President Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter at Inauguration of Carter as the 39th President of the United States at the United States Capitol. January 20, 1977.
President Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter at Inauguration of Carter as the 39th President of the United States at the United States Capitol. January 20, 1977.
Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter narrowly defeated Gerald R. Ford in the 1976 election to become the 39th President of the United States. They both worked to ensure a smooth transition between their administrations and developed a cordial working relationship, but did not become close friends until they traveled together to attend the funeral of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981. Over the following 25 years they shared leadership roles on numerous projects and enjoyed spending time together. Towards the end of President Ford's life they each agreed that they would speak at the other's funeral if he died first. President Carter fulfilled that promise, delivering a eulogy for President Ford during his funeral service in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on January 3, 2007.
Digitized Resources:
- Telegram from Gerald Ford to Jimmy Carter conceding the 1976 presidential election, 11/3/1976
- Letter from President Elect Jimmy Carter to President Ford regarding the transition, 11/3/1976
- White House certificate signed by President Reagan related to Former Presidents Ford, Carter, and Nixon attending President Sadat's funeral, 10/8/1981
- Folders containing personal correspondence from the Ford Special Materials Collection:
- Carter, Jimmy (1)
- Carter, Jimmy (2)
- Carter, Jimmy (3)
- Carter, Jimmy (4)
- Carter, Jimmy and Gerald Ford
- Carter, Jimmy and Rosalynn
- Carter, Jimmy (letters sent to Betty Ford)
- Carter, Jimmy and Rosalynn (letters sent to Betty Ford)
- Additional Selected Documents on the 1976 Presidential Campaign
- Former President Jimmy Carter's Eulogy for Gerald R. Ford, 1/3/2007