The White House Central Files Name File is an important component of the Ford administration’s White House Central Files (WHCF), and it served two purposes. It was used to file routine materials which were not classified by subject and it was also used as a cross reference or finding aid to material filed in the Subject File, indexing not only correspondents but also names mentioned in documents.
Material is filed alphabetically by name of the individual, company, or organization. If names (e.g., Federal agencies or officials) have been assigned a WHCF Subject File file code, cross references were not made to this file. Note: The container list shows only names for which there currently are separate folders, thousands of additional names appear in the collection. Researchers should feel free to request searches under any names in which they are interested.
Series Description and Container List
Container List
Collection Overview
1420 linear feet (ca. 2,840,000 pages)
Gerald R. Ford (accession number 77-107)
Open in part. Some items are temporarily restricted under terms of the donor's deed of gift, a copy of which is available on request, or under National Archives and Records Administration general restrictions (36 CFR 1256).
President Ford has donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain.
Processed by
William McNitt, January 1993; revised by J.P. Schmidt, December 2012