Displaying 611 - 620 of 37534 results
Page 62 of 3754
THE AMERICAN BICENTENNIAL Mont hly Volume V, No. 1 • January 1975 DESIGNATED AS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION BY THE BICENTENNIAL COUNCIL OF THE THIRTEEN ORIGINAL STATES PRESIDENT FORD LAUNCHES THE FREEDOM TRAIN ALEXANDRIA, VA., Dec. 19-Amidst some signs of dissent and controversy, President Gerald Ford appeared at the railway station here today to formally announce the American Freedom Train. About 500 people attended the ceremony, including officials and about 108 placard-bearing protesters organized by the …
BICENTENNIAL WAGON TRAIN PILGRIMAGE to Pennsylvania JUNE 8. 1975- JULY 4.1976 ThisCertifiesthat ~v/t·tJc. £Jmus rhtn/l v of f".J £ ·Vr 11 i J , Has Completed theWagon Train Pilgrimage to Pennsylvania by arriving at \'alley Forge State Park July 3, 1976 "ATR(' President NATRC ' … BICENTENNIAL WAGON TRAIN PILGRIMAGE to Pennsylvania JUNE 8. 1975- JULY 4.1976 ThisCertifiesthat ~v/t·tJc. £Jmus rhtn/l v of f".J £ ·Vr 11 i J , Has Completed theWagon Train Pilgrimage to Pennsylvania by arriving at \'alley Forge …
EXECUTIVF. J7d,l ---T/U7 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON J ULY FOURTH BICENTENNIAL ACTIVITIES S UNDAY - JULY 4, 1976 Dep~rture: F r om: 6:55A.M. Terry O'Donnell BACKGROUND S T. JOHN ' S EPISCOPAL CHURCH/D. C. DEPARTURE Y o u and Su san will depart the South Grounds via rnotorcade at 6:55a.m. en route St . John's Ep i scopal Church for a Special Holy Communion Bicentennia l Observance Service taking place in the chapel area to the l eft as y ou enter the Church . In addition to you and Susan, several of th e Sen …
EXECUT IVE . 1) /1 { ,1 //i 1-1 F/?f-1 THE PRE SIDE NT HAS SEEN ••• • /!!J23 //Z I /1?61 PRE SID ENT 'S PRO POS ED SCHEDU L~S JUL Y 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 ' . ;, ..;.• I I I I . '" 6/24/76 11:52 am PROPOSED SCHEDULE THE PRESIDENT 1 S VISIT TO THE NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM AND THE U . S. CAPITOL Thursday, July 1, 1976 10:10 am The President boards motorcade on the South Grounds. MOT ORCADE DEPARTS South Grounds en route N ational Air and Space Museum. [Driving time: 10:15 am 10:2.0 am 5 minutes] The Vice …
Photo Contact Sheet
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library White House Photographs September 18, 1974 This database was created by Library staff and indexes all photographs taken by the Ford White House photographers on this date. Use the search capabilities in your PDF reader to locate key words within this index. Please note that clicking on the link in the “Roll #” field will display a 200 dpi JPEG image of the contact sheet (1:1 images of the 35 mm negatives). Gerald Ford is always abbreviated “GRF” in the "Names" field. If …
(['•\ v~ BICENTENNIAL WAGON TRAIN PILGRIMAGE to Pennsylvania 1975-1976 •} ' ., Official Souvenir Program '· Page 1 A MESSAGE from Milton 1 Shapp, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania HE BRIEFEST CHRONOLOGY Pennsylvania's historic achievements ring the past 200 years would require a ponderous ledger. The first entry would be July 4, 1776, when the Declaration of American Independence was adopted in a triumph of reason over force. The closing entry would be July 4, 1976, when 60 cov~ ered wagons of …
Scanned from the folder "1975/01/29 Cabinet Meeting" in Box 4 of the James Connor Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Notes of t he Cabin et Meet ing, J anuary 29th, 1 975. Pre s i dent arri ved in t he Cabi net Room, l l:02 a.m. Pre s s arr i v ed 11: 03 a.m. Pr es s depart ed 11:06 a . m. President opened the meeting. The President i n opening t he meeti ng ma de t wo strong po i nts: 1) The thre e hundred m.i ll ion dollar Viet nam supplement a l and the 222 mi l …
Biographies of Non-Cabinet Members Who Regularly Attended Cabinet Meetings during the Gerald R. Ford Presidency, 1974-1977 A-G View biographies H-Z These press release biographies are from the White House Press Release Unit Files or the Presidential Personnel Office Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JULY 22, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary T HE WHITE HOUSE The President today announced his intention to nominate James A. ."...-.---"",,,,,,,,,,-_.,- …
Scanned from the folder "1975/03/12 Cabinet Meeting" in Box 4 of the James Connor Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WAS H I NGTO N Not e s of the Cab i n e t Marc h 12t h, 1975 The The Th e Th e Mee t in g P res ident entered the Ca b inet Ro o m a t 11:04 a.m. P r es s a rr ived at 11 : 05 a.m. P res s d epa r t ed at 11:07 a . m. Presi dent opened the me et i n g at 11:08 a.m. The Pr esid ent in dicated t h at we h av e a v er y full pl a te t o d ay a nd we s h ou ld get …