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GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 ROBERT T. HARTMANN FILES SUB-GROUP, 1965-73 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Series List Robert T. Hartmann Files, 1965-73. (Boxes R1‑R34, 13.6 linear feet) Robert Hartmann assisted House Republicans, 1966‑69, as editor of the House Republican Conference and Minority Sergeant‑at‑Arms. He then served Ford as Legislative Assistant to the Minority Leader, chief of staff to the Vice President, and Counsellor to the President. To …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 INVITATIONS FILE SUB-GROUP, 1962-73 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Summary Description Ford Congressional Papers main page Has Digitized Content Off Alphabetical order title FORD, GERALD R., CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 INVITATIONS FILE SUB-GROUP, …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 PRESS SECRETARY AND SPEECH FILE SUB-GROUP, 1948-73 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Series List Press Secretary and Speech File, 1948-73. (Boxes D1‑D119, 47.6 linear feet) This file illustrates the public relations activities of Congressman Ford, especially as evidenced in his speeches, newsletters, press statements, magazine articles, interviews, and local radio broadcasts. The file likewise documents the functions of a press …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 TRIP FILE SUB-GROUP, 1966-73 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Summary Description Ford Congressional Papers main page Has Digitized Content Off Alphabetical order title FORD, GERALD R., CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 TRIP FILE SUB-GROUP, …
National Security Adviser. Memoranda of Conversations, 1973-1977 Extent 8.4 linear feet (ca. 8,700 pages) Scope and Content Note The Memoranda of Conversations (memcons) is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance and nature of the Ford National Security Adviser Files as a whole are described in Appendix A . The bulk of the memcons are based on Brent Scowcroft’s notes from meetings he attended in his capacity as Deputy Assistant to the President for …
RON NESSEN FILES, 1974-77 Extent 32.4 linear feet (ca. 64,800 pages) Scope and Content Note Ron Nessen was appointed White House Press Secretary on September 20, 1974, replacing Jerald F. terHorst who had resigned in protest of President Ford's grant of an unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon eleven days earlier. Nessen remained as Press Secretary and head of the press office through the end of the Ford administration. Discussed below under separate headings are: organization and function of the office of …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. TEMPORARY PARALLEL FILE OF ITEMS OPENED FROM UNPROCESSED COLLECTIONS, 1974-77 Extent 0.3 linear feet (ca. 600 pages) Scope and Content Note This file temporarily accumulates items that archivists have removed from larger file groups for early processing. These materials include miscellaneous items declassified or sanitized under mandatory review. Types of documents include: memoranda, telegrams, correspondence, biographies, reports, briefing papers, memoranda of conversations, …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. PRESIDENTIAL COUNTRY FILES FOR AFRICA, 1974-77 Extent 3.1 linear feet (ca. 6,200 pages) Scope and Content Note The Presidential Country Files for Africa is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. These Presidential Country Files relate to U.S. relations with existing and emerging countries in Africa, and address regional concerns as well as issues specific to individual countries. Materials in the first five folders are filed under “Africa,” …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. PRESIDENTIAL COUNTRY FILES FOR LATIN AMERICA, 1974-77 Extent 2.4 linear feet (ca. 4,800 pages) Scope and Content Note The Presidential Country Files for Latin America is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. During the Ford administration, the National Security Council (NSC) advised the President about domestic, foreign and military policies in relation to United States national security. It considered policies on matters of common interest …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. PLANNING AND COORDINATION STAFF FILES, 1972-75 Extent 1.9 linear feet (ca. 4,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The NSC Planning and Coordination Staff Files is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The Planning and Coordination Staff, headed by Richard Kennedy from 1973 to 1975, dealt primarily with politico-military matters but also handled an array of issues including foreign assistance and arms transfer policy. Its officers were …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. BRENT SCOWCROFT'S MORNING NEWSPAPER SUMMARIES, 1976-77 Extent 1.1 linear feet (ca. 2,200 pages) Scope and Content Note The White House Situation Room: Brent Scowcroft’s Morning Newspaper Summaries is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance and nature of the National Security Adviser Files as a whole are described in Appendix A. In January 1976, for reasons not apparent, the staff of the White House Situation Room began …
