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Digitized from Box 21 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FEBRUARY 17, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President has signed H. R. 8529 .,- Rice Production Act of 1975. This bill eliminate s direct Federal controls on rice production and provide s income protection to certain producers through guaranteed target prices, minimum loan levels, and disaster payments. Under …
Digitized from Box 15 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library / September 12, 1975 Office of the Vice President Morrilton, Arkansas REUARKS OF THE VICE PRES IDENT AT THE WINROCR FAm1 RECEPTION ON PETTY JEAN MOUNTAIN MORRILTON, ARKANSAS To Win Paul and Debbie and to Lynn and to all of you, I just want to tell you what a nostalgic evening this is for me. We in the family -- I don't have to tell you -- loved Win~ we respected him, we admired him. We are proud of what he …
Digitized from Box 27 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - June 6, 1976 PRESS POOL 118--Air Force One from Cleveland to Cincinnati As the motorcade pulled away from the hotel in Cleveland, the pool noted two officers atop the Post Office building across the street. One officer was aiming but was obviously a scoped rifle, while his companion was looking through binoculars. • The motorcade then proceded in an uneventful drive to Cleveland airport: wheels up at 9:45. …
Digitized from Box 14 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ' AUGUST 14, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary NOTICE TO THE Pool for Thursday, August 14, 1975 (Meet in Press Room at 4:15 p. m., will walk to the Bass House) AP UPI Time St. Louis Post Dispatch Golden We st Broadcasting Photographers and cameramen J1 1T .ll ;r JJ. …
Digitized from Box 29 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library AUG~ 3, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS Pools for Tuesday, August 3, 1976 11:00 a.m. • Meeting with President Kekkonen The Oval Office The Wires Chicago Daily News CBS Correspondent Time AP Radio 8 Finnish Correspondents Photographers and cameramen 9:30p.m. Exchange of Toasts The Rose Garden AP …
Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - JUNE 17, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PR ESS The President has accepted the resignations of four persons as members of the Commission on Presidential Scholars. They were appointed on April 28, 1969. They are: Malcolm Moos, of Santa Barbara; California, effective on June 17, 1975. Dr. T. W. Cole, Sr., of …
-:.--. Digitized from Box 33 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ~ EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE OCTOBER z"l, 1976 UNTIL 6 A.M. (EDT) OCTOBER Z8, 1976 .Office of the White House Press Secretary tPhilad.elp~ia, Pennsylvania) I ~---------------------------------------------------------~-----~ THE WHITE HOUSE I TEXT OF REMARKS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY BY THE PRESIDENT OVER MUTUAL RADIO THURSD~Y. OCTOBER ?)), 1976 My subject today is peace. When President Eisenhower was asked ZO …
FOR YOUR bsE AND INFORMATION Office of the White House Press Secretary --------------------------------------------------------------------THE WHITE HOUSE TRIP OF THE PRESIDENT TO NORFOLK, VIRGINIA JUNE 15, 1976 12:30 p. m. Press check-in Andrews Air Force Base Press Center 1:00 p. m. Press plane departs Andrews Air Force Base enroute Norfolk Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Virginia. 1:20 p. m. THE PRESIDENT boards McUibe::.One·and departs the South Lawn en route Andrews Air Force Base. 1:35 p. m. THE …
Digitized from Box 13 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library POOL, REFOR T July 26, 1975 Bonn/Cologne Jlirport to Schloss Gymnich The helicopter flight from Bonn/Cologne Pirport to Noervenich Military Airport lasted approximately 15 min" es. ,P·t Noervenich the President was greeted by the Base Commander (we think). The President was overheard introducing Mrs. Ford and 80n Jack. With a minumum of ceremony, the auto motorcade then proceeded along a two lane country …
- Digitized from Box 17 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OCTOBER 27. 1975 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE EXCHANGE OF TOASTS BETWEEN THE PRESIDENT ~D ANWAR EL-SADAT PRESIDENT OF THE ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT THE STATE FLOOR 10:14 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: ladies and gentlemen: Mr. President, Mrs. Sadat, It is obviously a very, very great honor to have Mrs. Sadat and you with us this evening, and particularly for me to …
