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… reviewing. A. General Observations 1. Non-Economic reasons for high teenage unemployment rates {p. 4) A. Casual attitude toward job hunting B. Frequent entrance-exit from labor market C. Limited horizons in job search activities 2 B. 2. Since 1963 … than 2.5 milli'on were on active duty; the number again approached 3.5 million in the last 3 years as a consequence of the VietNam war. Inductions into the military service reached a peak during the Korean war-587,000 were drafted in 1951, then … of these surveys conducted in 1964 \vould hold true in the recent years of higher draft calls and greater involvement in VietNam is uncertain. The Fair Labor Standards Act HISTORY. The Fair Act was . Labor Standards ' signed July 25, 1938, and …
… a tree, ca. 1943 Wreckage of an American military plane, ND Wreckage of an American military plane, ND Miscellaneous World War II aerial photographs, ND Miscellaneous World War II aerial photographs, ND Miscellaneous World War II aerial … the Press, 1/16/66 AV82-18-1343 Meet the Press, 1/16/66 AV82-18-1344 GRF and Rep. Horton (NY), ND (signed) AV82-18-1345 Vietnam speech from a train station, 2/1/66 AV82-18-1346 GRF with Kate Powell, Ann Richards McIlhiney, and Ethan Campbell in … woman at the Republican National Convention, 8/72 Mrs. Ford and an unidentified woman, 8/72 Kissinger Briefing on the Vietnam Peace Pact, 1973 (described in GRF's handwriting) Kissinger Briefing on the Vietnam Peace Pact, 1973 (described in …
… a tree, ca. 1943 Wreckage of an American military plane, ND Wreckage of an American military plane, ND Miscellaneous World War II aerial photographs, ND Miscellaneous World War II aerial photographs, ND Miscellaneous World War II aerial … the Press, 1/16/66 AV82-18-1343 Meet the Press, 1/16/66 AV82-18-1344 GRF and Rep. Horton (NY), ND (signed) AV82-18-1345 Vietnam speech from a train station, 2/1/66 AV82-18-1346 GRF with Kate Powell, Ann Richards McIlhiney, and Ethan Campbell in … woman at the Republican National Convention, 8/72 Mrs. Ford and an unidentified woman, 8/72 Kissinger Briefing on the Vietnam Peace Pact, 1973 (described in GRF's handwriting) Kissinger Briefing on the Vietnam Peace Pact, 1973 (described in …
… The original documents are located in Box 7, folder “Friends of Children of Vietnam Newsletters and Policy Statements” of the Shirley Peck Barnes Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. … will focus. Exactly who are these children- the infant, the older child, the handicapped, the mixed-race child, the full Vietnamese child? This is a question which can't be easily answered. We rely on the judgment of the orphanage, the … to the adoption of a Vietnamese child have been covered in the homestudy. The other copy of the homestudy will be forwarded to Viet Nam to meet the requirements of the Vietnamese government. 7. It will be the responsibility of the agency …
… into an industrial giant, sustained their families through the Great Depression and helped defeat tyranny in two world wars. They made America, in their lifetimes, a great nation, the recognized leader of the free world . All other Americans … increase of 0.6 percent over the veteran population of a year ago-the smallest rate of growth since the beginning 7 of the Vietnam era. Almost 90 percent, or 26,367 ,000 veterans, served in the Armed Forces during periods of war or armed conflict. … number of persons charged with violations of the Selective Service Act has been steadily decreasing since the end of t he Vietnam war. In fiscal year 1975, there were 1,376 selective service violators, 229 of which were convicted. This THOUSANDS …
… of this project. Comnunication between students and the nation' s leaders serves to heighten student's involvement and awareness of governI1EJ1t issues 'Which can only benefit our next generation of voters and leaders. Because the forun will be … of things we have to do including supporting critics maintain that in the 1960's your public passion was not the war in Vietnam or civil legislation which is now moving through the Congress, which will commit this nation to rights, but no fault … VICE PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, I don't question his passion. I question--and I don't question his concern about the war in Vietnam. He introduced or supported legislation back then that suggested that kids of Massachusetts should be exempt from …
