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This series includes material used in the operation of the White House Advance Office and planning for foreign and domestic trips for President Gerald R. Ford and the first family. It contains administrative directories, advance office memoranda and organizational notes, drafts of reports and publications, financial materials including expense reports and payroll documentation, publications and presidential “News and Comment” news summaries , presidential and first family weekly and monthly calendar drafts, motorcade and Air Force One specifications, ratings and commentary on presidential appearances, 1976 presidential campaign travel reports and recommendations, documentation of Gerald Ford’s State Funeral, and personal and biographical materials.
Collection: Frank A. Ursomarso Papers
General Subject Files … This series includes material used in the operation of the White House Advance Office and planning for foreign and domestic trips for President Gerald R. Ford and the first family. It contains administrative directories, advance office memoranda and organizational notes, drafts of reports and publications, financial materials including expense reports and payroll documentation, publications and presidential “News and Comment” news summaries , presidential and first family weekly and …
This series contains entire issues of various newspapers documenting President Gerald Ford’s domestic and international travel.
Collection: Frank A. Ursomarso Papers
Newspapers … This series contains entire issues of various newspapers documenting President Gerald Ford’s domestic and international travel. …
This series consists of photographic materials, audio recordings, and a video recording related to L. William Seidman’s role as Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs and Executive Director of the Economic Policy Board (EPB) collected by Seidman and his assistant Birge S. Watkins. The photographic materials include images of Seidman attending various events; the Conference on Inflation, for which Seidman served as executive director; and slides related to energy production and use from the Federation Energy Administration Speaker’s Kit.
The majority of the audio recordings are of interviews given by Seidman. They also include a subcabinet briefing on the economy and energy from June 1975, as well as remarks given by Senator Walter Mondale at the New York Society of Security Analysts, Inc., in August 1976. Two filmstrips and an accompanying audio recording make up a presentation entitled “Energy Crisis: What Can We Do.” The video recording contains an interview with Seidman conducted in Traverse City, Michigan.
Collection: L. William Seidman Files (Ford Administration)
William Seidman's Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of photographic materials, audio recordings, and a video recording related to L. William Seidman’s role as Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs and Executive Director of the Economic Policy Board (EPB) collected by Seidman and his assistant Birge S. Watkins. The photographic materials include images of Seidman attending various events; the Conference on Inflation, for which Seidman served as executive director; and slides related to …
This series consists of correspondence, statements, speeches, news clippings, and magazines that document requests for Presidential statements and responses to questionnaires from the media, especially magazines, organizations, and individuals. These requests were either declined or requesters received responses from previously released material (e.g., speeches).
Collection: Frederic W. Slight Files (Ford Administration)
Regretted or Stock Material Provided Article Requests … This series consists of correspondence, statements, speeches, news clippings, and magazines that document requests for Presidential statements and responses to questionnaires from the media, especially magazines, organizations, and individuals. These requests were either declined or requesters received responses from previously released material (e.g., …
This series contains proposals and background information for President Gerald Ford’s weekly and daily schedule. The proposals list the events along with a brief description. This series also contains the final schedule proposals signed by President Ford.
Collection: Warren Rustand and William Nicholson Files (Ford Administration)
Schedule Proposal Files … This series contains proposals and background information for President Gerald Ford’s weekly and daily schedule. The proposals list the events along with a brief description. This series also contains the final schedule proposals signed by President …
This series contains correspondence, diary notes, newspaper clippings, memoranda, newsletters, financial records, pamphlets, and articles. This series thoroughly documents the process of international adoption, including correspondence between LeeSanne Buchanan, Rosemary Taylor (a missionary in Vietnam who eventually worked for the Friends of Children of Vietnam (FCVN)), United States government officials, and adoption lawyers. Taylor’s letters in particular are helpful for revealing the conditions of orphanages in Vietnam from 1968 through the end of the war.
Although much of the material pre-dates Operation Babylift, the series also contains correspondence between Buchanan and other Babylift participants, as well as newspaper clippings and FCVN materials.
Collection: Shirley Peck Barnes Papers
LeeSanne Buchanan Materials … This series contains correspondence, diary notes, newspaper clippings, memoranda, newsletters, financial records, pamphlets, and articles. This series thoroughly documents the process of international adoption, including correspondence between LeeSanne Buchanan, Rosemary Taylor (a missionary in Vietnam who eventually worked for the Friends of Children of Vietnam (FCVN)), United States government officials, and adoption lawyers. Taylor’s letters in particular are helpful for …
The series contains materials collected after the funeral of former First Lady Betty Ford.
Collection: Betty Ford Funeral Materials
Funeral Subject Files … The series contains materials collected after the funeral of former First Lady Betty Ford. …
This series contains correspondence, invoices, event programs, and birthday cards compiled during Robert Orben’s professional comedy and speechwriting career and from his personal contacts thereafter. The series includes materials related to Orben’s awards and fan letters as well as the reprinting of his comedy material through publications such as Reader’s Digest. Correspondence, newsletters, and programs pertaining to the Gerald R. Ford Foundation and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum are also part of this series.
Collection: Robert Orben Papers
General Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, invoices, event programs, and birthday cards compiled during Robert Orben’s professional comedy and speechwriting career and from his personal contacts thereafter. The series includes materials related to Orben’s awards and fan letters as well as the reprinting of his comedy material through publications such as Reader’s Digest. Correspondence, newsletters, and programs pertaining to the Gerald R. Ford Foundation and the Gerald R. Ford …
This series consists of daily summary reports of visitors arriving through each post. The report includes the post, month, date, and number of visitors (individuals and groups).
Collection: U.S. Secret Service. Executive Protective Service Collection (Ford Administration)
Daily Summation Reports … This series consists of daily summary reports of visitors arriving through each post. The report includes the post, month, date, and number of visitors (individuals and groups). …
This series includes letters from public officials, envelopes, postage stamps, newspaper clippings, cards, photographs, currency, and stickers. All of the materials relate to the celebration of the American Revolution Bicentennial. The letters are in response to ones sent by Clifford Ericson to the White House and each of the nation's governors, asking them to comment on the Bicentennial and what it meant to them.
Collection: Clifford Ericson Scrapbook
Scrapbook on the American Revolution Bicentennial … This series includes letters from public officials, envelopes, postage stamps, newspaper clippings, cards, photographs, currency, and stickers. All of the materials relate to the celebration of the American Revolution Bicentennial. The letters are in response to ones sent by Clifford Ericson to the White House and each of the nation's governors, asking them to comment on the Bicentennial and what it meant to …