Displaying 811 - 820 of 1890 results
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This series contains a card file used by the Daily Diary staff to identify personal, social and some official acquaintances of President Gerald R. Ford or individuals associated with the government. Entries often indicate relationships to the President and his family.
Collection: President's Daily Diary (Ford Administration)
Name Card Files … This series contains a card file used by the Daily Diary staff to identify personal, social and some official acquaintances of President Gerald R. Ford or individuals associated with the government. Entries often indicate relationships to the President and his …
This series contains a card file used by the Daily Diary staff to identify personal, social and some official acquaintances of President Gerald R. Ford or individuals associated with the government. Entries often indicate relationships to the President and his family.
This series contains photocopies of the source material used for the compilation of President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary, a log of meetings, trips, activities, and telephone calls during his presidency. The source material includes logs of his activities compiled by his staff, military aides, the White House Communications Agency, and the Secret Service; plus telephone logs, lists of attendees at meeting and social events, White House press releases, and occasional briefing papers and notes between the Diary staff and other White House officials attempting to confirm details about a specific event.
Collection: President's Daily Diary (Ford Administration)
Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary Backup Files … This series contains photocopies of the source material used for the compilation of President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary, a log of meetings, trips, activities, and telephone calls during his presidency. The source material includes logs of his activities compiled by his staff, military aides, the White House Communications Agency, and the Secret Service; plus telephone logs, lists of attendees at meeting and social events, White House press releases, and …
This series contains photocopies of the source material used for the compilation of President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary, a log of meetings, trips, activities, and telephone calls during his presidency. The source material includes logs of his activities compiled by his staff, military aides, the White House Communications Agency, and the Secret Service; plus telephone logs, lists of attendees at meeting and social events, White House press releases, and occasional briefing papers and notes between the Diary staff and other White House officials attempting to confirm details about a specific event.
This series contains transcripts of interviews scholar William Syers conducted with associates of Gerald Ford regarding how his Congressional career affected his approach to the Presidency. Interviewees include William Baroody Jr., Philip Buchen, Pat Butler, Richard Cheney, Barber Conable, Glenn Davis, Max Friedersdorf, Charles Goodell, Bryce Harlow, Robert Hartmann, Joseph Jenckes, William Kendall, Tom Korologos, Melvin Laird, Charles Leppert, Thomas Loeffler, Patrick O'Donnell, Roger Porter, Patrick Rowland, Hugh Scott, and L. William Seidman.
Collection: William A. Syers Interview Transcripts
Interview Transcripts … This series contains transcripts of interviews scholar William Syers conducted with associates of Gerald Ford regarding how his Congressional career affected his approach to the Presidency. Interviewees include William Baroody Jr., Philip Buchen, Pat Butler, Richard Cheney, Barber Conable, Glenn Davis, Max Friedersdorf, Charles Goodell, Bryce Harlow, Robert Hartmann, Joseph Jenckes, William Kendall, Tom Korologos, Melvin Laird, Charles Leppert, Thomas Loeffler, Patrick O'Donnell, …
This series contains transcripts of interviews scholar William Syers conducted with associates of Gerald Ford regarding how his Congressional career affected his approach to the Presidency. Interviewees include William Baroody Jr., Philip Buchen, Pat Butler, Richard Cheney, Barber Conable, Glenn Davis, Max Friedersdorf, Charles Goodell, Bryce Harlow, Robert Hartmann, Joseph Jenckes, William Kendall, Tom Korologos, Melvin Laird, Charles Leppert, Thomas Loeffler, Patrick O'Donnell, Roger Porter, Patrick Rowland, Hugh Scott, and L. William Seidman.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Committee on Appropriations General Correspondence …
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Fifth District Post Office Files …
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Grand Rapids Office Correspondence Files …