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Capital Footnotes Exercise Equipment to ub for Ford's Pool Only minor changes in the White House living quarters will be made when the ne·w·First Family moves in tomorrow. President and Mrs. Ford will share the First Lady's bedroom when. they move into the White House tomorrow. ~·/ The canopied bed used by Mrs. Nixon has already been removed and put in . storage. The Fords will bring their own bed. By Isabelle Shelton Slar-Newa r'! Wrtter President Fonl may not be able to swim in the . White House, at …
Scanned from the Spencer C. Johnson Files (Box 11 - Swine Influenza Immunization Program) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library i'larch 24, 1976 EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UNTIL 5:00 P.M.~ (EST) Office of the White House Press Secretary THE WHITE HOUSE FACT SHEET SWINE INFLUENZA nmUNIZATION PROGRAI'q BACKGROUND Last month an outbreak of swine influenza was isolated among recruits in training at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Although only 12 cases were confirmed, extensive blood testing has indicated that several …
Scanned from the White House Central Files Subject File (HE 1 - Exec.) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ..... ~J. l' ! a.Jf U '~.: ~ .~I' OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR :f11q,n)t,. ~\ CJ COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HARRISBURG MILTON J. SHAPP GOVERNOR July 8, 1976 The Honorable Gerald R. Ford President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D. C. 20500 Dear President Ford: It is with grave concern that I call upon you to provide immediate direction to the mass influenza immunization ( …
FADEM, Mary 6/4/76 I • FALLS, At±' red J. 3/2.2/16 1 FANNIN, Paul J. 2/9/75 4/25/7 5 6/7/75 7/21/75 8/24/75 9 /10/7 5 FAUNTROY, Walter E. 3/28/75 I FAY, Peter T. 3/2/76 FELDMAN, George J. 9/20/76 10/2/76 FENWICK, Millic ent 9/30/75 (I) FERGUSON, Homer 1/27/75 I 12/16/75 I 12 I 20/7 5 FINCH, Charles "Cliff" 7/30/76 FINDLEY, Paul 5/18/76 5/19/76 FINCERS, Rollie 10/23/74 - -- FINLEY, Charles 0. 9/14/75 (t) FINUCAN, Father J. Thomas 3/31/76 I 4/5/76 (INC) 4/6/76 FIRESTONE, Leonard K. 9/23/75 l/21/76 I 2/25/76 …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 22) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Date Issued 5/21/76 By P. Revised ----- FACT SHEET Mrs. Ford's Office Event State Dinner Group In Honor of King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sophia of Spain DATE/TIME June 2, 1976 8:00 p. m. Contact Pat Howard Number of guests: Total State Floor' Place ihP--£1tJrrfJe~Vomen___-=-.x=--_ _ Men._---:;.:x=-----___ Phone 2927 'Children ----- Principals in~olved, President and Mrs. Ford Participation by Principal yes …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 22) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library i· THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DINNER IN HONOR OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC AND MRS. GISCARD D'ESTAING May 17, 1976 8: 00 p. m. Dress: White tie ... long dresses for the ladies Arrival: 8: 00 p. m. '" at North Portico Entrance ... President and Mrs. Giscard d'Estaing, Ambassador and Mrs. Catto. You and Mrs. Ford will greet. Photo coverage of greeting. Yellow Oval Room: Vice President …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 9) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DINNER IN HONOR OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA AND MRS. KAUNDA April 19, 1975 8:-00 p. m. Dress: Black tie ... long dresses for the ladies Arrival: 8: 00 p. m. at North Portico Entrance ... President and Mrs. Kaunda, Ambassador and Mrs. Catto You and Mrs. Ford will greet Photo coverage of greeting "1 ellow Oval Room: Secretary and Mrs. Kissinger; …
