Displaying 821 - 830 of 1890 results
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Collection: James M. Cannon Papers
Domestic Council Administrative Files …
Collection: White House Congressional Mail Files (Ford Administration)
Log of Outgoing Presidential Letters by Name …
Collection: White House Congressional Mail Files (Ford Administration)
Office of Management and Budget Congressional Mail …
Collection: William E. Casselman Files (Ford Administration)
William Casselman's Subject Files …
Collection: Edward C. Schmults Files (Ford Administration)
Edward Schmults' General Subject Files …
This series consists of correspondence, booklets, calendars, cards, schedules, reports, memoranda, directories, clippings, mail logs, and notes used by First Lady Betty Ford and her staff. Materials relate to Mrs. Ford’s schedules, the arts, fashion, social affairs, communications with the East Wing staff and the Curators Office, gifts, events, political issues, family issues, and Mrs. Ford’s youth. Also included is information about President Gerald Ford’s physical exams; organizations with which Mrs. Ford was involved; Ford family schedules; family menus at the White House; and birthday, anniversary, and holiday cards.
Collection: Betty Ford White House Papers
First Lady General Subject Files … This series consists of correspondence, booklets, calendars, cards, schedules, reports, memoranda, directories, clippings, mail logs, and notes used by First Lady Betty Ford and her staff. Materials relate to Mrs. Ford’s schedules, the arts, fashion, social affairs, communications with the East Wing staff and the Curators Office, gifts, events, political issues, family issues, and Mrs. Ford’s youth. Also included is information about President Gerald Ford’s physical …
This series consists of correspondence, booklets, calendars, cards, schedules, reports, memoranda, directories, clippings, mail logs, and notes used by First Lady Betty Ford and her staff. Materials relate to Mrs. Ford’s schedules, the arts, fashion, social affairs, communications with the East Wing staff and the Curators Office, gifts, events, political issues, family issues, and Mrs. Ford’s youth. Also included is information about President Gerald Ford’s physical exams; organizations with which Mrs. Ford was involved; Ford family schedules; family menus at the White House; and birthday, anniversary, and holiday cards.
This series contains correspondence between Vice President Gerald Ford and his staff, the general public, and government officials on a variety of topics concerning the Federal government. Among the topics with larger amounts of material are defense, the economy, health, labor, social security, and taxes. The series also contains correspondence in support of or against President Richard Nixon and letters to Congressman Peter Rodino and Senator Howard Cannon from other Congressmen and labor and religious leaders endorsing Ford for Vice President.
Staff members often drafted acknowledgments to the correspondence for the Vice President's signature. On occasions when Ford was out of town, various staff members signed the responses. The staff also referred many letters to other Federal departments and agencies to draft a response for the Vice President's signature.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Gerald Ford's Issues Files … This series contains correspondence between Vice President Gerald Ford and his staff, the general public, and government officials on a variety of topics concerning the Federal government. Among the topics with larger amounts of material are defense, the economy, health, labor, social security, and taxes. The series also contains correspondence in support of or against President Richard Nixon and letters to Congressman Peter Rodino and Senator Howard Cannon from other …
This series contains correspondence between Vice President Gerald Ford and his staff, the general public, and government officials on a variety of topics concerning the Federal government. Among the topics with larger amounts of material are defense, the economy, health, labor, social security, and taxes. The series also contains correspondence in support of or against President Richard Nixon and letters to Congressman Peter Rodino and Senator Howard Cannon from other Congressmen and labor and religious leaders endorsing Ford for Vice President.
Staff members often drafted acknowledgments to the correspondence for the Vice President's signature. On occasions when Ford was out of town, various staff members signed the responses. The staff also referred many letters to other Federal departments and agencies to draft a response for the Vice President's signature.
This series contains John Marsh's memorandums of conversations, memos, and briefing materials related to meetings between Vice President Gerald Ford and foreign heads of state, diplomats, and ambassadors. Most of the material deals with foreign affairs, with only a small amount concerning domestic affairs appearing.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
John Marsh's Files on Vice Presidential Meetings with Foreign and Diplomatic Officials … This series contains John Marsh's memorandums of conversations, memos, and briefing materials related to meetings between Vice President Gerald Ford and foreign heads of state, diplomats, and ambassadors. Most of the material deals with foreign affairs, with only a small amount concerning domestic affairs …
This series contains John Marsh's memorandums of conversations, memos, and briefing materials related to meetings between Vice President Gerald Ford and foreign heads of state, diplomats, and ambassadors. Most of the material deals with foreign affairs, with only a small amount concerning domestic affairs appearing.