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Finding Aid
William T. Kendall came to the White House in February 1975 directly from the staff of Senator Charles Mathias, Jr. He was appointed deputy assistant for legislative affairs (Senate) and reported to Max L. Friedersdorf, head of the Congressional Relations Office. His predecessor, Tom C. Korologos, had served President Nixon since 1971 and remained on President Ford's staff from August…
… feet (ca. 13,200 pages) Record Type Textual Donor Gerald R. Ford (accession numbers 77-58, 77-107) Last Modified Date 2025-03-06 Collection Type White House Office Files Tag - Office Name Congressional Relations Office Access Open. Some items …
Finding Aid
Patrick E. O'Donnell joined the Congressional Relations Office in August 1973, during the Nixon administration. He held the position of special assistant for legislative affairs (Senate) until resigning in February 1976, and Joseph S. Jenckes succeeded him. Both men served directly under the deputy assistant for legislative affairs (Senate), Tom C. Korologos through 1974 and then…
Special Assistants for Legislative Affairs (Senate), Congressional Relations Office The collection documents White House contacts with senators and their staffs regarding pending legislation, personnel appointments and routine requests and courtesies. A few foreign and many domestic policy issues are represented, for example energy bills and the Freedom of Information Act. The majority of files spans 1974-75, with some earlier material such as summary records of senatorial support on key votes, 1969-75. …
Finding Aid
The Robert Wolthuis files span the period November 1974 to January 1977. They document Wolthuis' work in the White House Congressional Relations Office.Wolthuis, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs and administrative assistant to Sen. Wallace Bennett of Utah, joined the White House staff on January 1, 1975. Although his title changed several times, his primary…
Special Assistant to the President, Congressional Relations Office Material concerning his work on legislation, congressional liaison, issues, and office administration while serving as the deputy director of the White House Congressional Relations Office. The most significant documentation concerns a variety of national security and foreign policy issues, including the Vietnamese War and investigations of the intelligence community, although some material on domestic issues appears. Included are minutes …
Finding Aid
The Congressional Relations Office received and responded to dozens of letters addressed to the President from members of Congress each day. To control this mail and allow for easy reference, the Congressional Relations staff created a single centralized file of logs of incoming mail and copies of their outgoing letters. Copies of congressional letters drafted by other White House offices were…
Congressional Relations Office Detailed logs and abstracts of incoming congressional mail plus carbon copies of outgoing correspondence arranged alphabetically by the name of the Representative or Senator. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Log of Incoming Mail by Date, 1974-77. Log of Incoming Mail by Name, 1974-77. Log of Mail Pending a Response, 1974-76. Log of Outgoing Presidential Letters by Name, 1974-76. Office of Management and …
Finding Aid
The Loen and Leppert files document White House liaison with the House of Representatives, 1974-1977. Max Friedersdorf was in charge of House liaison through December 1974, and he was succeeded by Vernon Loen (Jan. 1975 - March 1976) and then Charles Leppert (April 1976 - Jan. 1977). This collection includes material produced by all three and their assistants.The Congressional Relations…
Deputy Assistants to the President for Legislative Affairs (House), Congressional Relations Office The collection documents White House contacts with members of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1974-77, regarding legislation, personnel appointments, and routine requests and courtesies. Significant materials appear on most major energy issues which were the subject of considerable congressional debate. A few defense and foreign policy issues, including the intelligence investigations, the Sinai agreement, …
Finding Aid
The William E. Timmons Files consist of memoranda, correspondence, briefing papers, notes and reports on legislation compiled by Timmons and his assistant Powell Moore from August to December 1974, and Timmons' routine personal correspondence from 1969 to 1974.During the first five months of the Ford administration, Timmons continued to head the White House Congressional Relations Office, as he…
Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, Congressional Relations Office Material compiled by Timmons and his assistant Powell Moore from August to December 1974 and Timmons' routine personal correspondence from 1969 to 1974. The files document the organization of the White House legislative liaison staff and contacts between Timmons and individual Members of Congress on pending legislation, presidential appointments and routine political matters. View in NARA catalog Series Description and …
Finding Aid
When Gerald R. Ford became president in August 1974, Max L. Friedersdorf was serving as deputy assistant to the president for legislative affairs. His special responsibility was coordination of White House liaison with the House of Representatives. He worked directly under William E. Timmons, the head of the Congressional Relations Office. In January 1975 Friedersdorf became…
Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, Congressional Relations Office Material compiled by Friedersdorf from August 1974 until January 1977. The files document Friedersdorf's duties from August until December 1974 as deputy assistant for legislative affairs responsible for liaison with the House of Representatives. The files also illustrate Friedersdorf's enlarged duties as head of the Congressional Relations Office from January 1975 until the end of the administration during which time he was …
Finding Aid
Roger D. Semerad was appointed staff assistant to the Domestic Council by President Nixon in May 1974 and continued in this position during the Ford administration until September 1975. He was appointed by the President as Executive Director of the President's Advisory Committee on Refugees in May 1975 and left the administration when he completed his duties in January 1976.As staff…
Staff Assistant; Executive Director, President's Advisory Committee on Refugees, Domestic Council A small collection of materials concerning his Domestic Council work on labor, education and veterans affairs and some items on his work with the Presidential Advisory Committee on Refugees assisting with the resettlement of Indochina refugees. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Chronological File, 1974-76. Meetings File, 1975. Filter …