Displaying 961 - 970 of 1890 results
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Collection: National Security Council Latin American Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Latin American Affairs Staff Country Files …
This series contains memoranda, telegrams, lists, schedules, statements, itineraries, and correspondence regarding the planning for the visits of heads of state and high-ranking officials from Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, and Tunisia. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller's trip to the Far East (including stops in Iran and Tunisia), Secretary of the Treasury William Simon's trip to the Middle East, and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Gerald Parsky's trip to Saudi Arabia are also documented. Included is information on military and economic assistance, Lebanon, the Arab economic boycott of companies trading with Israel, oil, non-aligned countries, international finance, and the presentation of American Revolution Bicentennial gifts.
Collection: National Security Council Middle East and South Asian Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Middle East and South Asian Affairs Visits Files … This series contains memoranda, telegrams, lists, schedules, statements, itineraries, and correspondence regarding the planning for the visits of heads of state and high-ranking officials from Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, and Tunisia. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller's trip to the Far East (including stops in Iran and Tunisia), Secretary of the Treasury William Simon's trip to the Middle East, and …
This series contains memoranda, telegrams, lists, schedules, statements, itineraries, and correspondence regarding the planning for the visits of heads of state and high-ranking officials from Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, and Tunisia. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller's trip to the Far East (including stops in Iran and Tunisia), Secretary of the Treasury William Simon's trip to the Middle East, and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Gerald Parsky's trip to Saudi Arabia are also documented. Included is information on military and economic assistance, Lebanon, the Arab economic boycott of companies trading with Israel, oil, non-aligned countries, international finance, and the presentation of American Revolution Bicentennial gifts.
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, telegrams, reports, background and position papers, correspondence, press releases, and clippings regarding United States interests and diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa. There is information on military and economic assistance, regional alliances, territorial disputes, regional security, Soviet Union interests and activities, Middle East peace negotiations, the Arab economic boycott of companies trading with Israel, White House liaison with Arab-American and Jewish-American groups, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), oil, U.S. security interests in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, the role of the United Nations in the Middle East, and the transition from the Gerald Ford to Jimmy Carter Presidential administrations.
Collection: National Security Council Middle East and South Asian Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Middle East and South Asian Affairs General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, telegrams, reports, background and position papers, correspondence, press releases, and clippings regarding United States interests and diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa. There is information on military and economic assistance, regional alliances, territorial disputes, regional security, Soviet Union interests and activities, Middle East peace negotiations, the Arab …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, telegrams, reports, background and position papers, correspondence, press releases, and clippings regarding United States interests and diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa. There is information on military and economic assistance, regional alliances, territorial disputes, regional security, Soviet Union interests and activities, Middle East peace negotiations, the Arab economic boycott of companies trading with Israel, White House liaison with Arab-American and Jewish-American groups, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), oil, U.S. security interests in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, the role of the United Nations in the Middle East, and the transition from the Gerald Ford to Jimmy Carter Presidential administrations.
This series contains telegrams, background and position papers, summaries, travel arrangements, itineraries, and drafts of statements primarily concerning Henry Kissinger's trips to Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan promoting the Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations. There is also information on military and economic assistance, Arab-Israeli relations, atomic energy, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), the sale of arms and ammunition to Ethiopia during the Eritrean War, and Kissinger's visits to India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands.
Collection: National Security Council Middle East and South Asian Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Middle East and South Asian Affairs Files on Henry Kissinger Trips … This series contains telegrams, background and position papers, summaries, travel arrangements, itineraries, and drafts of statements primarily concerning Henry Kissinger's trips to Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan promoting the Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations. There is also information on military and economic assistance, Arab-Israeli relations, atomic energy, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), the sale of …
This series contains telegrams, background and position papers, summaries, travel arrangements, itineraries, and drafts of statements primarily concerning Henry Kissinger's trips to Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan promoting the Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations. There is also information on military and economic assistance, Arab-Israeli relations, atomic energy, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), the sale of arms and ammunition to Ethiopia during the Eritrean War, and Kissinger's visits to India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands.
Collection: National Security Council Program Analysis Staff Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations)
Program Analysis Trip Files …
Collection: National Security Council Program Analysis Staff Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations)
Stephen Hadley's Subject Files …
Collection: National Security Council Program Analysis Staff Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations)
Jan Lodal's Log …
This series contains memoranda and draft speeches primarily concerning Bicentennial visits by foreign leaders, National Security Council (NSC) input for reports on administration accomplishments, two undelivered foreign policy addresses, NSC reviews of Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign speeches and spots, foreign travel by administration officials, and International Women’s Year.
Collection: National Security Council Staff Secretary Files (Ford Administration)
Staff Secretary's Subject Files … This series contains memoranda and draft speeches primarily concerning Bicentennial visits by foreign leaders, National Security Council (NSC) input for reports on administration accomplishments, two undelivered foreign policy addresses, NSC reviews of Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign speeches and spots, foreign travel by administration officials, and International Women’s …
This series contains memoranda and draft speeches primarily concerning Bicentennial visits by foreign leaders, National Security Council (NSC) input for reports on administration accomplishments, two undelivered foreign policy addresses, NSC reviews of Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign speeches and spots, foreign travel by administration officials, and International Women’s Year.
This series contains materials relating to visits to the White House by foreign heads of state and government officials during the presidency of Gerald R. Ford, including cables and memos concerning scheduling and logistics of the visit, strategy papers, talking points, briefing books, detailed scenarios, press guidance, guest lists for dinners and luncheons, and drafts and final versions of presidential toasts and remarks. The materials also contain substantive background information on U.S. bilateral relations with each country. However, the files do not contain notes on the actual discussions or information on policy decisions. Other materials in the files pertain to the more routine aspects of visit preparations such as arranging schedules and compiling guest lists for social functions.
Collection: Presidential Briefing Material for VIP (Very Important Person) Visits (Ford Administration)
Briefing Material … This series contains materials relating to visits to the White House by foreign heads of state and government officials during the presidency of Gerald R. Ford, including cables and memos concerning scheduling and logistics of the visit, strategy papers, talking points, briefing books, detailed scenarios, press guidance, guest lists for dinners and luncheons, and drafts and final versions of presidential toasts and remarks. The materials also contain substantive background information …
This series contains materials relating to visits to the White House by foreign heads of state and government officials during the presidency of Gerald R. Ford, including cables and memos concerning scheduling and logistics of the visit, strategy papers, talking points, briefing books, detailed scenarios, press guidance, guest lists for dinners and luncheons, and drafts and final versions of presidential toasts and remarks. The materials also contain substantive background information on U.S. bilateral relations with each country. However, the files do not contain notes on the actual discussions or information on policy decisions. Other materials in the files pertain to the more routine aspects of visit preparations such as arranging schedules and compiling guest lists for social functions.
Collection: Brent Scowcroft Daily Work Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations)
Brent Scowcroft's "Set A" Chronological Files …