Key Documents on Gerald R. Ford's Visits to China
Gerald Ford made official visits to the Peoples' Republic of China in 1972 as Minority Leader of the House of Representatives (accompanied by House Majority Leader Hale Boggs) and in 1975 as President.

Highlights of Gerald Ford's trips included meetings with Chou En-lai (Zhou Enlai) and Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong). Here President Ford and his daughter Susan watch as Mao greets Henry Kissinger.
Highlights of Gerald Ford's trips included meetings with Chou En-lai (Zhou Enlai) and Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong). Here President Ford and his daughter Susan watch as Mao greets Henry Kissinger.
1972 Visit
- Impressions of the New China (Report to the House of Representatives)
- Private Report to President Nixon
- Discussions with Chou En-Lai
- Discussions with Ch'iao Kuan-Hua
- Conversation with Li Hsi-Fu
- Congressional Newsletter Trip Report
1975 Visit
- December 1: Teng Hsiao-p'ing/Gerald Ford/Henry Kissinger Meeting
- December 1: Exchange of Toasts - Chinese Banquet
- December 2: Teng Hsiao-p'ing/Gerald Ford/Henry Kissinger Meeting
- December 2: Mao Tse-tung/Gerald Ford/Henry Kissinger Meeting
- December 2: Ch'iao Kuan-hua/Henry Kissinger Meeting
- December 3: Teng Hsiao-p'ing/Gerald Ford/Henry Kissinger Meeting
- December 4: Teng Hsiao-p'ing/Gerald Ford/Henry Kissinger Meeting
- December 4: Exchange of Toasts - Return Banquet
- December 4: Kissinger Press Conference
- Talking Paper for Your Meeting with Chairman Mao
- Mao Tse-tung and the Party Debate on a Strategy for China's National Development
- Mao Tse-tung and the Sino-Soviet Dispute
- President Richard Nixon's Conversation with Chairman Mao, February 21, 1972
- Henry Kissinger's Conversation with Chairman Mao, February 17, 1973
- Henry Kissinger's Conversation with Chairman Mao, November 12, 1973
- Henry Kissinger's Conversation with Chairman Mao, October 21, 1975
- Analysis/Highlights of Henry Kissingers's Conversation with Chairman Mao, October 21, 1975
- Mao Tse-tung's Personal Style and Political Views (Not yet open to research)
Visit the Daily Diary, Dec. 1-5 1975
Note: Citations for the location of the original documents always appear on the first page of the PDF file.
Additional Documents
The list below brings together miscellaneous digitized documents on China and Taiwan from among the Library's holdings.
- January 5, 1973 - Nixon, Republic of China Officials
- June 30, 1973 - Nixon, Congressional Delegation to PRC
- July 6, 1973 - Kissinger, PRC Ambassador Huang Chen
- July 11, 1973 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
- July 17, 1973 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
- July 18, 1973 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
- July 24, 1973 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
- March 30, 1974 - Scowcroft, PRC officials
- August 9, 1974 - Ford, PRC Ambassador Huang Chen
- October 15, 1974 - Ford, George Bush
- September 8, 1975 - Ford, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
- September 8, 1975 - Ford, Congressional Delegation to China
- September 27, 1975 - Ford, PRC Scientific and Technical Delegation
- March 19, 1976 - Ford, Kissinger, Chief-Designate of USLO Thomas S. Gates (Peking)
- December 17, 1976 - Ford, Senators Curtis, Bayh, and Johnston (PRC Delegation)
(Many others touch on China or Taiwan - contact the Library for more information.)