Displaying 251 - 254 of 254 results
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Finding Aid
Materials primarily concerning his work as Domestic Council liaison with the District of Columbia government. Other topics include the Bicentennial Celebration, disaster relief, and the Congressional Black Caucus.
Finding Aid
Material on the Nelson Rockefeller vice presidency, management of the Domestic Council, many domestic policy issues, drafting of the 1976 and 1977 State of the Union addresses, and Ford's FY1978 budget.
Finding Aid
A fragmentary subject file on emergency preparedness, social security, option memoranda to the president, and other matters. Also an extensive chronological file of correspondence on all aspects of Cavanaugh's duties.
Finding Aid
This collection consists of textual and audiovisual materials related to the planning and execution of community events held in conjunction with the dedication of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in September 1981. The textual materials, which consist of press releases, schedules, correspondence, agendas, and minutes, document the work of the Gerald R. Ford Museum Dedication Committee’s Community Events Committee headed by Peter Secchia. These events celebrated the opening of the Ford Museum, and included a lecture series, fireworks, and the dedication ceremony, among others. There is…