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BETTY FORD: POST-WHITE HOUSE PAPERS, 1977-2010 Extent 169.9 linear feet (ca. 339,800 pages) Scope and Content Note . Record Type Textual Access Open in part. Researchers wishing to view this collection should consult with an archivist prior to their visit in order to request that specific folders be added to the Library's review-for-access queue. Some items may be temporarily restricted under terms of the donor's deed of gift, a copy of which is available on request, or under National Archives and Records …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 GRAND RAPIDS OFFICE FILE SUB-GROUP, 1960-74 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Series List Grand Rapids Office File, 1960-74. (Boxes L1‑L9, 3.6 linear feet) The Grand Rapids staff assumed much of the constituent caseload as well as providing assistance to the Washington Office. Additionally, the Grand Rapids district office handled scheduling for GRF's home visits, represented the Congressman at local functions, prepared routine …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 WARREN COMMISSION FILE SUB-GROUP, 1963-64 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Series List Warren Commission File, 1963-76. (Boxes E1‑E42, 16.8 linear feet) On November 29, 1963, President Lyndon Johnson signed Executive Order 11130 appointing a commission of seven, including Congressman Ford, to investigate the deaths of President John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald. From December 1963 to September 1964, the President's Commission …
GERALD R. FORD. PAPERS RELATING TO HIS U.S. NAVY SERVICE, 1941-75 Extent 1.2 linear feet (ca. 2,400 pages) Scope and Content Note Gerald Ford initially applied for a commission in the active Naval Reserve less than a week after the Japanese bombing of the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in 1941. His first choice was to serve in the intelligence branch, so the Navy began a background check to see if he qualified. This process took several months and Ford had no promises that a position would be offered, so …
JAMES D. HALDAMAN PHOTOGRAPHS AND PAPERS, 1980-81 Extent 1 linear inch (ca. 150 pages), 48 contact sheets, 1178 negatives, 18 slides, and 2 photographic prints Scope and Content Note Related Materials (January 2012) Several collections document the Ford Presidential Museum including: Gerald R. Ford Commemorative Committee: Records, 1977-84; Gerald R. Ford Museum Re-dedication Committee: Records, 1996-97; Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Dedication Committee, Inc.: Financial Records, 1981-82. These …
EVERETT RAY HOLLOWAY PAPERS, 1971-1977 Extent Less than 1 linear foot (ca. 30 pages) Scope and Content Note . Record Type Textual Access Open. Processed by William H. McNitt, July 2002 Copyright Everett Holloway donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: General Election Radio Spots Audiotapes Scope and Content Note PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: General Election Radio Spots Audiotapes Record Type Audio Last Modified Date Fri, 10/18/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Legacy Finding Aid (PDF) PFCradiogeneral.pdf Has Digitized Content Off Alphabetical order title PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: General Election Radio Spots …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Primary Election Radio Spots Audiotapes Scope and Content Note PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Primary Election Radio Spots Audiotapes Record Type Audio Last Modified Date Fri, 10/18/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Legacy Finding Aid (PDF) PFCradioprimary.pdf Has Digitized Content Off Alphabetical order title PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Primary Election Radio Spots …
MARGITA E. WHITE PAPERS, 1975-76 Extent 2.0 linear feet (ca. 4,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The Margita White Papers concern her work as White House Assistant Press Secretary between January 1975 and July 1976. During the early months of her service, she worked as deputy to Gerald Warren, Director of the Office of Communications. When he left the White House in the summer of 1975, she succeeded him as Director. The Office of Communications handled relations with media beyond the White House Press …
BRUCE S. WAGNER PAPERS, 1975-76 Extent 2.4 linear feet (ca. 4,800 pages) Scope and Content Note Bruce Wagner came to Campaign ’76 Media Communications at the behest of Chairman Peter H. Dailey in November of 1975. On extended leave from Grey Advertising, Inc., the eighth largest advertising agency in the United States, the 32 year-old Wagner was charged with overseeing the staff and daily operations of the agency, a corporation specifically established to handle President Ford’s advertising for the 1976 …
