Displaying 891 - 900 of 1890 results
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This series contains correspondence, memoranda, option and briefing papers, and schedule proposals from Anne Armstrong, Patricia Lindh, Jeanne Holm and Karen Keesling. Topics include women's rights, program planning, outreach activities, the Equal Rights Amendment, and other issues of interest to women.
Collection: Patricia Lindh and Jeanne Holm Files
Patricia Lindh's and Jeanne Holm's Chronological Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, option and briefing papers, and schedule proposals from Anne Armstrong, Patricia Lindh, Jeanne Holm and Karen Keesling. Topics include women's rights, program planning, outreach activities, the Equal Rights Amendment, and other issues of interest to …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, option and briefing papers, and schedule proposals from Anne Armstrong, Patricia Lindh, Jeanne Holm and Karen Keesling. Topics include women's rights, program planning, outreach activities, the Equal Rights Amendment, and other issues of interest to women.
This series contains Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye's memoranda, correspondence, question and answer briefing sheets, and occasional briefing papers and memoranda of conversations. The file primarily concerns National Security Council (NSC) press relations, but Janka's congressional relations and legislative liaison work is well documented for the period September 1974 to February 1975. In addition to materials drafted for their own signature, Janka and Vanderhye often drafted items for Brent Scowcroft or Henry Kissinger to sign (including some items addressed to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, but also many responding to letters from the media or the general public). Copies or originals of incoming items are often attached to the carbons of outgoing letters. Sometimes originals of outgoing items addressed to other NSC staff members were returned to Janka and Vanderhye with comments and are filed here.
Much of the series concerns interactions by Janka and Vanderhye with Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and members of the NSC staff; preparation of briefing materials for press conferences; handling of media interview requests; contacts with agency public affairs officers; and answering questions for the White House Press Secretary's office. The series concerns a wide range of foreign affairs and defense issues. Significant items in the file include a translation of a Le Duc Tho press conference (June 14, 1973), memoranda of conversations covering a Kissinger dinner meeting with members of the State Department press corps (September 14, 1973) and a Scowcroft interview by Ann Compton of ABC (December 13, 1975), notes from a Kissinger deep backgrounder with the press about Vietnam and the Vietnamese War (April 10, 1975), and the ribbon copy of a Scowcroft memo to the President (marked "The President has seen" concerning Ronald Reagan's statements about grain sales to the Soviet Union (March 24, 1976).
Collection: National Security Council Press and Congressional Relations Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye's Chronological Files … This series contains Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye's memoranda, correspondence, question and answer briefing sheets, and occasional briefing papers and memoranda of conversations. The file primarily concerns National Security Council (NSC) press relations, but Janka's congressional relations and legislative liaison work is well documented for the period September 1974 to February 1975. In addition to materials drafted for their own …
This series contains Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye's memoranda, correspondence, question and answer briefing sheets, and occasional briefing papers and memoranda of conversations. The file primarily concerns National Security Council (NSC) press relations, but Janka's congressional relations and legislative liaison work is well documented for the period September 1974 to February 1975. In addition to materials drafted for their own signature, Janka and Vanderhye often drafted items for Brent Scowcroft or Henry Kissinger to sign (including some items addressed to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, but also many responding to letters from the media or the general public). Copies or originals of incoming items are often attached to the carbons of outgoing letters. Sometimes originals of outgoing items addressed to other NSC staff members were returned to Janka and Vanderhye with comments and are filed here.
Much of the series concerns interactions by Janka and Vanderhye with Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and members of the NSC staff; preparation of briefing materials for press conferences; handling of media interview requests; contacts with agency public affairs officers; and answering questions for the White House Press Secretary's office. The series concerns a wide range of foreign affairs and defense issues. Significant items in the file include a translation of a Le Duc Tho press conference (June 14, 1973), memoranda of conversations covering a Kissinger dinner meeting with members of the State Department press corps (September 14, 1973) and a Scowcroft interview by Ann Compton of ABC (December 13, 1975), notes from a Kissinger deep backgrounder with the press about Vietnam and the Vietnamese War (April 10, 1975), and the ribbon copy of a Scowcroft memo to the President (marked "The President has seen" concerning Ronald Reagan's statements about grain sales to the Soviet Union (March 24, 1976).
