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MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON SEeR]!;'*' /NODIS / XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Thursday, October 9, 1975 9:30 a. m. PLACE: The Oval Office The White House [There was initial discussion of the ZOO-mile sea bill with Max Friedersdorf and John Marsh. It was …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORA!'JDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DECLASSIFIED £.0. 12958 Sec. 3.8 SEeR Err / SENSITIV E /XGDS Il2c(PI-J!?Q," "1,' 4&, ~ 104/01 MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION .,~ Date ItJ/.J.'+/O( PAR TICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Donald R um.sfeld, Secretary of Defense Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND …
.. File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ) MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: Pre sident Gerald Ford Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President Senator Henry M. Jackson (D. - Wash) Senator Jacob Javits (R. -N. Y.) Congress:man Charles Yanik (D. -Ohio) Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs …
ME~10.RAI\"DVM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON G8±'lPIDENTIAb- MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Nixon Amb. Ross Adair, retiring U. S. Ambassador to Ethiopia Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft DATE AN D TIME: Friday, May 31. 1974 12: 35 - 12:45 p. m. PLACE: The Oval Office The White House President: It's good to see you. Adair: I cherish this opportunity. I saw many Congressmen coming out there. In fact I see more of them there than on the Hill. I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve in …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORMDUM FOR: THE PRESIDENT'S FILES FROM: B/GEN. BRENT SCOWCROFT SUBJECT~ The PresideDt'1I Meeting with Commander A. R. Larzelere DATE AND TIME: Monday. February 5, 1973 12:40 p.m. PLACE: The Oval OUice PARTICIPANTS: President NixeD Brigadier Oeneral Brent Scow-croft Commander A. R. Larzelere Mrs. Sally Larzelere Robb Larzele re Bill Larzelere Paul Larzelere Commander and Mrs. …
"\1E.\JORANDt'M THE \VHITE HOUSE WASllli\GTO" UNCLASSIFIED Secretary Kissinger's Remarks to State Legislators DA TE AND TIME: Friday, April 25, 1975 "2:45 - 3:29 p. m. PLACE: The;East Room The White House Kissinger: Nothing used to infuriate me when I was a professor more than to hear tired officials saying to me that all possible alternatives have been reviewed~ the best possible one has been selected and if you know what we know, you would give your support. I have to tell you that all possible …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DECLASSIf!IED E.O. 12i58 Sec. S.' SECRET' /NODIS/XGDS 4!& ()I-~t "7; Cllq..g.y "t.ilOlOI MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION .,~ "*. J'''IO~ dl PARTICIPANTS: Pre sident Fo rd Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the Pr e sident for …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - - MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Gerald R. Ford Fumihiko Togo. Ambassador of Japan Brent Scowcroft. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs William H. Gleysteen, Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Ambassador Stuart W. Rockwell, Deputy Chief of Protocol, …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library -S~GRET.,LNODIS /XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSA TION PARTICIPANTS: Pre side nt Nixon AITlb. Warnock Major General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the Pre side nt for National Security Affair s DATE AND TIME: Saturday, March 17, 1973 12: 2 8 - 12: 3 5 p. ITl. PLACE: Greetings. Showed silver stanberg bowl with sITlall bunches of shaITlrock and Mrs. Warnock pinned shaITlrocks on …
· .. File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ' MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~/NODIS/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Brent Scowcroft. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Monday, December 13, 1976 9:28 - 10:10 a. m. PLACE: The Oval Office Kissinger: The upwelling of affection for you at NATO was …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~L MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION Senator Strom Thurmond (R. -So C. ) Senator William L. Scott (R. -Va. ) PAR TICIPANTS: President Ford John O. Marsh, Jr., Counsellor to the President Max Friedersdorf, Assistant to the President William T. Kendall, Deputy Assistant to the President Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~B6RB'P fNODIS/ XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PART ICIPANT S: President Ford Habib Bourguiba, Jr., Special Envoy of President Bourguiba of Tunisia Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs AInb. Ali Hedda, AInbas sador of Tunisia DATE AND TIME: Friday, July 2, 1976 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. PLACE: The Oval Office …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON S!I!5CR13T /NODIS /XGDS PARTICIPANTS: President Gerald Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs James Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense Donald RUInsfeld, Assistant to the President Paul O'Neill, OMB Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for …
• File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM /" THE WHITE HO USE WASHINGTON SiOCRE'l' /XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Geo rge Shultz Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the Pre sident for National Security Affairs Charles Robinson, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National …
J(.tvv n...It.,f(~ ( foJ. fi v-"':) MEMORANDUM . -6ECRi5T!SENSITIVE THE WHITE HOUSE XGDS WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PAR TICIPANTS: The President Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE & TIME: Thursday - June 12, 1975 10:00 a. m. PLACE: The Oval Office The White House Kissinger: I think they are cracking. President: I went to bed last …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library \ ME\10RA.'\Dl.-\f THE \\" HI TE HO L:SE -£EGRET/NODIS/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PART ICIPANTS: DATE AND TIME: PLACE: Pre sident Nixon Amb. Al Sowayel, Saudi Ambassador Major General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy A ssistant to the President for National Security Affair 3 February 7, 1974 5:10 - 5:45 p.m. The Map Room The President: General Scowcroft will make notes and give 'Iou …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE Slt'Cilili> ~ /NODIS/XGDS WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PAR TICIPANTS: Pre sident Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE &: TIME: Monday, June 14, 1976 PLACE: T he Oval Office Kissinger: [Spoke briefly about Cancun, in the Yucatan, where he had spent the …
~ File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .,,1: ~, , MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON CONFlDENTIAl:r MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: The President's Meeting with Klaus Schuetz, Governing Mayor Berlin DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, April 17, 1974, 12:15 p.m. PAR TICIPANTS: The President NI Y--e'v\ Klaus Schuetz, Governing Mayor of Berlin Berndt Von Staden, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Guenther …
MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON SECRET/NODffi/XGDS DECLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION AUTHORITY EO /3SZI,.- NLf '"~ 61· ~· .,~, PIIIH BY c(u_ I NARA, DATE - .s"/l#f/ii - • PARTICIPANTS: The President James R. Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense Philip Buchen, Counsel to the President John 0. Marsh, Jr., Counsellor to the President Amb. Donald Rumsfeld, Assistant to the President Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs William E. Colby, Director …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library \I MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DECLASSIFIED E.O. 120bt~ ({!s amended) SEC:U MR # 1",,"',- 11.5 Nsc.3"qI;'{.~!4~' pso ~ 1,/"'/10 By ~ Date '1/8110_," ~/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: .. 'Q.. o ..J ..z: ~ fOAD.. . ~. -c,'N :;0. , ::;,} ~~i Pre sident Ford James R. Schlesinger. Secretary of Defense Roy Ash. Director. Office of Management and Budget Donald …