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Digitized from Box 13 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library JULY 23, 1975 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the White House Press Secretary THE WHITE HOUSE The President today announced his intention to nominate Charles M. Walker, of Los Angeles, California, to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy. He will succeed Frederick Hickman who has resigned. Since 1961, Mr. Walker has been a partner in the law firm of Paul, Hast ings, Janofsky &: Walker of Los …
Digitized from Box 26 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - "'--.' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON May 24, 1976 The President of the Senate Sir: I ask the Congress to consider an amendment to the request for appropriations transmitted in the budget for the fiscal year 1977 in the amount of $268,316,000, for the Veterans Administration. The details of this proposal are set forth in the enclosed letter from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. I concur in …
Digitized from Box 22 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FEBRUARY 28, 1976 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) THE WHITE HOUSE QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION OF THE.PRESIDENT AT THE SPANISH RIVER PARK BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 5:50 P.M. EST QUESTION: Can you tell us what the impact of this motorcade will be on the Florida primaries? THE PRESIDENT: I think it will be very much a plus. I have met so many people. The …
Digitized from Box 15 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September IS, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary -----------------------------------------------------------------The White House GENERAL PULASKI'S MEMORIAL DAY, 1975 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION One hundred and ninety-six years ago, Casimir Pulaski, a Polish patriot in exile, gave his life in the struggle for American independence. …
Digitized from Box 31 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Septem.22, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary NOTICE TO THE PRESS THE PRESIDENT''S SCHEDULE Thursday, September 23, 1976 8:00a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meetings with Staff. 1:50 p.m. Depart South Grounds via Helicopter en route Andrews Air Force Base and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 9:30p.m. First Debate -Walnut Street Theatre. # # …
Digitized from Box 27 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - June 5, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary --------------------------------~--------------------- ------- NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President has signed H. R. 12132 -' Extension of District of Columbia Medical and Dental Manpower Act of 1970. This bill extends for one year (fiscal year 1977) the District of Columbia Medical and Dental Manpowe r Act of 1970. The District of Columbia Medical and …
Digitized from Box 26 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - May 28, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary ------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President has signed H. R. 7656 -,Beef Research and Inform.ation Act. This bill authorizes cattle producer s to establish, finance, and carry out a coordinated program. of research, producer and c education, and prom.otion to im. prove, m.aintain and develop …
Digitized from Box 11 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR RELEASE UPON DELIVERY MAY 31, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary (Madrid, Spain) THE WHITE HOUSE TEXT OF THE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AFTER RECEIVING THE KEY TO THE CITY OF MADRID Mr. Mayor, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen: Mrs. Ford and I have been very deeply touched by the friendliness and warmth which have .marked our arrival in Spain. This hospitality was evident in the gracious …
[2-/2-7b] Digitized from Box 21 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the White House Press Secretary ------------------------------------------------------ --------THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT As I have indicated on a number of occasions, the small business sector of our economy is vital to private job creation, technological innovation, competition and individual liberty. In this era of bigness~ our Nation must maintain …
Digitized from Box 6 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIA TE RELEASE JANUARY 3, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary ~---------------~-----------------------------------~------~---THE WHITE HOUSE The President today announced the appointment of Norris Cotton, of Lebanon, New Hampshire, to be a Member of the National Cancer Advisory Board for the remainder of a term expiring March 9, 1978. He succeeds W. Clarke Wescoe who resigned effective March …
./ Digitized from Box 25 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library I MAY 3, 1976 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OFFICE OF THE t\1HITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY (Birmingham, Alabama) THE tvHITE HOUSE REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT AT l~ILSON PARK 4 : 57 P. M• CDT Congressman John Buchanan, Congressman Bill Dickinson, Congressman Jack Edwards: I am deeply indebted to all three of you for those wonderful words of confidence, those words of endorsement, and may I say that it was a great …
Digitized from Box 8 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - - MARCH 8, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PR ESS The President today announced the appointrn.ent of Carrn.en J. Blondin, of Oxon Hill, Maryland, as United States Corn.rn.issioner on the North Pacific Fur Seal Corn.rn.ission. He succeeds Walter Kirkness whose resignation was accepted by the President on …
Digitized from Box 13 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library JULY 2, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary - ----------------------------------- ------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President has signed H. R. 8109- -Protection of Medicaid eligibility; exemption of Puerto Rico, quam, Virgin Islands from certain Medicaid requirements, which continues the eligibility of certain social security recipients for Medicaid benefits and extends the exemption of Puerto …
Digitized from Box 21 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FEBRUARY 16, 1976 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE vlliITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT THE BRIEFING ROOM 11:36 A.M. EST In only two weeks time, unless there is affirmative action by the Congress, the Federal Elections Commission will be stripped of most of its powers. We must not allow that to happen. The Commission has become the chief instrument for achieving clean …
Digitized from Box 6 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 7, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary --------------------------------------------------------THE WHITE HOUSE EXECUTIVE ORDER THE HOPI - NAVAJO LAND SETTLEMENT INTERAGENCY CO~tMITTEE By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 1(c)(2) of the Act to provide for final settlement of the conflicting rights and interests of the Hopi and Navajo Tribes concerning lands …
Digitized from Box 22 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library \...J February 25, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary ------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS ADDITIONS TO THE PR ESIDENT 'S SCHEDULE Wednesday, February 25, 1976 10:15 a. m. Honorable William Scranton and Ambassador Daniel P. Moynihan. (Film and Sound Coverage) T he Oval Office 5:00 p. m. White House Reception for the Board of Directors and Executive …
• I ., FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FEBRUARY Z7, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary ------------------------------------------------------------------THE WHII'E HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETARY Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan have accepted the invitation of the President of the United States to pay a state visit to the United States. Their Majesties are scheduled to engage in official functions in Washington on October Z and 3. The other details concerning Their Majesties visit, …
.... , --» Digitized from Box 3 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library OCTOBER 17, 1974 APPEARANCE BY THE PRESIDENT BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING 1 0 : 0 0 A. M. EDT CONGRESSMAN HUNGATE: The sUbcommittee will be in order. The subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the House Committee on Judiciary today welcomes the President of the United States, Gerald R. Ford. We appreciate …
Digitized from Box 29 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library JULY 29, 1976 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT TO THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL HISPANIC ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED STATES THE MAYFLOWER HOTEL 9:34 P.M. EDT Fernando, my good friend, Minority Leader of the House Congressman John Rhodes, Congressman Manny Lujan, Ben Fernandez, distinguished members of the Administration guests and ladies and …
Digitized from Box 22 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library / FEBRUARY 23, 1976 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the White House Press Secretary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Drug abuse is one of the most serious and tragic problems in this country. Its cost to the nation in terms of ruined lives, broken homes and divided communities is staggering. In addition to this toll, …