This page draws together links to digitized documents and photographs. A description of the Library's core holdings on this topic is also available.
- Congressman Gerald Ford's Newsletter with Comments Written about the Indo-China Stop on his Trip to the Far East, September 3, 1953
- Communications with Hanoi Prior to January 20, January 31, 1969
- Congressman Ford's Newsletter with Comments on "Who is Blocking Peace in Vietnam?", July 23, 1969
- Letter from President Richard Nixon Thanking Ford for his Support for Peace Proposals, May 11, 1972
- Intelligence Report "Thieu Unlikely to Win Emergency Powers", May 19, 1972
- Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker's Cable on Corruption in South Vietnam, July 19, 1972
- Letter from President Richard Nixon Regarding Foreign Aid Legislation, July 27, 1972
- President Richard Nixon's Pentagon Meeting on Returning Prisoners of War, February 15, 1973
- Current Military Situation in Vietnam, August 9, 1974
- Message to President Nguyen Van Thieu from Gerald Ford on the Day He Became President, August 9, 1974
- President Nguyen Van Thieu's Message to President Ford, August 21, 1974
- President Ford's Meeting with Bipartisan Congressional Leadership on Foreign Aid, September 12, 1974
- Talking Points for President's Meeting with Ambassador Graham Martin, September 12, 1974
- Briefing Paper for President's Meeting with Ambassador Graham Martin, September 13, 1974
- Memoranda of Conversation between President Ford, Henry Kissinger and Ambassador Graham Martin, September 13, 1974
- Review of U.S. Assistance Policy and Programs for the Republic of Vietnam (NSSM 213), October 22, 1974
- Message from Ambassador Graham Martin to General Brent Scowcroft Regarding Aid to South Vietnam, January 17, 1975
- Anti-Vietnam Activities Scheduled for January 25-27, January 20, 1975
- Ambassador John Dean's Cable on a Cambodian settlement, February 6, 1975
- Communist Military Aid to North Vietnam, February 26, 1975
- "Ominous Developments in Vietnam", March 12, 1975
- Assessment of the Current Military Situation in South Vietnam, March 17, 1975
- Photographs Taken by David Hume Kennerly During a Trip to Vietnam, March 28 - April 4, 1975
- The Next Steps on Vietnam, March 31, 1975
- Vietnam Assessment Report by General Fred C. Weyand, April 4, 1975
- A Second Opinion on General Weyand's Visit to South Vietnam, April 5, 1975
- Excerpt Related to Vietnam and Cambodia from President Ford's Address to the Joint Session of Congress, April 10, 1975 (Reading Copy of Entire Speech )
- Communist Plans to Attack Saigon and Implications of Evacuation Plan, April 11, 1975
- Message from Ambassador Graham Martin to General Brent Scowcroft Regarding Congress and Aid to South Vietnam, April 13, 1975
- Message from Ambassador Graham Martin to General Brent Scowcroft Containing Denny Ellerman's Comments Regarding Aid to South Vietnam, April 13, 1975
- Message for Ambassador Graham Martin Concerning Interagency Review of State of Play in South Vietnam, April 18, 1975
- Excerpt Related to Vietnam from President Ford's Address at Tulane University, April 23, 1975 (Reading Copy of Entire Speech )
- "A Day in the Life of the President" exhibit (April 28, 1975)
- Notes from a Cabinet Meeting, April 29, 1975
- Henry Kissinger Cable to Saigon on President Ford's Evacuation Decision, April 29, 1975
- Joint Statement of Department of State and Department of Defense, April 29, 1975
- Statement by President Ford, April 29, 1975
- Message from Ambassador Graham Martin Concerning the Evacuation, April 29, 1975
- Message from Ambassador Graham Martin Concerning his Last Night in Saigon, April 29, 1975
- The Last Message from the Saigon Embassy to the Secretary of State, April 29, 1975
- Helicopter Pilot Radio Transmissions during the Saigon Evacuation, April 29, 1975
- State Department Paper on the Lessons of Vietnam, May 9, 1975
- National Security Council Paper on the Lessons of Vietnam, May 12, 1975
- "Debrief of the Mayaguez Captain and Crew", May 19, 1975
- "The Situation in Asia", July 15, 1975
- American Equipment Captured in Indochina (NSDM 322), March 31, 1976
- "Life Inside Cambodia", May 10, 1976
- "Escape from South Vietnam" [Refugees], July 10, 1976
- Indochina Refugee "Boat Cases", December 10, 1976
Additional Online Ford Library Holdings Related to Vietnam:
- Cabinet Meeting Minutes and Notes, January-July 1975
- National Security Council Meeting Minutes, March-May 1975
- Memoranda of Presidential Conversations, 1973-77 (many relate to the Vietnam War, especially in the weeks leading up to the fall of Saigon)
- Presidential Correspondence with Foreign Leaders, 1974-77
- Vietnam War White House Press Releases, 1974-76
- Republican Congressional Leaders Meetings with President Richard Nixon, 1969-73 (many concern the Vietnam War)
- Photographs of Vietnam War Meetings, March-April 1975
- Photographs of Mayaguez Incident Meetings, 1975
- Selected Items Related to Operation Babylift, 1975
In addition, the National Archives and Records Administration's Archival Research Catalog (ARC) database contains images of 52 Ford Library documents concerning the closing weeks of the Vietnam War, foreign aid for South Vietnam, and the resettlement of Indochina refugees in the United States.