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PRESNET Subject Indexing Terms The full PRESNET thesaurus, including cross-references and relationships between terms, is not available in electronic form. The list below contains all subject descriptors, geographic terms, and agency names used by the staff in indexing the contents of folders of documents. A term may have been used in the database a single time or, in a few cases, many thousands of times. Please contact the archival staff at the Ford Library to obtain search reports on our holdings on …
Searching the Memoranda of Presidential Conversations The Library staff has indexed the Memoranda of Conversations for their main topics. Contact the Library for a list of "memcons" on your topic. You also can do a free text search to find individual words in the memcons. While creating the PDF files we enabled Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Although we are aware of quite a few errors in this OCR conversion, most of the text of each memcon is fully searchable. Additional searching hint: Within the …
A twenty minute film about the life and times of President Gerald R. Ford. This film is shown daily at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Other video from Ford's Presidency can be seen on YouTube at: We have provided this link to an external site because it has information that may be of interest to our users. The Ford Library and Museum does not have official ties to any of these external links and is not responsible for their content or for any …
Museum Hours of Operation Monday - Saturday: 10 AM - 5 PM Sunday: 12 PM - 5 PM The Museum is closed on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Admission Adults: $13.00 Seniors & Military: $11.00 College Students: $10.00 Ages 6-18: $7.00 Children under 5: Free Free Parking is available for all Museum Patrons. Buy Tickets Shop Museum Store Location 303 Pearl Street NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504-5353 616-254-0400 Get Directions Accessibility All areas of the Museum and Library are ADA compliant , …
White House Photographic Office, 1974-77 This collection contains contact sheets and negatives for approximately 290,000 photos of President Ford, his staff, and his family during the Ford administration. The images show activities in White House meeting rooms, offices, and the family residence; visits to Camp David; flights on Air Force One; President Ford and Mrs. Ford's domestic and overseas trips; visits by foreign leaders; vacations in Colorado; and campaign swings. Ford Digital Library portal to …
Plan A School Visit Expand All Collapse All Scheduling a Visit If you would like to schedule a guided tour of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum for your class, our staff and docents will work with you to tailor the tour to meet the age and interests of your students. Trained docents work with you and guide your students Let us help you meet your teaching goals Grades: K – 12 Time: 1 - 2 hours All guided tours must be scheduled a minimum of two weeks in advance. If you prefer to lead your students …
President Gerald R. Ford Essay Challenge Each year, the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Museum, and Foundation collaborate on this unique competition for high school students. Students are asked to write a 500-750 word original essay taking a trait President Ford was known for and relating it to the world today. The trait changes annually. The complete list of rules can be found here. The President Gerald R. Ford Essay Challenge is co-sponsored by the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum …
Gerald R. Ford: A Selected Bibliography The list below describes a selection of published biographies and memoirs concerning President Ford's career, especially his presidency. For more information about published sources concerning President Ford, his administration, or issues and events of his presidency, contact the Ford Library. American Energy Policy in the 1970s . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2014. Edited by Robert Lifset. Bauer, Stephen M. At Ease in the White House: The Uninhibited …
Library Collections The 1974-77 Presidential papers of Gerald Ford and his White House staff form the core Ford Library collection in Ann Arbor. These are supplemented by the pre- and post-presidential papers of Gerald Ford, the papers of Betty Ford, collections of Federal records, and more. Former government officials have donated personal papers, researchers in the period have given copies of research interviews, and private individuals associated with the issues and events of the time have given their …
Research Grants and Award Programs Programs are available to support research in the holdings of the Gerald R. Ford Library. The Library holdings focus on Federal policies, U.S. foreign relations, national politics and domestic issues in the 1960s and 1970s. There are earlier and later materials depending upon your topic. The programs are: The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation awards several Research Travel Grants of up to $2,200 each in support of research in the holdings of the Gerald R. Ford …
Brent Cebul Wins 2011 Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library is proud to announce that Brent Cebul has been chosen as the 2011 winner of the Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter. Mr. Cebul is a doctoral student in American History at the University of Virginia and is completing his doctoral dissertation: Freedom From: Small Government, Big Government Policies, and the Rise of Blue Collar Republicans, 1970-1994. He is …
Adam M. Saunders Wins 2008 Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library is proud to announce that Adam M. Saunders has been chosen as the 2008 winner of the Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter. Mr. Saunders is a doctoral student in Comparative Social Policy at Trinity College, University of Oxford and is completing his doctoral dissertation: Power and the Welfare State: The Political Economy of American and British Unemployment …
Core Collections on Science and Technology September 2005 National policies and programs in science and technology are among the historical issues documented in the estimated 20 million pages of archival material at the Ford Library. Some of these materials are summarized below, but more is available in many different collections. Not included, for example, are extensive additional files on energy and environmental policies. Anyone may use these collections, and Library staff can provide database …
Songs That Healed a Nation with Reverend Robert Jones Details Date October 10, 2024 Time 6:30 pm EDT Location Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Ann Arbor, MI Type Performances Join us as Reverend Robert Jones performs and tells the stories of many of America’s most iconic songs of healing. Register …
Be Bold Like Betty Details Date September 27, 2024 Time 2:00 pm EDT Location Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Grand Rapids, MI Type Special Events Join us in honoring First Lady Betty Ford, breast cancer survivor and advocate for breast cancer awareness. When Mrs. Ford was diagnosed 50 years ago, she became a champion for the cause and had a tremendous impact on increasing screening rates across the nation. Corewell Health, the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, and Ford Presidential Foundation will …
The American Presidency on Screen Details Date October 17, 2024 Time 6:30 pm EDT Location Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Ann Arbor, MI Type Film screenings Produced by the Washington Political Film Foundation, "The American Presidency on Screen" is a project that seeks to help reverse today's trend toward political polarization that threatens the basic strengths that have underpinned the "great …
The Legacy of President Ford and His Friendship with President Carter Details Date October 31, 2024 Time 6:30 pm EDT Location Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Grand Rapids, MI Type Dialogues Distinguished professor at Francis Marion University and celebrated author, Dr. Scott Kaufman, will talk about Gerald Ford’s legacy and his special relationship with Jimmy Carter. Register …
1975 State Dinners January 30, 1975 - Prime Minister Harold Wilson of Great Britain Dinner Menu Entertainment Program Photographs Dinner Invitation Entertainment Invitation (not found) Event Outline Fact Sheet Guest List (Ford Daily Diary) Seating Chart "Memcon" from private discussions February 5, 1975 - Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of Pakistan Dinner Menu Entertainment Program Photographs Dinner Invitation Entertainment Invitation Event Outline Fact Sheet Guest List (Ford Daily Diary) Seating …
Contact Us Museum Grand Rapids, Michigan Hours Monday - Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday: 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Plan Your Visit Museum Grand Rapids, MI Map Library Ann Arbor, Michigan Hours Monday - Friday: 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Research by appointment only. Plan Your Visit Ann Arbor, MI Map Ask an Expert Category - Select - Archivist Educator Curator Events Specialist Subject First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number …