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February 11, 1975 Mrs. Gerald Ford c/o White House Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D. c. Dear Mrs. Ford, After reading an article in our local newspaper saying that you are urging our congressmen to vote in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment, I felt that you should know the feelings of a wife and mother who feels she is quite liberated without this act becoming part of our United StatesConstitution. I am definitely in favor of ''Equal pay for equal work" but we already have that assurance as women in The …
ITEMS IN STOCK February 24, 1976 SILVER: Presentation box, lined with velvet, Presidential Seal on top, 7 1/2" long, 2 1/2" deep ($150.00). Gorham sterling silver pedestal-supported crystal plate, ($45.00). "Declaration of Independence" facsimile-on-sterli ng plaque mounted on walnut plaque, 12 1/2" high, 10" wide, ($225.00). Also, with the Gettysburg Address. Tiffany silver round dishes in a molten design, 5" diameter, ($50.00). Tiffany silver pocketbook hinged photo frame with oval openings, 3 1/2" by 2 …
' •. A Celebration of American Independence at the National Encampment of the Bicentennial Wagon Train Pilgrimage to Pennsylvania Valley Forge State Park, Valley Forge, Pennsylvart·ia July 4, 1976, at 8 o'clock in the morning Music by the 28th Infantry Division Band CW-4 James ]. Wolford, Band Leader Lieutenant Governor Ernest P. Kline, presiding Order of Ceremon ies Advancing of Colors and Flag Raising Color Guard of the 1 03rd Engineer Battalion The National Anthem The Pledge of Allegiance Introduction …
I ' WASHINGTON . D . C. 20301 20 t1ay 1975 SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE DECISION PROCESS IN THE MAYAGUEZ INCIDENT Character of the control problem. Control from Washington is a tenuous thing at best. Stress should be placed on Washington's larger goals and policy objectives -- and these should be closely monitored. By contrast, some latitude must be provided to the field with respect to the measures to achieve those objectives, in particular to adapt to sudden changes by the opponent. Otherwise a plan of …
MEMORA NDUM THE WHITE HO U SE WASHINGTO N ~EGRET/SENSITIVE EXCLUS IVELY EYES ONLY Decembe r 12, 1974 MEMORA NDUM FOR: THE PRESIDE NT FROM: BRENT SCOWCR OFT (OJ Secretar y Kissinge r asked me to pass the following report to you: 11 11 ''NATO Meeting: I spent most of today in a restricte d NATO Council session with all the other Foreign Minister s, several Defense Minister s and a minimum number of staff. By common consent this was the best NATO discussio n in recent memory because there were no setpiece …
MEM ORAN DUM THE WHIT E HOU SE INFO RMA TION WASHI NGTON ~C~~T /SEN SITIV E Augu st 29, 1975 MEM ORA NDU M FOR : THE PRES IDEN T FRO M: BRE NT SCO WCR OFT Secr etary Kiss inge r aske d that I pass you the ;t;J follo wing repo rt: "In the long est sessi on of this shutt le -- nine hour s of unbr oken nego tiatio ns with Rabi n and his team -- we wide ned the area of agre emen t and I belie ve we have brok en the back of all majo r hurd les, subje ct to furth er discu ssion s with Sada t tomo rrow . The pros …
10/28/75 INTERNATIONAL ECONOHIC SUMMIT CONFERENCE Questions and Answers 1. When was the decision announced that there would be an International Economic Summit Conference? On October 10, the White House announced that an International Economic Summit Conference would be held in Paris. A simultaneous announcement was made in Paris, London, Bonn, Tokyo, and Rome. The announcement was accompanied by a press release describing the nature of the meeting and the participating nations. 2. What countries will be …
lb SElClU~T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON,O.C. 20505 TID!: P!'tESIDENT RAS SE!'.Il" .•.. 9 April 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM Ge?rge Bush Director SUBJECT The Cuban Presence in Africa 1. On 6 April I briefed the House Republican Conference on Cuban .involvement in Africa. I was struck by the extent to which the Cubans have extended their presence in Africa during the past few years. The magnitude of this presence is shown in the :attached graphic. 2. In 1970 Havana had diplomatic …
S£6REq' Situation Report on the MA YAGUEZ The vessel is now about 20 miles outside the port of Kompong Som, one mile north of an island called Koh Tang (see map at Tab A). The vessel is being kept under our continuous surveillance by radar and/ or sight. Some of our reconnaissance aircraft have been fired upon, and one has been hit. One reconnaissance flight placed some ordnance in the water to signal the Mayaguez not to get under way. The recon flights report that personnel are being off-loaded from the …
7138 MEMORANDUM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INFORMATION October =24, 1975 •'SECREt MEMORANDUM FOR: SECRETARY KISSINGER FROM: ROBERT HORMATS~ SUBJECT: Scenario for Economic Summit The essential dilemma of the summit is that it will try to project publicly that Western leaders are able to manage current problems at a time when they do not fully understan~ the nature of the new types of problems they confront. The trick will be for the leaders to avoid both deluding themselves by boldly confident statements …
THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGT ON WHITE HOUSE ENTERTAINMENT PRESIDENT FORD DATE · FUNCTibN ENTERTAINMENT 8/16/74 State Dinner honoring King Hussein (Jordan) Howard Devron and his Orchestra Fred Powell Ainnah Bryant Irving Andrusia Joseph Moser Teddy Alper Wade H. Pollard Jack Johnson Robert Jacobs Lawrence Devron 9/12/74 State Dinner honoring Prime Minister Rabin (Israel) Eugene Fodor, violinist Norman Scribner. I Accompanist THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON WHITE HOUSE ENTERTAINMENT PRESIDENT FORD DATE FUNCTION …
February 24, 1976 NOTES FROM MARIA 1 s MEETING WITH JEANNE DAVIS AND MARGE WICKLEIN . IN THE SOCIAL SECRETARY's OFFICE AT 3:00PM ON FEBRUARY 24, 1976. SUBJECT: State Gift Ideas Maria first explained to Jeanne Davis and Marge Wicklein that the reason she had asked for the meeting was because of Mrs. Ford's concern and unhappiness over the State Gifts that were given by she and the President on their last foreign trip as well as on other occasions.Many of the basic areas were discussed, such as: l. What are …
? Toast by the President in honor of Anwar al-Sadat, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt .. Mr. President: I have long been looking forward to meeting you. I am therefore especially happy that arrangements could be made for us to meet in thi s historic city. My great hope is that our next meeting can take place in the United States where we can reciprocate the warm and gracious hospitality shown by you and the Egyptian people to my predecessor and to so many other official American visitors over the …
(['•\ v~ BICENTENNIAL WAGON TRAIN PILGRIMAGE to Pennsylvania 1975-1976 •} ' ., Official Souvenir Program '· Page 1 A MESSAGE from Milton 1 Shapp, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania HE BRIEFEST CHRONOLOGY Pennsylvania's historic achievements ring the past 200 years would require a ponderous ledger. The first entry would be July 4, 1776, when the Declaration of American Independence was adopted in a triumph of reason over force. The closing entry would be July 4, 1976, when 60 cov~ ered wagons of …
THE WHITE HOUSE WASHIN GTON 13 May 75 Lora: I have transc ribed my telcon s from tonigh t. I didn't monit or all the calls back and forth to Defen se Dept. but these do includ e all the Presid ential calls of tonigh t along with one with the Presid ent during the early morni ng hours . There may have been others with the Presid ent from last night/ early am this could be check ed with Anne or Maril yn. Bud sugge sted these be held -- at least until the crisis is over -- they may be neede d for recor d-che …
} THE PRESIDENT HAS s=:·. MEMORANDUM 4921 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ACTION October 22, 1974 iliiiCREr MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PRESIDENT FROM: HENRY A. KISSINGER /((_ SUBJECT: Your Visit to Japan Your visit to Japan represents an historic occasion for both countries. It will be the first visit to Japan by an American President in office. It will also be a prelude to the return visit by Emperor Hirohito next year. In addition, it will be your first major trip abroad. In recent days the Japanese Left has …
/ '? MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HO USE WASHINGTON &.EGR:E;T /NODIS/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION - PARTICIPANTS: Leonid I. Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU President Ford Viktor M. Sukhodrev, Counsellor, Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs {Interpreter) DATE & TIME: Wednesday, July 30, 1975 12:00 Noon (after plenary meeting) PLACE: Outside American Ambassador's Residence Helsinki, Finland [Soviet memcon of privaJte conversation reconstructed from scraps of paper retrieved from …
ANSWERS to QUESTIONS about EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." ., NATIONAL WOMAN'S PARTY 144 Constitution Avenue, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 Founded 1913 ' HISTORY The National Woman's Party was founded in 1913 and spearheaded the Woman's Suffrage Movement. After passage of the Suffrage Act in 1920 the National Woman's Party had introduced in Congress in 1923 the first Equal Rights Amendm ent bill …
_·. . · .· NO UDJ8CtiOn I 0 U8CI8SSITICaliOn LUU4/ U't:I/ LU: 1\ILr-1\1~\...,_t:_I.,.,_UA-O-'t:I-O-O~~)\___ :-: ~ ·., ..::, ,:.~', k· '··:/ .."· ..' ~ _ L-A/~. :':_~~~f~~~NTJM: 608951 DIAIAPPR 31~ [:.· ·l)iAREVIEWED 16-0ct-2003: SANITIZED FOR RELEASE IN PARTJ .. •, \• ·.piA 16 Oct 03 -- Refer to StateJ 1 : .. .... _:) _y ·· ~ .~bs ~~VIEWED 17-Jun-2004: NO OBJECTION TO DECLASSIFICATIONJ ' , '' .C.-.> ·--~-· ~- _. ___ :.'': ' > : j DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY · ., ~- - ., --,~ - -~-~ ·::';·· .. ·:~ :·_-' …