FREDERICA PANTLIND Grand Rapids friend of Gerald Ford: Papers , 1933-38 (1982) Extent 0.1 linear feet (ca. 200 pages) Scope and Content Note Frederica “Freddy” Pantlind grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her parents, Frederic J. Pantlind and Hilda W. (Hummer) Pantlind, owned the Pantlind Hotel, the leading hotel in the city (upon the completion of major renovations and an addition in 1981 it became known as the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel). The Pantlinds lived near the Ford family in Grand Rapids and both …
BRADLEY H. PATTERSON, JR. FILES, (1973) 1974-76 Extent 2.2 linear feet (ca. 4,400 pages) Scope and Content Note Bradley Patterson served throughout the Nixon and Ford administrations in a variety of positions, most notably as the White House official closely monitoring the concerns of Native Americans from 1969 to 1974 and again in 1976. The files described here consist of correspondence and memoranda generated or accumulated by Patterson in 1976 as Special Assistant to the President for Native American …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Actualities Audiotapes Scope and Content Note PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Actualities Audiotapes Record Type Audio Last Modified Date Fri, 10/18/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Legacy Finding Aid (PDF) PFCactualities.pdf Has Digitized Content Off Alphabetical order title PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Actualities …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Audiovisual Material Removed from the Textual Records Scope and Content Note PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Audiovisual Material Removed from the Textual Records Record Type Audio Photographs Videos Last Modified Date Fri, 10/18/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Legacy Finding Aid (PDF) PFCtextual.pdf Has Digitized Content Off Alphabetical order title PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Audiovisual Material Removed from the Textual …
WANDA M. PHELAN FILES, 1974-76 Extent 23.6 linear feet (ca. 47,200 pages) Scope and Content Note Wanda Phelan served in the White House press office at two different times during the Nixon and Ford administrations. From February 1970 to October 1974 she handled routine correspondence for press secretaries Herb Klein, Ron Ziegler and Jerald ter Horst. She returned to the White House press secretary's office on detail in August 1976 and worked as a staff assistant under Agnes Waldron. In this role, she …
SUSAN PORTER FILES, 1974-77 Extent 9.6 linear feet (ca. 19,200 pages) Scope and Content Note The Susan Porter files include correspondence, memoranda, schedules, calendars, fact sheets and scenarios compiled by Porter during her tenure as appointments secretary to Mrs. Ford and the Ford children from August 1974 until January 1977. Porter began working in the White House in 1971. As appointments secretary Porter and her assistant, Sally Runion, organized schedules for Mrs. Ford and the Ford children. All …
President's Daily Diary, 1974-1977 Extent 48.8 linear feet (ca. 97,600 pages) Scope and Content Note The Daily Diary is a minute‑by‑minute log of President Ford's official and social activities, noting attendees at meetings and persons to whom he spoke by telephone, and where and when these contacts took place. The sections below describe the Daily Diary, the index compiled by the Ford Library staff, the electronic version of the Diary, and related materials among the Ford Library's holdings. The Daily …
U.S. SECRET SERVICE. EXECUTIVE PROTECTIVE SERVICE FILES, 1974-77 Extent 124 linear feet (ca. 225,000 pages) Record Type Textual Access Closed. This collection is temporarily restricted under terms of the donor's deed of gift, a copy of which is available on request, or under National Archives and Records Administration general restrictions (36 CFR 1256). Researchers may contact the Library for information about how to appeal the access restriction decision of individual documents. Processed by J.P. …
WHITE HOUSE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE. WHITE HOUSE BUDGET FILES, 1974-76 Extent 0.8 linear feet (ca. 1,600 pages) Scope and Content Note The White House Administrative Office was one of the permanent operating offices which remained in the White House even as Presidents changed. The Administrative Office was divided into four areas: White House budget, payroll, personnel, and supply activities. Leave records, time and attendance reports, personnel records, and the purchase of supplies and equipment necessary …