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Page 392 of 3754
… prior to my arrival in Israel you would agree to call in Dinitz, or in his absence Minister Shalev, and speak to him very sternly. This will be worth doing only if you are prepared to take a very stern line with the Israelis. 11 "If you agree, I would suggest you talk to Dinitz or Shalev along the following lines: ... … prior to my arrival in Israel you would agree to call in Dinitz, or in his absence Minister Shalev, and speak to him very sternly. This will be worth doing only if you are prepared to take a very stern line with the Israelis. 11 "If you agree, I …
MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ..,.£EGRE-!f-/ SENSITIVE/ EYES ONLY INFORMATION September 2, 1975 MEMORANDU M FOR: THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRENT SCOWCROFT ~ Secretary Kissinger asked that I provide you with the following report of his meetings in Saudi Arabia: 11 If my conversations today with King Khalid, Prince Fahd and Prince Sultan are any indication, the agreement we have just achieved between Egypt and Israel should have broad support in the Arab world. All the Saudi Arabians I talked to are …
I \ DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 40 The Question: What Do You Think of Ford's Pardon of Nixon? By JOHN STAPLETON and WILLIAM HEFFERNAN Mrs. Hattie Squire, &rvice Robert Moses: "I believe PresRudolph, Washspecialist: "It ident For d's ington, D. C., didn't make investment pardon of PresPresident Ford banker: "I feel ident Nixon was look too good relieved t h a t c on s titutional, in my eyes. I President Ford c o u r a g e o us, don't think as has taken this timely and charhighly of him action. …
I MEMOR ANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE /I ) '/ 17(, f;)l . 2727 WASHING TON "'6eNF iDBNT IAb (GDS) ACTIO N MEMO RANDU M FOR: THE PRESI DENT FROM : Brent Scowc roft SUBJE CT: Applic ation for UN Memb ership by Angola IP The Proble m The MPLA , as the Govern ment of Angola , has submit ted an applic ation for UN memb ership to UN Secret ary Genera l Waldh eim. The applica tion has been forwar ded to the Presid ent of the Securi ty Counci l for consid eration (Franc e becam e Securi ty Counc il Presid ent on May 1), …
• ·. .. C A N ADA PRIME MINISTER· PREMIER MINISTRE Ottawa, KlA OA2, November 19, 1975. Dear Mr. President, I have delayed replying to your very of November 10 until the conletter welcome Rambouillet meeting. Now that the clusion of those talks have concluded, and with some considerable measure of success, I am anxious to express to you my warm appreciation for the generous support you gave to Canada's desire to participate. Your willingness to present our case personally to President Giscard d'Estaing, and …
Photo Contact Sheet
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library White House Photographs December 22, 1975 This database was created by Library staff and indexes all photographs taken by the Ford White House photographersrelated to this subject. Use the search capabilities in your PDF reader to locate key words within this index. Please note that clicking on the link in the “Roll #” field will display a 200 dpi JPEG image of the contact sheet (1:1 images of the 35 mm negatives). Gerald Ford is always abbreviated “GRF” in the "Names" …
FOR RELEASE AFTER 4:30P.M. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1968 Office of the Press Secretary to Mrs. Johns on THE WHITE HOUSE -----------------------------------------------------------------RElvlARKS OF MRSo L YUDOU B. JOHNSON AT THE WHITE HOUSE RECEPTION UNVEILING THE NEW WHITE HOUSE CHINA Today is a proud occasion for me. We celebrate the arrival of a new set of state china. For the artistry, we are grateful to many in this room --to Tifiany's and Castleton -- and for the gift we are grateful to a donor who asked to …
EMBASSY OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIAL.IST REPUBL.ICS WASHINGTON, D . C. Jeptember 8, 1975 Dear Brent : Attached is the message I discussed with you on the telephone. Sincerely, Yuly M. Vorontsov Charge d'Affaires of the Union of Soviet Socialist Repulics Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft Leputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs ' First of all I would like to say from the outset that we did not have in mind to campaign aga~ a new Egyptian-Israeli agreement and have no intention to do …
DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washl na;ton, D.C. 20520 PRESIDENT FORD'S . VISIT TO NATO Brussels May 29-30, 1975 BACKGROUND BOOK Current Political/Military Issues The Nunn Amendments Burdensharing DPC Ministerial Guidance F-104 Replacements NATO Naval Exercise with Portuguese Forces Current Political Issues Germany and Berlin Portugal Greece Turkey Cyprus Yugoslavia , Spain US-EC Re lati ons: Economic/Politica l NATO May 1975 SDCRE'f DECLASSIF'.... 'J GDS E.O. 12958 (as , . ""' · ~ '"' .3 ·e Dept C. , , …
i1 'I \!1 ll ll i1 \!1 N 1 THE PRIME MINISTER Jerusalem , March 30, 1975 Dear Mr. President , I am writing to you today in response to your communi cation of March 21, 1975. I share your deep disappoin tment over the failure of the negotiati ons that were so tirelessly pursued by Dr. Kissinger . As I indicated to the Secretary , Israel remains ready to persist in the effort to reach an agreemen t with Egypt that will move our area closer to peace. The approach our two Governme nts had long shared was that …