• DiNNER AT THE WHITE HOUSE - NOVEMBER 12, 1974 - 8:00 P. M. TABLE 1 Rep. Carter Miss Lewine Mr. Joseph Lauder Mr. Kreeger Mrs. Dennis Mr. van Roij en Mr. Reginald Jones Mrs. Phil Jones Mr. Seawell TABLE 2 Mr s. Ullman H. E. Pet'er Jankowitsch Mrs. Deak Mr. Bergen Mrs. Cheek Rep. Wiggins Mrs. Deakin Mr. Chapin Mrs. Houghton Mr. Obenshain TABLE 3 Rep. Horton Mrs. John Johnson Mr. Manthey Mrs. Kreeger Mr. Deak Mrs. Wiggins Mr. Bingham Mr. Deakin Mrs. Zipf TABLE 4 Mrs. Horton Mr. Gramshammer Mr. Phil Jones …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 16) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Til·' 1.'·,·".,.-1 '10/29/75 . ~ ~ .... l J. _'" _ \" ;;/2. K ':'.:5_'J E\"..:.-': ~_.~:~_~~:-~~(ing D~nne~ {Stag:) Vl~C-!.~:-· _.. '~:J:.~-=-ionor Of Prime Iv1~nister Tllorn of Lt:.z:ernbourg Pat Howard ~UJn~~:~~"".~~ ')f guests: Total Phon~ '30 approx. \'JDmcn ------------- Pbc.: S ::-2. te Floor ;\len x ------------ 21":' 7 Chil-:i'ren '. ~------ President Parti> ':l;1"tion by Princip;d …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 11) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DINNER IN HONOR OF HIS EXCELLENCY JOHANNES DEN UYL PRIME MINISTER OF THE NETHERLANDS May 14, 1975 7: 30 p. m. Dress: Black Tie Arrival: 7: 30 p. m . . . . Your guests will arrive through the Diplomatic Reception Room and will be escorted to the Red Room for mixed drinks. 7:40 p. m . • . . You will be escorted via elevator to the North Portico where you will greet Prime Minister den …
DINNER AT THE WHITE HOUSE - AUGUST 16, 1974 - 8:00 P.M. 119 guests HEAD TABLE Amb. of Jordan Mrs. Kis singer P. M. of Jordan MRS. FORD King Hus sein THE PRESIDENT Queen Alia Secy. of State Mrs. Rifai Amb. Pickering TABLE 4 Secy. of Defense Mrs. Jumean Rep. Buchanan Mr. Herbers Mrs. Davis Mr. Cornell .! Mrs. Nessen Mr. Parker Rep. Montgomery Mrs. Young TABLE 8 Miss Ford The Speaker Mrs. Salah Mr. Ingersoll M'rs. Fulbright Mr. Ellsworth Mrs. Buchanan Brig. Gen. Salem Mrs. Dent Mr. Britt TABLE 1 Mr. Ford Mrs. …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 24) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library DINNER aboard the Sequoia, Wednesday, June 16, 1976 at 7:00 o'clock ( Piano) The Ambassador of Canada (Jack H. Warren) Mr. Brent Scowcroft As st. to the Pres. for NSAffairs The Secretary of State (Henry A. Kissinger) The Rt. Hon. Pierre Elliott Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada Mr. Ivan Head $pecial Asst. to the PM THE PRESIDENT Amb. Thomas O. Enders Amer. Amb. to Canada Mr. Donald Macdonald Minister of …
any) 16' r,l a)l 0 - - - , r _ fis fpS .1.' 1 .:: SC !1 n)~dt ' ::C ~ Pr~~ident .\ lc:;. Ki ::; '1 er T a ble 1 _v s. Lev'i Dr. Koerber Mr s. KLuge Amb. Rockvlell f.'rs. Gennaro Mr. Brown :r...hs. Mathias Mr. Rockwell Mrs. Stoner Rep. Hagedorn Table 2 Mr . Zarb Mrs. Fogarty lVIr. Boelling Mrs. Schuller Mr. Hewitt Mrs. Rockv/ell (S) Mr. Pickering Mrs. Forbes Rep. Price Mrs. Shepley Table 3 Justice Blackmun Mrs, Rhodes Arnb. of Germany lVlrs. Mus s Rep. Erlenborn Mr. Blagburn Mrs. Le"\.vis Ivlr. Wilson Mr. …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 13) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE V/ASHINGTON DINNER IN HONOR OF HIS EXCELLEN CY YIT ZHAK RABIN PRIME MINIST ER OF ISRAEL June 11, 1975 7: 30 p. rn. Dress: Black Tie Arrival: 7: 30 p. rn. . . . Your guests will arrive through the Diplornatic Reception Roorn and will be escorted to the Red Roorn for rnixed drinks. 7:40 p. m. . . . . You will be escorted VIa elevator to the North Portico where you wiil greet PriITle IvIinister …