (1)
Letters from young Gerald Ford to Frederica Pantlind, a hometown friend and neighbor. Also included are Pantlind’s newspaper clippings on University of Michigan football and on Gamma Delta Tau high school sorority, invitations to social events, and date books.  The letters reveal much about Gerald Ford’s life as a college student and athlete and, to a lesser extent, his work as an assistant coach at Yale University.  Other materials concern Ms. Pantlind’s social life in Grand Rapids and visits to Ann Arbor.  Included are occasional items mentioning Ford’s future wife Betty…
Material on the development of the Ford administration's domestic policies in the areas of justice, crime, civil rights, and drugs. Of special note are his files on the Domestic Council Drug Review Task Force, illegal aliens, the President's crime message of June 19, 1975, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration reauthorization bill, extension of the Voting Rights Act, and the drafting and approval of Title IX regulations concerning sex discrimination in educational programs.
Materials from Patterson's work on legislation and policies concerning Native Americans, and his work as a White House liaison between Federal officials and tribal organizations. Patterson's files from his work as Assistant Director of Operations, White House Personnel Office, will be described separately in the finding aid for the records of that office. 
Materials from Patterson’s work on legislation and policies concerning Native Americans, and his work as a White House liaison between Federal officials and Native American tribal leadership. The papers contain information on litigation involving Native American land claims, sovereignty issues, and the role of the Federal government as trustee of tribal interests.
Notes and background materials on interviews with Republican members of the U. S. House of Representatives concerning the selection of party leaders in 1965 and the subsequent performance of the leadership team during the 89th Congress. Most interviews focus on the contest for Minority Leader between Charles Halleck and Gerald Ford. Others concern Melvin Laird's election as Chairman of the Republican Conference over Peter Frelinghuysen, Les Arends' election as Minority Whip over Frelinghuysen, and the selection of John Rhodes and Charles Goodell as chairmen of the Republican Policy…
Phelan maintained research files for the 1976 campaign concerning Jimmy Carter's background and statements, editorial opinions and endorsements, and columnist opinion from various newspapers.
Material compiled by Porter and her assistant during the scheduling of activities and domestic trips for Mrs. Ford and the Ford children. Included are files concerning invitations extended to Betty Ford and the Ford children, presidential primary campaign activity, honorary affiliations, and scenarios and fact sheets on First Family activities.
Materials relating primarily to Pottinger’s work on civil rights matters in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (1970-1973), and the Department of Justice (1973-1977) during the Nixon and Ford administrations. The collection documents the investigation and enforcement of various civil rights issues, including: desegregation, busing, women’s rights, affirmative action, education, employment, government surveillance, Kent State, and Wounded Knee.
Materials relating primarily to White House liaison with youth organizations and adults working with young people, and administration of the White House Summer Intern program.
Working files of the staff of President Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign committee, including materials on politics, finances, legal matters, public opinion polls, advertising, press relations, and appeals to specific interest groups or segments of the population. Although the collection contains significant materials on numerous aspects of the campaign, the records are by no means complete as several senior staff members apparently removed files upon their departure from the Committee.
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Audiovisual Material Removed from the Textual Records
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Campaign Commercials Videotapes
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: General Election Radio Spots Audiotapes
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Primary Election Radio Spots Audiotapes
The Administrative Office Files document management and budgetary issues involved in the operation of the President Ford Committee. To a lesser degree, the extant files reflect the deputy chairman of administration's auxiliary responsibility to coordinate the Committee's support operations. In terms of reporting relationships, the deputy chairman had oversight responsibility for the PFC's research, scheduling, communications, volunteer, and convention planning operations. In November 1975, Chairman Bo Callaway hired Robert Marik, a former Nixon reelection committee official, as…
President Ford Committee Records main page
President Ford Committee Records main page
The Vice Presidential Campaign Office collection is primarily a reference file. It consists almost entirely of several small, routine, and likely incomplete, files, the bulk of which is contained in a large background book. Material of interest to researchers are selected Dole speech and interview transcripts, the Senator's voting record, and position papers on various campaign topics.The collection is otherwise lacking in substantial research material. Virtually no original material is present, and no staff files for individuals mentioned above are included.Related Materials (c. 1991):Small…
The Chairman's Office Files provide documentation of administrative, fiscal and strategic issues handled by Howard (Bo) Callaway and his immediate staff from the formation of the election committee in June 1975 until Callaway resigned in March 1976. These extant files do not reflect the activities of Roger C.B. Morton, chairman from April to August 1976, and James Baker, chairman during the general election campaign. The only material from the post-Callaway period included in the Chairman's Office Files is a subject file maintained by Edward DeBolt, counsellor to all three chairmen. View…
The Daily Diary is a minute-by-minute log of President Ford's official and social activities, noting attendees at meetings and persons to whom he spoke by telephone, and where and when these contacts took place.  Little on the substance of meetings and calls appears in the collection, however.  The collection includes multiple copies of the typescript Diary, source materials used in its compilation, administrative files of the compilers, an electronic version created by scanning it into a full‑text searchable database, and a selected name and geographic index.
The President's copies of the daily news summaries compiled by Press Office staff members and distributed for reading by the President and his staff. Few contain initials or annotations by the President. This set is missing about 75 of the news summaries issued during the administration.
Daily item-by-item listings compiled by the Staff Secretary's Office of documents submitted to the President and those received from him in his outbox. They include both items officially logged in by the Staff Secretary's Office before being routed to the President and those items handed to the President by other persons during meetings or while he was away on trips.
Reading copies, usually on cards and often annotated by President Ford, of over one thousand speeches, veto messages press conference statements and other prepared remarks. Supporting material (background and drafts) appear in only a few folders.
Daily listings of Presidential telephone calls placed or received. The logs were compiled either by staff assistant Nell Yates, the White House Operators, or the White House Communications Agency. The logs merely indicate the name of the caller and length of the call. In only a few cases is there any indication of the topic of the calls.
This file contains occasional documents in President Ford's handwriting along with numerous memoranda, briefing papers, and reports submitted to the President and bearing his annotations (rarely extensive), signature, or initials.
Working files of the White House office which handled administration personnel appointments. Included are files on the search for potential appointees, the screening process used to evaluate candidates and solicit opinions, and the Presidential decision process. The bulk of the collection concerns appointments to positions in Cabinet departments, independent regulatory agencies, the Federal judiciary, and the numerous Federal boards and commissions. Only occasional scattered folders concern appointments to the White House staff.
The files of the National Security Adviser (formally titled the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs) are part of the papers that President Ford deeded to the United States in December 1976. The files were identified, packed, and labeled by National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft’s immediate staff and by the staff of the National Security Council (NSC) in the closing weeks of the Ford administration. The packed files were assembled and held in a secure area of the White House west wing basement under the immediate control of Edward W. Roberts, an NSC file manager.…
Material compiled by Kaye Pullen during the preparation of Mrs. Ford's speeches and public statements. Included are speeches given during the 1976 presidential campaign, the Bicentennial and concerning cancer, women's issues, and the arts. Many were annotated by Mrs. Ford.