This series contains computer tabulations of survey data, summaries, supplementary analyses, graphic presentations, reports, and narrative analyses of findings from opinion polls conducted in key Republican target states during the 1972 presidential campaign. The studies sampled about 600 prospective voters in each state on their awareness and perceptions of President Richard Nixon and the various Democratic candidates; attitudes on national and local issues; and voting intentions. Polling in some states was limited to the primary campaign, while certain key states were surveyed in waves throughout 1972.
Collection: Robert M. Teeter Papers
1972 Presidential Campaign State Polls … This series contains computer tabulations of survey data, summaries, supplementary analyses, graphic presentations, reports, and narrative analyses of findings from opinion polls conducted in key Republican target states during the 1972 presidential campaign. The studies sampled about 600 prospective voters in each state on their awareness and perceptions of President Richard Nixon and the various Democratic candidates; attitudes on national and local issues; and …
This series contains computer tabulations of survey data, summaries, supplementary analyses, graphic presentations, reports, and narrative analyses of findings from opinion polls conducted in key Republican target states during the 1972 presidential campaign. The studies sampled about 600 prospective voters in each state on their awareness and perceptions of President Richard Nixon and the various Democratic candidates; attitudes on national and local issues; and voting intentions. Polling in some states was limited to the primary campaign, while certain key states were surveyed in waves throughout 1972.
This series contains Gerald Warren's and Margita White's correspondence consisting mainly of media interview requests and responses. Also included is some correspondence concerning invitations to media conferences and events and lists of newspaper editors and broadcasters.
Collection: Gerald L. Warren and Margita E. White Files
Gerald Warren's and Margita White's State Media Files … This series contains Gerald Warren's and Margita White's correspondence consisting mainly of media interview requests and responses. Also included is some correspondence concerning invitations to media conferences and events and lists of newspaper editors and …
This series contains Gerald Warren's and Margita White's correspondence consisting mainly of media interview requests and responses. Also included is some correspondence concerning invitations to media conferences and events and lists of newspaper editors and broadcasters.
This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, lists, briefing books, and transcripts. This is a fragmentary series concerning primarily two of the White House Conferences on Domestic and Economic Affairs - South Florida (February 25, 1975) and Milwaukee (August 25, 1975).
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Ford Administration White House Subject Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, lists, briefing books, and transcripts. This is a fragmentary series concerning primarily two of the White House Conferences on Domestic and Economic Affairs - South Florida (February 25, 1975) and Milwaukee (August 25, …
This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, lists, briefing books, and transcripts. This is a fragmentary series concerning primarily two of the White House Conferences on Domestic and Economic Affairs - South Florida (February 25, 1975) and Milwaukee (August 25, 1975).
This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda, speeches, lists, and briefing materials concerning long-range national security and budget planning in the Department of Defense and his work as an aide to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. The files include various projections, estimates, and recommendations along with planning guidance, policy guidance, budget plans, strategy papers (including nuclear warfare strategy), and net assessments. Specific topics include the Vietnam War, the 1970 mid-year report to the President, and the work of the Defense Program Review Committee.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Planning Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda, speeches, lists, and briefing materials concerning long-range national security and budget planning in the Department of Defense and his work as an aide to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. The files include various projections, estimates, and recommendations along with planning guidance, policy guidance, budget plans, strategy papers (including nuclear warfare strategy), and net assessments. Specific topics include …
This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda, speeches, lists, and briefing materials concerning long-range national security and budget planning in the Department of Defense and his work as an aide to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. The files include various projections, estimates, and recommendations along with planning guidance, policy guidance, budget plans, strategy papers (including nuclear warfare strategy), and net assessments. Specific topics include the Vietnam War, the 1970 mid-year report to the President, and the work of the Defense Program Review Committee.
This series contains copies of memoranda, correspondence, talking papers, briefing papers, and lists. It was copied from Melvin Laird's official Department of Defense files by a special team of staff members late in his term as Secretary of Defense in order to document the key issues he handled. National security and defense topics include: all-volunteer force, Cambodia, chemical / biological warfare research, drug abuse in the military, EC-121 (a Navy aircraft shot down by North Korea), equal opportunity and race relations, F-15 procurement, Indochina, Japan, Korea, Laos, MIRV (Multiple Independently-Targetable Reentry Vehicle - including A-X / Close Air Support), MK-48 Torpedo, Middle East and Israel, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), POW / MIA (Prisoners of War / Missing in Action), People's Republic of China, Procurement, SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), Safeguard ABM (Antiballistic Missile), Shipbuilding, Strategy of Realistic Deterrence, Taking Stock of the Department, Thailand, and Vietnam (especially the Vietnam War).