… an LL.B. from Yale University Law School in 1941. In 1942 he entered the U.S. Navy, serving almost four years during World War II and participated in 3rd and 5th carrier operations aboard the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Monterey for two years. He was … March 20 - Saigon forces withdrawing from the North in disorderly retreat. March 27 - U.S. airlifts refugees from Vietnam. March 29 - The President announced in an address to the Nation his decision to sign the Tax Reduction Act of 1975, … Ford will recommend extension of unemployment compensation benefits. April 15 - Cambodia falls to Khymer Rouge. April 24 - Vietnam war officially ends. April 25 - President Ford urges Congress to extend the General Revenue Sharing program. May 12 …
… officials. A wave of protests, however, caused Carter to listen to outside advice. He took counsel, among others, with Ed ward Bennett Williams, the 'Washing ton criminal lawyer who is 1-.-,; 11 rerJre .' sehtative for several leading Catholic … innocence. The second may be as mythic as the first. Is it really quite tnte to say, for instance, that tragedies like Vietnam. Cambodia, Watergate and CIA miscreancy "could have been avoided if our government had reflected the sound judg … without'waiting'for:an'""answer...." He-:never in the'-moming' to'- piclc peanuts-Their- rd. walks should ·have·mad~ the:Vietnami'lar' art·issue:; -three-i'tniles along", thee"railroad· ' track" t6",de ! mention~ that the- war might·have been …
… food to feed over 56 people -- a threefold increase in productivity in 20 years. Rural America must be maintained as a rewarding place to live. To accomplish this, our rural areas are entitled to services comparable to their urban neighbors, … maintaining and improving our Veterans Administration hospital system. Younger veterans, especially those who served in the Vietnam conflict, deserve educational, job and housing loan benefits equivalent to those of World War II and the Korean … conflict. Because of our deep and continuing concern for those still listed as Prisoners of War or Missing in Action in Vietnam, the Foreign Policy section of this Republican Platform calls for top priority actions. And we must continue to …
… adequacy tests, delineated the differences in philosophy which appear among various regulatory bodies, and has put forward some ideas looking toward a redefinition of capital adequacy. In the course of these studies, we have constructed analytical software which … to withstand crisis. Severe inflationary pressures triggered by expansive monetary and fiscal policies associated with the Vietnam War, brought inflationary expectations to a peak. The attempt by the Federal Reserve to restrict growth in the …
… . I this wecken?. DespHe the_For?, camp's insi~; as the first prima ry. Beyond that. it's not The Reagan forces say the warn:r.g~ i tence that tne tnp is mainly prcs1~e nl1al , onlv the initial face•off between tlle Prcsi- : about hu.g: ne:,v … scored so well with his attacks on pronouncements. proposal, asking questions about detail s th a t President Johnson's Vietnam policy. Even so, the Reagan strateg i. .1 1,;i • i _nnd spending doubled during th e Rca g- an hne t!ia_t . ?.[ r. … Raagan, so wrong on But the story is all wrong gan could have got things - the military was inte- more entirely wrong. Yet Vietnam, on Nixon, has algrated, over howls of pro- this is the story Reagan ·ready shown his political test, hy President …
… al ITI.C.1, above. 1970) ; Miller, 40 F.C.C. 353 1962) .) public service annou nceme nts which see letter to the Honor able Warre n D. 3. Q. A sheriff who was a candid ate were not on tape, became a candid ate for· Magnuson, 23 F.C.C. 2d 775 1967) … domestic matters. Such topics ranged from President Ford's discussions of the U.S. involvement in the affairs of Vietnam, Cambodia, South Korea, and mid-east countries to the activities of the CIA at home and abroad. Clearly, … Department for possible prosecution; the May 6 plea to the nation by the President asking it to "open its doors'' to Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees; and his April 4 statement warning enemies of the U.S. not to mistake this nation's recent …
… on a debate sounds like a wonderful plan. I would. of course, lib to be helpful. to JOU and the Coalisaion and will look iorward to receivin& f urtber 1.nfor11ation aa your plaua develop. Un.fortunatel7. 1 will not be able to attend the sympoaium … for Contemporary Media, DePauw University; CNN David Broder, The Washington Post John Mashek, The Boston Globe Margaret Warner, Newsweek 4:00 . 5:00 The Candidates' Perspectives Jules Witcover, Baltimore Evening Sun, Moderator Charles R. Black, … So clearly it was. Two questions into the debate, he brought up Clinton going to Britain and demonstrating against the Vietnam War, and that trust and character were important issues. Well, I felt I had wide latitude as moderator in my debate, …
