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Scanned from Box 2 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIk-- WASHINGTON. D.C. 20506 October 17,1975 National Security Study Memorandum 232 TO: The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of State SUBJECT: U. S. Policy Toward Svalbard (Spitzbergen) The President has directed that a comprehensive review be undertaken of U.S. policy toward the Norwegian Arctic dependency known as Svalbard. The study should …
t Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WA8HINGTON, D.C. 10101 January 20, 1977 National Security Decision Memorandum 347 TO: Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory COmmission Administrator, Energy Research and Development Admini stration SUBJECT: The Classification of Sensitive Nuclear Safeguards Information The President has reviewed the interagency study conducted pursuant to National Security …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library i u NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 February 4, 1975 National Security Decision Memorandum 284 TO: The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of State The Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency The Chairman, U. S. MBFR Delegation SUBJECT: U. S. Position on the Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions Talks (MBFR), Vienna, January 30, 1975 The President …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 4168 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 20, 1.976 Economic Policy Decision Memorandum 16 National Security Decision Memorandum 334 e TO: The Secretary of Commerce SUBJECT: Questionable Payments Legislation The President has reviewed the memorandum on questionable paYlnents legislation and approved submitting Administration legislation seeking reporting and lilnited disclosure …
Scanned from Box 2 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library fJ..:JU ~ ~ NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL. e WASHINGTON. D.C. 2050G SEe~i!T March 3, 1975 National Security Study Memorandum 218 TO: The Secretary of Defcnse The Deputy Secretary of State The Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: U. S. Policy Toward U. S. and Soviet Military Access to Singapore The President has directed a review of our policy toward U. S. and Soviet …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ~.~~ ~ NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. 2.0506 ~ -'~ ;, ~ March 24, 1975 National Security Decision Memorandum 2.88 TO: The Secretary of the Treas ury The Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Interior The Secretary of Commerce The Chairman, NSC Under Secretaries Con"lmittee SUBJECT: Instructions for the U. S. Delegation to the Geneva Ses sion of the Third …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATI ONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADM I NI STRATION Pr es iden t i a l Librar ie s Wi t h rawal She e t WITHDRAWAL ID 009 13 5 REASON FOR WI THDRAWAL ~at ional TYPE OF MATERIAL C;:Memo randum CREATOR ' S NAME. CREATOR'S TITLE RECEIVER ' S TITLE Bre nt Scowcro f t Na tional Security Adv i ser Se c re t ary of S t ate TI TLE Dep loymen t Authorizat i on f or FY 1977 and FY 1978 …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 ~) National Security Decision Memorandum October 15, 1974 277 TO: The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of State The Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency The Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: International Restraints on Environmental Warfare The President has reviewed the report of the NSC Under …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library -~~.n.."i- ~ NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL ','7J'~ ~~! ,,' WASHINGTON, D.C. 2.0506 6~ . . . . . ( ;."./ August 14, 1976 Nat~onal Security Decision Memorandum TO: ... 336 The Secretary of State The Secretary of the Treasury The Secretary of Defense The Secretary of Interior The Secretary of Commerce The, NSC Un:der Secretaries Committee SU BJECT: Instructions for the …
Scanned from Box 2 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL ~ . WASHINGTON, D.C. '20506 ./ ~ . August 19, 1975 '. National Security Study Memorandum 229 TO: The Secretary of Defense The Attorney General The Director, Office of Management and Budget The Deputy Secretary of State The Director of Central Intelligence The Counsel to the President SUBJECT: Review of the Management of Classified National Security …
Scanned from Box 2 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ,,-- .. NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. Z0506 Septem.ber 2, 1976 NationCll Security Study Memorandum 246 TO: The Secretary of State The Secretary of Defense The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs The Director, Office of Management and Budget The Director. Arms Control and Dis~,rnlalTIent Agency Thc Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ~~-- ~ ~~iA.. ·~~frllllTl-Jr NATIONAL. SECURITY COUNCIL. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 September 27, 1974 National Security Decision Memorandum 272 TO: The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of State The Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency The U. S. Commissioner, SALT Standing Consultative Com.mission SUBJECT: Instructions for U. S. Com.missioner, SALT Standing …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 5357 "---_/ NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 September 30, 1975 National Security Decision Memorandum 308 TO: The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of State The Director, Arms Control and Dis armcunent Agency The Director of Central Intelligence The Administrator, Energy Research and Development Administration SUBJECT: FY 1976 Underground Nuclear Test …
Scanned from Box 2 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library i ,1 ~ ~ 1 ~( NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL ~ WASHINGTON, D.C. 2.0506 1 ./ MPW~ August 12, 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 208 TO: The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of State The Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Azores Base Agreement Negotiations In response to NSSM 189, the NSC Under Secretaries Committee submitted a study on the US-Portuguese Azores …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library "-JATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20506 'i'e13-gECRET/SENSITIVE = xcns National Security Decision Memorandum September 24. 1974 2.JJL TO: The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of State SUBJECT: Military As sistance for Israel The President has reviewed the NSSM 207 response and the options for military assistance for Israel which were discussed at the …
Scanned from Box 2 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .. NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. ~0506 January 15, 1976 National Security Study Memorandum 21 5 TO: The Secretary of State The Secretary of Defense The Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Review of U. S. Interests and Security Objectives in the Asia-Pacific Region -- Is sue: Military Bases Negotiations with the Philippines The President has directed an …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 7" s-y? ~ I' / .. " ~ NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 ". 8EO.R'ET XG DS August 23. 1976 National ~ecurity Decision Memorandum 337 TO: The Secretary of State The Secretary of Defense The Director, Office of Management and Budget The Administrator, General Services Administration SUBJECT: Strategic and Critical Materials Stockpile o e The President has …
Scanned from Box 1 of the National Security Adviser Study Memoranda and Decision Memoranda at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 SECl:;REl' /C(I)S April 22, 1975 National Security Decision Memorandum 292 TO: The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of State The Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency The Administrator, Energy Research and Development Administration SUBJECT: U. S. -Iran Nuclear Cooperation The President has reviewed the study …
The original documents are located in Box 10, folder “Exhibit and Educational Materials, 1975” of the American Citizens Concerned for Life, Inc., Records at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Joseph A. Lampe donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. …
The original documents are located in Box 6, folder “Constitutional Amendment, 1973” of the American Citizens Concerned for Life, Inc., Records at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Joseph A. Lampe donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared …