How to Order Reproductions

There are two ways to obtain reproductions of the textual and audiovisual materials in our holdings - make your own copies or order copies.
A self-service, black-and-white photocopier is available in our Research Room. The reproduction fee for self-service copies is set by the National Archives and Records Administration. Currently, the cost is $0.25 per page.
For more information about the National Archives Reproduction fee schedule, click HERE.
Researchers may bring their own camera, cell phone, tablet or other equipment (on the approved NARA list) to copy materials at no charge and should discuss the options for reproducing specific materials with Library staff during the orientation process.
The Library staff is available to provide reproductions of specified materials at the rate set by the National Archives and Records Administration.
- Currently, the cost for reproductions is $0.80 per page with a minimum order of $20.00. For more information about the National Archives Reproduction fee schedule, click HERE.
- All reproductions are provided as scanned digital image files. Hard copies can be provided upon request. Additional costs for shipping to foreign addresses or special mailing services, such as express or registered mail, will be charged to the researcher.
- For reproduction orders of textual materials, we will photocopy the entire contents of folders that have been selected by the researcher from our finding aids, PRESNET reports, or through reference guidance.
- We will only make copies of individual items that we can easily find and readily recognize (e.g. minutes of a specific meeting).
- To place a reproduction order, contact the Library staff at or call 734-205-0555 (e-mail is preferred).
- All orders MUST be paid in advance by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express) or check. Make all checks payable to the Gerald R. Ford Library Trust Fund. Persons ordering from outside the United States must pay in U.S. currency by international money order or credit card.
- An advanced deposit may be required for large orders of 400 pages or more.
Remote researchers face obvious difficulty in locating and selecting the textual items to be copied. We will be happy to provide consultation about files and provide search reports on your topic, but ultimately the researcher is the only person who can effectively locate and select the files to be reproduced.
The Ford Library staff cannot undertake extensive searches or make subjective judgments of the materials. Staff will conduct limited searches for specific items, but they will not presume to select the "good" items interfiled with related items.
All publicly released materials are available for reproduction. Contact Library staff by emailing or calling 734-205-0555 (e-mail is preferred) to learn more about collections or place an order.
Reproduction requests must be approved by the researcher in advance. Once you have placed a reproduction order with the Library, we cannot accept the return of reproductions for credit.
All orders MUST be paid in advance by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express) or check. Make all checks payable to the Gerald R. Ford Library Trust Fund. Persons ordering from outside the United States must pay in U.S. currency by international money order or credit card.
High Resolution Scan (600dpi) | $17.00 |
MP3 - Requires Digitization | $15.00 |
MP3 - If Recording is Already Digitized | Free |
Digital Reference File (MP4) - Requires Digitization | $15.00 |
Digital Reference File (MP4) - If Recording is Already Digitized | Free |
Digital Access File (MP4 or MPEG) - Requires Digitization | $30.00 |
Digital Access file (MP4 or MPEG) – If Recording Is Already Digitized | $15.00 |
Digital Preservation/Intermediate (AVI or ProRes 4444) – Requires Digitization | $75.00 |
Digital Preservation/Intermediate (AVI or ProRes 4444) – If Recording Is Already Digitized | $30.00 |
DVD (Up to 120 minutes of footage) | $15.00 |
Stacking fee for additional recordings added to DVD (per item) | $11.50 |
Revised 8/7/2024
Many Ford Library donors have given their copyright in all of their unpublished writings in National Archives collections to the United States of America through their deed of gift. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain.
For copyright information about a specific collection, please read the copyright statement in the collection overview section of its finding aid or contact a Ford Library staff member.
Persons wishing to publish any unpublished writings included in the holdings of the library should obtain permission from the copyright holder. Permission to reproduce copyrighted materials in the library's still photograph, audiotape, videotape, motion picture, and other special format collections must also be obtained from the copyright holder.
If the name of a copyright holder is known to the Library, it will be furnished upon request. Some individuals who have given their materials to the Library have also donated their copyrights to the material.
Copyright law provides for "fair use" of copyrighted materials without the permission of the copyright holder. Fair use encompasses scholarship and research, although the extent of such use is bounded by limitations on quotation and reproduction.
As part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Ford Library does not license its content, or grant exclusive or non-exclusive publication privileges or usage rights to records.
More information about copyright and publicity rights can be found in the following document: Copyright and Use of Archival Materials in the Presidential Libraries.
Researchers with specific copyright questions should seek legal guidance. Please note that Federal employees are not authorized to provide such guidance.