… an attractive combination of economy and effectiveness that it shoul~ not be cast aside by Service biases. We are well aware of the current vicw,:ioin .. ;n tne:.. A;r Force that they see no role for the Enforcer con~icer;ng pro~ccted aircraft … to mankind's quest for a more stable and peaceful world by; Ending America's long and costly in\'olvement in the Vietnam war; opening the doors to a normalization of relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China, … soil or program. Using Ideas picked u.r from Amer- settled in Georgia upon retirement not ican pilots who had flown In Vietnam, :Mr. only for the boundle1:s opportunities we Lindsay started. designing the plane. !n the proudly offer, but also …
… the 747SP fr om Delhi to overhead the Indian Ocean, overhead Singapore, ove rhead Jakarta a.nd directly to Tokyo . The homeward l eg will be direct to New York via a r oute slightly north of Seattle, Washington . Clipper 200 is scheduled to d … April l, 1976 TERMINATION OF GI BILL Q. Why are you trying to end the GI Bill program of education benefits for post Vietnam-era veterans? A. The whole idea of the GI Bill program, from its creation after World War II, has been to help … A. What you are referring to is the fact that GI Bill benefits for those who served between the Korean War and the war in Vietnam end this Spring. The GI Bill was never intended to create a life long opportunity for education benefits. Rather, it …
… in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. ., 45 S. Vietnamese Orphan$ Arrive on Two Flights · Forty-five South Vietnamese orphans arrived in Denver late Sunday night on two commercial aorline flights according ' , to the Denver based … doctdrs and the agency. jNew Nursing Center Used by Viet Orphans 1 Continental Care Center, a $1 came to Denver as a World War ' million nursing home with facil- II refugee. : ities for 120 patients in geriatric Continental Care Center was · and …
… Papers: Press Secretary and Speech File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ' -2Last April 6 President r'!"ixon warned that nonpublic education faces "a crisis of the first magnitude" and reiterated his commitment to Federal help for … authority and $2.2 billion In outlays requested for fiscal19721nto fiscal1973. • Partially estimated. t Includes Increased Vietnam war costs (H. Doc. 92-321), disaster relief (H. Doc. 92-316 and 325), and drug abuse treatment (H. Doc. 92-330). ' … ... has been no less disturbing. His proposals for a $32 billion cut in defense outlays and a unilateral withdrawal from Vietnam have also been upsetting to many people ... . . . the takeover by a candidate and his followers who espouse the most …
… as a priest, the WJKS management became a partner in classic anti-Catholicism. When challenged on this point by Father Edward Booth, pro-life moderator for the Diocese of St. Augustine, WJKS general manager, John Radeck, himself a Catholic, … their people only frontations over the current liberal issues of when their people decide to permit them to the ,day: the Vietnam War; napalm and have such influence .. The · authority of the chemical . we 1ponfy; nuclear weapoi:is; and … on demand, the Rev. Richard John Neuhaus said he is logical.c, ly following the course that led to > .. t , During the Vietnam War, he led an antiwar protest service in his church at which many youths turned in their draft cards. He helped …
… a short-lived and unsuccessful filibuster against a proposal to restrict Ford's power to intervene in the Angolan civil war. Members finally went home for Christmas at the end of the day on Dec. ~9. Behind them was a year of disagreement with … began with Congress resolutely opposed to the President's request for more military aid to the foundering regime in South Vietnam and ended with an equally firm "no" to U.S. involvement in the civil war in the African nation of Angola. . In … defense appropriations bill until. the second session convened in 1976. Unlike the congressional response to the Vietnam experience, in which Congress delayed attaching meaningful Recorded Votes The first session of the 94th Congress set …
… those of us familiar with Indian policy-- Commissioner of Indian Affairs Thompson, Ted Marrs, myself, Mrs. Kilberg and Howard Borgstrom of OMB none of us had seen that platform language. After consultation, I suggest the attached language -- … includes a requirement that those curtail the availability of these weap- mation mto the conduct · ·Of Ameriean - News VIetnam plank of , · . .. . ~ 'f . . ·· · , are created equal, thllit they are o encouragmg pnva e sec or mves. the party's … is truthful, and that is not measures to enhance the s> tability and the adoptiOn of reforms such as zero- sitlon to the Vietnam War with desertnergy PriCing In order to provide for a co h .. form t~at he cannot support in tha flexibility of our …