A (15) | B (13) | C (11) | D (15) | E (11) | F (12) | G (41) | H (5) | I (1) | J (32) | K (4) | L (4) | M (20) | N (48) | O (1) | P (42) | R (33) | S (14) | T (7) | U (18) | V (2) | W (49) | Y (1)
The audiocassettes and transcripts included in this collection result from interviews by Yanek Mieczkowski with 39 government officials, including congressmen, Ford White House staff, agency officials, and four interviews with former President Ford. Dr. Mieczkowski used the interviews as sources of information for his dissertation, book (Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s), and an article on the 1976 Presidential campaign. The article appeared in the February 2008 issue of American History, a copy of which is included in this collection.