Digitized from Box 24 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 16, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary -------------------------------------------------------------THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT In accordance with the District of Columbia Self Government and Governmental Reo~anization Act of 1973 and the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, I am transmitting an amendment to the fiscal year 1976 budget for the District of …
Digitized from Box 11 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MAY 29, 1975 POOL '1:tEPORT Mrs. Ford's Walk through a Shopping Area There was a nine car motorcade for a sight-seeing, and window-looking trip through downtown Brussels. She wore a red wool dress. grey herringbone cape and a print scarf with white kid gloves. The first place she stopped when she went to the shopping arcade under a glas s roof, was a candy store. She was accompanied by the wife of Ambassador …
Digitized from Box 27 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ·/ June 4, 1976 Office of the \!hi te HO'lse Press Secretary .- -----.,..... --- ._-- -_ .. . -- -_... - - -- -- -- --. _.. - .... _....... ...... - _..... - - ... - .. ......--- -- ...... _ - - --" - ... ' .... ~ -~ ".- _., ..... THE HHI'I'E HOUSE STATEHEN'I' BY THE PRESIDENT I am today signing S., 2498 . an omnibus bill which affects a number of Small Business Administration (SBA) …
Digitized from Box 29 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library AUGUST 10, 1976 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the White House Press Secretary ·-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE WHITE HOUSE The President today announced the appointment of two persons as members of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations for terms of two years. They are: Robert E. Merriam, of Chicago, Illinois, Executive Vice President, …
Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 31, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary THE WHITE HOUSE The President today announced his intention to nominate Charles W. Robinson, of San Francisco, California, to be Deputy Secretary of State. He will succeed Robert S. Ingersoll ~ho resigned effective March 31, 1976. Mr. Robinson has been Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs since December 9, 1974. Born on …
Digitized from Box 7 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library JANUARY 2.-', 1975 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the White Bouse' P..... SecncUJ ntE, WHlft.HO'S~ EXECUTIVE ORDER - .. . - - - ~~- . INCREASING· THE E~FECTIYENESS OF THE TRANSPORTATION ·.CARGO SECURITY PB.OGRAM Theft of cargo has ~marged d~ing this decade .. .~ a serious tbreat to the rel.iebillty. efficiency; ..•nel . integrity of the Nation'scouaerce. The total C08t of theft-related cargo lqasea,from our …
Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MARCH 22, 1976 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHTTE HOUSE • REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT UPON SIGNING THE TRANSMITTAL OF THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MESSAGE THE CABINET ROOM 12:41 P.M. EST Dr. Stever and distinguished scientists from both the private as well as the public sector: This is a great occasion, and I am delighted to participate in the signing of these two messages. …
Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ':r'(J~TE 19" 1975 OfEce of the White Hou::ie Press Secret;).ry ------------------------------------------------------ ----NOTICE TO TEE: ??. ESS The President's Crime Message will be sent to the Congress late today. There will be a briefing in the White House briefing room by Attorney General Levi about 3:30 p. m. for so~nd and film. Copies. of the message and a fact sheet will be available at the time of …
Digitized from Box 14 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library AUGUST'lO, 1975 POOL REPORT THE PRESIDENT GOING TO THE GOLF COURSE The President's limousine left the Bass House at 12:20 PM arr:ivi'ng at the Golf Course 5 minute9 later. At 12:30 the President and pro Bob Wolfe went to the practice range where they spent 20 minutes, Mr. Ford using his pitching wedge long irons, and a 3 wood to hit about 3. or 4 dozen practice shots. On the practice tee he posed for a …
__ Ct -ttl -?6] Digitized from Box 29 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library -- ISSUED I.N' .. :· -------- 2ITY'- JUSt ~_-._)76 Office of the White House Press Secretary STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETARY 'J:'he President condemns the vi-cious and unprovoked murder of tvJO American officers last nigiJ..t. iL_ __,_. ,~•;-ai..l-~"- --, '· -. near Parnunjom in Korea. These officers were peacefully supervising a work detail in the neutral zone when they were subjected to a …