Displaying 781 - 790 of 1890 results
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This series contains correspondence, press releases, and reports relating to requests from publications and organizations for responses to questionnaires about President Gerald Ford's views on topics of interest to their readers or members. The Research Office responded to some directly, while referring others to the White House. Joy Manson coordinated these requests during the 1976 primary election campaign and Rob Quartel assumed the responsibility for the general election.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Publication and Organization Questionnaires … This series contains correspondence, press releases, and reports relating to requests from publications and organizations for responses to questionnaires about President Gerald Ford's views on topics of interest to their readers or members. The Research Office responded to some directly, while referring others to the White House. Joy Manson coordinated these requests during the 1976 primary election campaign and Rob Quartel assumed the responsibility for the …
This series contains correspondence, press releases, and reports relating to requests from publications and organizations for responses to questionnaires about President Gerald Ford's views on topics of interest to their readers or members. The Research Office responded to some directly, while referring others to the White House. Joy Manson coordinated these requests during the 1976 primary election campaign and Rob Quartel assumed the responsibility for the general election.
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, affidavits, notes, rules, committee reports, resolutions, by-laws, agendas, lists of nominees and delegates, vote tabulations, programs, ballot instructions, proof ballots, contracts, invoices, checks, and certificates compiled by Robert Visser, President Ford Committee (PFC) general counsel during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. The materials document exchanges between the General Counsel's Office and state PFC legal counsels, other state PFC officers, local Republicans, federal and state agencies, and private law firms. The series relates primarily to interpretation of and compliance with federal and state campaign laws and Republican Party rules in the operations and procedures of local PFC offices, party precinct caucuses, and state conventions. Contents of some files are routine, while challenges and disputes in other states yield substantial and interesting material. There are no files for California or Virginia.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Robert Visser's State Legal Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, affidavits, notes, rules, committee reports, resolutions, by-laws, agendas, lists of nominees and delegates, vote tabulations, programs, ballot instructions, proof ballots, contracts, invoices, checks, and certificates compiled by Robert Visser, President Ford Committee (PFC) general counsel during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. The materials document exchanges between the General Counsel's Office and …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, affidavits, notes, rules, committee reports, resolutions, by-laws, agendas, lists of nominees and delegates, vote tabulations, programs, ballot instructions, proof ballots, contracts, invoices, checks, and certificates compiled by Robert Visser, President Ford Committee (PFC) general counsel during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. The materials document exchanges between the General Counsel's Office and state PFC legal counsels, other state PFC officers, local Republicans, federal and state agencies, and private law firms. The series relates primarily to interpretation of and compliance with federal and state campaign laws and Republican Party rules in the operations and procedures of local PFC offices, party precinct caucuses, and state conventions. Contents of some files are routine, while challenges and disputes in other states yield substantial and interesting material. There are no files for California or Virginia.
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, newsletters, reports, fact sheets, printed endorsements, mailing lists, schedules, and printed material. The material concerns the work of desk director Robert Mosbacher of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. These materials document the PFF's attempt to attract support from various business leaders and professional groups, including athletes, celebrities, doctors and dentists, economists, editors and publishers, educators, elected officials, fashion designers, lawyers, police and firemen, realtors, and stockbrokers. Also filed here is a small amount of material concerning Mosbacher's work as PFC finance chairman during a portion of the primary campaign.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Business and Professional Desk Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, newsletters, reports, fact sheets, printed endorsements, mailing lists, schedules, and printed material. The material concerns the work of desk director Robert Mosbacher of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. These materials document the PFF's attempt to attract support from various business leaders and professional groups, …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, newsletters, reports, fact sheets, printed endorsements, mailing lists, schedules, and printed material. The material concerns the work of desk director Robert Mosbacher of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. These materials document the PFF's attempt to attract support from various business leaders and professional groups, including athletes, celebrities, doctors and dentists, economists, editors and publishers, educators, elected officials, fashion designers, lawyers, police and firemen, realtors, and stockbrokers. Also filed here is a small amount of material concerning Mosbacher's work as PFC finance chairman during a portion of the primary campaign.
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, phone directories and mailing lists. The material concerns the work of desk director Judy McLennan of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Included are volunteer letters, general letters of support, and materials concerning various state phone banks and the National Volunteer Desk operation within the PFF.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
National Volunteer Desk Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, phone directories and mailing lists. The material concerns the work of desk director Judy McLennan of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Included are volunteer letters, general letters of support, and materials concerning various state phone banks and the National Volunteer Desk operation within the …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, phone directories and mailing lists. The material concerns the work of desk director Judy McLennan of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Included are volunteer letters, general letters of support, and materials concerning various state phone banks and the National Volunteer Desk operation within the PFF.
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, biographies, mailing lists and directories, brochures, reports, presidential statements, and expense reports. The material concerns the work of desk director Margaret Arnold of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Materials consist largely of lists and biographies of the Older Americans Desk's national and state leadership. Other materials reflect planning for special senior events and the overall strategy to attract votes from this group.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Older Americans Desk Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, biographies, mailing lists and directories, brochures, reports, presidential statements, and expense reports. The material concerns the work of desk director Margaret Arnold of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Materials consist largely of lists and biographies of the Older Americans Desk's national and state leadership. Other materials …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, biographies, mailing lists and directories, brochures, reports, presidential statements, and expense reports. The material concerns the work of desk director Margaret Arnold of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Materials consist largely of lists and biographies of the Older Americans Desk's national and state leadership. Other materials reflect planning for special senior events and the overall strategy to attract votes from this group.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Committee on Appropriations General Correspondence …