Displaying 911 - 920 of 1890 results
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Collection: John Robert Greene Papers
Research Interviews and Subject Files …
This series contains transcripts of interviews with seven people who knew Gerald Ford as a young man. They discuss their acquaintanceships with Ford, Grand Rapids politics in the 1930's and 1940's, and Ford's 1948 congressional campaign. Included are interviews with Arthur G. Brown, Philip W. Buchen, Kay Clark, Paul G. and Maraget E. Goebel, Dorothy L. Judd, Willard B. Ver Meulen, and Niel A. Weathers.
Collection: Grand Rapids Oral Histories Collection
Interview Transcripts … This series contains transcripts of interviews with seven people who knew Gerald Ford as a young man. They discuss their acquaintanceships with Ford, Grand Rapids politics in the 1930's and 1940's, and Ford's 1948 congressional campaign. Included are interviews with Arthur G. Brown, Philip W. Buchen, Kay Clark, Paul G. and Maraget E. Goebel, Dorothy L. Judd, Willard B. Ver Meulen, and Niel A. …
This series contains transcripts of interviews with seven people who knew Gerald Ford as a young man. They discuss their acquaintanceships with Ford, Grand Rapids politics in the 1930's and 1940's, and Ford's 1948 congressional campaign. Included are interviews with Arthur G. Brown, Philip W. Buchen, Kay Clark, Paul G. and Maraget E. Goebel, Dorothy L. Judd, Willard B. Ver Meulen, and Niel A. Weathers.
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, schedules, briefing books, press releases, and clippings relating to a wide range of issues and daily activities during the Gerald Ford administration. The materials concern such topics as the organization and operation of the editorial and speech writing office, selection of a vice president in 1974, the 1976 presidential campaign, liaison with national and state Republican Party leadership, and public opinion polling.
Included are notes that President Ford sent to Hartmann with clippings and articles indicating they contained information that could be useful in the drafting of speeches. Another unique segment is Hartmann's handwritten notes from various meetings, including some meetings of the 1974 presidential transition group and the Cabinet and discussions of the 1976 presidential campaign. The series also contain Hartmann's schedules, personal correspondence, and telephone call logs.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Papers
White House Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, schedules, briefing books, press releases, and clippings relating to a wide range of issues and daily activities during the Gerald Ford administration. The materials concern such topics as the organization and operation of the editorial and speech writing office, selection of a vice president in 1974, the 1976 presidential campaign, liaison with national and state Republican Party leadership, and public opinion polling. Included …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, schedules, briefing books, press releases, and clippings relating to a wide range of issues and daily activities during the Gerald Ford administration. The materials concern such topics as the organization and operation of the editorial and speech writing office, selection of a vice president in 1974, the 1976 presidential campaign, liaison with national and state Republican Party leadership, and public opinion polling.
Included are notes that President Ford sent to Hartmann with clippings and articles indicating they contained information that could be useful in the drafting of speeches. Another unique segment is Hartmann's handwritten notes from various meetings, including some meetings of the 1974 presidential transition group and the Cabinet and discussions of the 1976 presidential campaign. The series also contain Hartmann's schedules, personal correspondence, and telephone call logs.
Collection: William I. Greener Papers
President Ford Committee Subject Files …
Collection: Sidney L. Jones Papers
Material Submitted to Secretary of the Treasury Nicholas Brady …