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Finding Aid
A scrapbook of letters and other memorabilia collected by Clifford Ericson in celebration of the Bicentennial. Ericson began his scrapbook at the age of 83, in his hometown of Aurora, Illinois. He mailed letters to the White House and to all of the nation’s governors, asking them to comment on the Bicentennial and what it meant to them. Every governor, including those from U.S. territories, responded, most with a letter addressed personally to Ericson. Each response was preserved in the scrapbook, along with other Bicentennial souvenirs like postage stamps, fact sheets for…
Finding Aid
Materials compiled by Jeffrey Eves and his assistant and successor, John Shlaes, on their work organizing White House conferences, briefings, and field conferences. Arrangements and proceedings for the meetings are much better documented than policy impact. Also includes material on liaison with business and trade associations.
Finding Aid
Materials concerning his work on urban affairs, minority business, and other issues of interest to Black Americans during 1976.
Finding Aid
This collection contains a redacted photocopy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) report detailing the special inquiry into the personal and professional affairs of Gerald R. Ford, nominee for Vice President in 1973. The report, submitted to the Congressional committees charged with investigating the nominee, consists of field office reports and raw investigative data prepared by special agents, along with supporting materials.
Finding Aid
Material that pertains to former First Lady Betty Ford's public life and activities after she left the White House in 1977. The collection includes correspondence, schedules, speeches, planning materials and other information about her involvement in many groups, including the Betty Ford Center. It especially documents her work on issues such as cancer, alcohol, and drug abuse awareness and treatments.
Finding Aid
Ford Congressional Papers main page
Finding Aid
Ford Congressional Papers main page
Finding Aid
Material concerning President Ford's service in the Navy during World War II and in the inactive reserve, 1946-1963, plus the history of the USS Monterey, the aircraft carrier on which he served in 1943 and 1944. Included are copies of his official Navy personnel file, Mr. Ford's own file of orders and correspondence, and materials on the Monterey sent to Mr. Ford by former shipmates.
Finding Aid
This Ford Library Project File is a copy set of all formerly classified documents opened, wholly or partly, since November 1, 2008 under the Remote Archive Capture (RAC) program described below. Earlier RAC releases are not included. The Project File includes copies from both processed and unprocessed collections. It is intended as a convenience to researchers, affording expedited access to declassified information from unprocessed/closed collections. It also allows returning researchers to more easily discover newly declassified information from previously processed/open…
Finding Aid
Material compiled by Friedersdorf from August 1974 until January 1977. The files document Friedersdorf's duties from August until December 1974 as deputy assistant for legislative affairs responsible for liaison with the House of Representatives. The files also illustrate Friedersdorf's enlarged duties as head of the Congressional Relations Office from January 1975 until the end of the administration during which time he was responsible for all liaison between members of Congress and the White House.