ROBERT ANDERSON PAPERS, (1946) 1965-95 Extent 16.4 linear feet (approximately 32,800 pages) Scope and Content Note During his long career in the Foreign Service, Robert Anderson served in a succession of posts both overseas and in Washington, culminating in his work as Special Assistant for Press Relations to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and as U.S. Ambassador to three different countries. His papers cover mostly the public face of diplomacy - speeches, remarks, testimony, trips, and events. The …
PAUL A. THEIS PAPERS, (1949) 1960-1975 (1990) Extent 8.4 linear feet (ca.16,800 pages) Scope and Content Note The Paul A. Theis Papers are mainly a collection of materials accumulated during Theis’ 1960-74 tenure with the Republican National Congressional Committee where he served first as director of the radio-television division and subsequently as Director of the Division of Public Relations. Paul Theis served as Executive Editor in the White House Editorial Office from August, 1974 until January, 1976. …
MELVIN R. LAIRD PAPERS, (1941) 1953-2004 Extent 132 linear feet (ca. 264,000 pages), 224 microfilm cartridges, 7 microfilm reels, and 4 oversize volumes. Scope and Content Note Melvin R. Laird, Jr. was born in Omaha, Nebraska, but grew up in the town of Marshfield in central Wisconsin where his family moved when he was a year old. His family had deep roots in Wisconsin politics and business, with both of his parents and his maternal grandfather all holding elective office. After his father's death in …
JAMES M. CANNON PAPERS, 1974-79 Extent 16 linear feet (ca. 32,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The papers of James M. Cannon, 1974-79, relate to his brief service as an assistant to Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and to his dual role of Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs and Executive Director of the Domestic Council, 1975-77. Well documented topics include Vice President Rockefeller's role in the Ford Administration, a small number of key issues (especially those Cannon Worked on toward …
LEO CHERNE PAPERS, (1969) 1973-77 (1986) Extent 3.6 linear feet (ca. 7,200 pages) Scope and Content Note Leo Cherne's career spanned more than fifty years. Cherne, an economist, first gained prominence in the private sector, as Executive Director of the Research Institute of America, founded to translate complex government legislation for the businessman; Chairman of the Executive Committee of Freedom House, established to advance the struggle for freedom at home and abroad; and Chairman of the …
FRANK G. ZARB PAPERS, (1970) 1974-77 (1979) Extent 4.8 linear feet (ca. 9,600 pages) of textual material, 148 photographs, 2 audiotapes, and 6 framed cartoons Scope and Content Note Frank G. Zarb was appointed as administrator of the Federal Energy Administration by President Ford in December 1974. He replaced John Sawhill, who resigned in October 1974 after conflicts over his support of an increased gasoline tax and mandatory energy conservation measures. Zarb, then serving as executive director of the …
CLIFFORD ERICSON. SCRAPBOOK ON THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL, 1976 Extent 0.4 linear feet (ca. 90 pages) Record Type Textual Access Open. Processed by Meghan Lyon, March 2007 Copyright Hortense Klebe donated to the United States of America her copyrights in all of her unpublished writings in National Archives collections. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official …
SIDNEY L. JONES PAPERS, (1954) 1969-1992 (1995) Extent 8.0 linear feet (ca. 16,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Sidney Jones started his career as a professor of finance at Northwestern University and the University of Michigan. In 1969, Council of Economic Advisers chairman Paul McCracken (a former colleague on the Michigan faculty) recruited him to serve as a CEA senior economist and special assistant to the chairman. Over the next 23 years, Jones served as a Federal government official in a variety of …
L. PATRICK DEVLIN INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS, 1976-77 Extent 0.1 linear feet (ca. 88 pages) Scope and Content Note L. Patrick Devlin interviewed political media specialists while researching presidential campaign commercials. In April 1976, he spoke with Bruce Wagner of the President Ford Committee (PFC). He also interviewed Tony Schwartz, an experienced Democratic media specialist, who was unaffiliated with a candidate at the time. The interviews proved to be timely: Wagner resigned the day before his …
FRANK A. URSOMARSO White House Staff Assistant, Office of Presidential Advance, 1973-77: Papers, 1973-2006, Bulk 1974-1977 Extent 11.4 linear feet (approximately 22,800 pages) Scope and Content Note From 1973 to 1977, Frank Ursomarso served as a White House Staff Assistant to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford in the Office of Presidential Advance. As an advanceman under President Ford, Ursomarso planned various domestic and foreign presidential trips, including nationwide campaign travel and tours …