A (9) | B (20) | C (22) | D (8) | E (3) | F (45) | G (11) | H (22) | J (5) | K (9) | L (12) | M (23) | N (48) | O (8) | P (35) | Q (2) | R (20) | S (22) | T (7) | U (19) | V (5) | W (43) | Z (1)
Publications in this collection were prepared by the Air Force for the Department of Defense and published for internal departmental use. They were designed to bring to the attention of Department of Defense personnel news items that might be of interest to them in the course of their official duties. The White House routinely received a copy of each issue.
Bound copies of the transcripts of Secretary Rumsfeld’s remarks, testimony, press briefings, press conferences, and media interviews concerning his work as Secretary of Defense in the George W. Bush administration and various national security issues.
This collection consists of Gerald R. Ford’s special agent application case file, which includes his application and medical examination, field investigation reports, and correspondence compiled by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters officials. Also included in the file are memorandums dating to the Ford presidential period regarding the storage of FBI records on Gerald Ford, and press inquiries into the reason why Ford was not offered a special agent position.
This collection consists of condolence books from the U.S. Department of State and its various diplomatic missions around the world commemorating the death of former President Gerald R. Ford. The collection was originally created by the Department of State’s Ceremonials division within Office of the Chief of Protocol and transferred to the National Archives as part of Record Group 59. During processing at the National Archives, the condolence books were transferred to the Ford Library.
Photocopies of files on the transport of President Kennedy's body from Dallas to Bethesda Naval Hospital, his funeral and interment, and administration of the gravesite. One folder on the gravesite of Robert F. Kennedy. The originals are at the National Archives.
The file consists of reports on interviews with various employers, friends, and associates of Gerald Ford conducted by the Office of Naval Intelligence after Ford applied for a commission in the intelligence branch of the Naval Reserve in December 1941. The interviews focus on Ford's early life (including his parents' divorce), high school, college, and his subsequent work at Yale University and in Grand Rapids. The bulk of the file dates from 1941 and 1942, but it also contains some subsequent references to the original investigation.View digital copies of the document
The ERC collection relates primarily to executive committee meetings and includes agenda notices, meeting minutes and summaries, and related background and option papers prepared by member agencies. Also included are miscellaneous memoranda on energy topics and a few draft reports reflecting some of the work of ERC task forces.
The collection was created by the Marine Corps Historical Center, from its digitized holdings, at the suggestion of an associate of former President Ford. It includes compact disks of oral histories (audio files only) with Marines who participated in the Mayaguez action. It also includes compact disks containing Marine unit operational records from the Mayaguez action. These disks, as an incidental by-product of their creation, also contain extensive operational records from the Marine units' participation in other phases of the Vietnam War. Most of these records date from 1965-1970, but some…
Photocopies of oral history interviews and NASA publications relating to the early Space Shuttle program. The material was collected and used by the Chief Historian of NASA to prepare a history of the Space Shuttle. Interviewees are John Ehrlichman, James Fletcher, Don Rice, H. Guyford Stever, and Caspar Weinberger.
Non-record copies of communications between evacuation helicopters and their command and control center intercepted during the final hours of the U.S. evacuation of Saigon, April 1975. These communications were collected by a National Security Agency signals intelligence command post known as Cricket.
These are the formal, institutional records of the Ford-era NSC and its committees, working groups, panels, and administrative staff. The NSC had retained them for continuity of government until the Clinton administration. That portion of the collection which pertains to intelligence matters remains unprocessed and is in the physical custody of the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
The Public Documents Commission, as it was popularly known, studied and recommended action on the control, disposition, and preservation of documents produced by federal officials, particularly the President. Transcripts of public hearings, commissioned studies and reports, and print material compose the bulk of the collection. The complete Commission records are part of Record Group 220 at the National Archives.
The U.S. President's Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States (also known as the Rockefeller Commission) was charged with investigating allegations of improper CIA activities within U.S. borders. The files consist of documents created by the Commission in the course of its work (correspondence, testimony, report drafts, etc.), as well as historical documents and exhibit items collected during its investigation.The portions of the file which are available for research (2.5 cubic feet) deal with the investigation of possible CIA involvement in the assassination of President John F…
President Gerald R. Ford created the commission in response to continuing conflicts among U.S. amateur sports organizations and declining performance by the U.S. in the Olympic games and other international competitions. There are extensive files on individual sports and related organizations, especially the Amateur Athletic Union, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, and the United States Olympic Committees.
This collection contains records created by the Executive Protective Service in the performance of their duties of securing the White House and Old Executive Office Building facilities and grounds, and protection of the President and the First Family. The records document the visitors to the Oval Office, President's Private Study, and Cabinet Room, and the movement and activities of the President and the First Family at the White House. The bulk of this collection consists of group lists and individual appointment cards of visitors.
Additional records documenting the activities of the Council in facilitating the development of trade relations between the United States and China. See also the finding aid to the initial accession of records.
Records documenting the formation of the Council and its role in the development of U.S.-China trade, and the Council's library holdings relating to China's trade and economy.  The Council is an association of U.S. business firms interested in trade with the People's Republic of China.  It was formed in 1973 with the encouragement of the U.S. Government.  See also the finding aid to a later accretion of records
A student file containing Gerald Ford’s 1937 application for admission To the University of Michigan Law School and letter of reference, his undergraduate academic transcript from the same institution, correspondence, and a 1946 notice that he has joined the law firm of Butterfield, Keeney & Amberg.View digital copies of the documents
Materials concerning the operation of the White House Advance Office and planning for foreign and domestic trips for President Gerald R. Ford and the First Family.