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Historical Project Files … This series contains copies of memoranda, correspondence, talking papers, briefing papers, and lists. It was copied from Melvin Laird's official Department of Defense files by a special team of staff members late in his term as Secretary of Defense in order to document the key issues he handled. National security and defense topics include: all-volunteer force, Cambodia, chemical / biological warfare research, drug abuse in the military, EC-121 (a Navy …
This series contains copies of memoranda, correspondence, talking papers, briefing papers, and lists. It was copied from Melvin Laird's official Department of Defense files by a special team of staff members late in his term as Secretary of Defense in order to document the key issues he handled. National security and defense topics include: all-volunteer force, Cambodia, chemical / biological warfare research, drug abuse in the military, EC-121 (a Navy aircraft shot down by North Korea), equal opportunity and race relations, F-15 procurement, Indochina, Japan, Korea, Laos, MIRV (Multiple Independently-Targetable Reentry Vehicle - including A-X / Close Air Support), MK-48 Torpedo, Middle East and Israel, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), POW / MIA (Prisoners of War / Missing in Action), People's Republic of China, Procurement, SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), Safeguard ABM (Antiballistic Missile), Shipbuilding, Strategy of Realistic Deterrence, Taking Stock of the Department, Thailand, and Vietnam (especially the Vietnam War).
The series contains correspondence, memoranda, transcripts, and articles. Although a small amount of material dating from his service on the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (Warren Commission) appears, the bulk of this series documents David Belin's subsequent role as “chief defender” of the Warren Commission and its report. It contains the many articles he wrote, material on the writing of his book "November 22, 1963: You Are the Jury," articles and books written by Warren Commission supporters and detractors and his correspondence with the authors, transcripts of television shows on which Belin appeared, and correspondence with former Warren Commission members and staff. In addition, scattered files contain material on his work as executive director of the Rockefeller Commission and/or the Central Intelligence Agency's failure to reveal relevant information during the Warren Commission's investigation.
Collection: David W. Belin Papers
Warren Commission and Kennedy Assassination Numbered Files … The series contains correspondence, memoranda, transcripts, and articles. Although a small amount of material dating from his service on the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (Warren Commission) appears, the bulk of this series documents David Belin's subsequent role as “chief defender” of the Warren Commission and its report. It contains the many articles he wrote, material on the writing of his book …
The series contains correspondence, memoranda, transcripts, and articles. Although a small amount of material dating from his service on the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (Warren Commission) appears, the bulk of this series documents David Belin's subsequent role as “chief defender” of the Warren Commission and its report. It contains the many articles he wrote, material on the writing of his book "November 22, 1963: You Are the Jury," articles and books written by Warren Commission supporters and detractors and his correspondence with the authors, transcripts of television shows on which Belin appeared, and correspondence with former Warren Commission members and staff. In addition, scattered files contain material on his work as executive director of the Rockefeller Commission and/or the Central Intelligence Agency's failure to reveal relevant information during the Warren Commission's investigation.
The series contains working files (primarily chapter drafts, but also some correspondence) for David Belin's never-published book about the President's Commission on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Activities within the United States' (also known as the Rockefeller Commission) investigation of alleged abuses by the intelligence community. Some of the chapters of this book eventually appeared in some form in Belin's book “Final Disclosure.”
Collection: David W. Belin Papers
"Inside the CIA: The Belin Report" Book Files … The series contains working files (primarily chapter drafts, but also some correspondence) for David Belin's never-published book about the President's Commission on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Activities within the United States' (also known as the Rockefeller Commission) investigation of alleged abuses by the intelligence community. Some of the chapters of this book eventually appeared in some form in Belin's book “Final …
The series contains working files (primarily chapter drafts, but also some correspondence) for David Belin's never-published book about the President's Commission on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Activities within the United States' (also known as the Rockefeller Commission) investigation of alleged abuses by the intelligence community. Some of the chapters of this book eventually appeared in some form in Belin's book “Final Disclosure.”
The series contains published congressional documents concerning the House Select Committee's investigation of various assassinations, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Collection: David W. Belin Papers
House Select Committee on Assassinations Hearings and Reports … The series contains published congressional documents concerning the House Select Committee's investigation of various assassinations, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. …
The series contains published congressional documents concerning the House Select Committee's investigation of various assassinations, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.