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This series consists of shot cards that were created by the Naval Photographic Center (NPC) and contain information about motion picture film footage of President Gerald R. Ford, and occasionally First Lady Betty Ford, at ceremonial and other major events. Each card provides a film identification number, the date of the event, details about the event and where it is located within the roll of film, the type of film used, whether the film is silent or has sound, and cross reference indexing information.
Collection: Naval Photographic Center Film (Ford Administration)
Shot Cards … This series consists of shot cards that were created by the Naval Photographic Center (NPC) and contain information about motion picture film footage of President Gerald R. Ford, and occasionally First Lady Betty Ford, at ceremonial and other major events. Each card provides a film identification number, the date of the event, details about the event and where it is located within the roll of film, the type of film used, whether the film is silent or has sound, and cross reference indexing …
This series consists of shot cards that were created by the Naval Photographic Center (NPC) and contain information about motion picture film footage of President Gerald R. Ford, and occasionally First Lady Betty Ford, at ceremonial and other major events. Each card provides a film identification number, the date of the event, details about the event and where it is located within the roll of film, the type of film used, whether the film is silent or has sound, and cross reference indexing information.
This series contains a card file used by the Daily Diary staff to identify personal, social and some official acquaintances of President Gerald R. Ford or individuals associated with the government. Entries often indicate relationships to the President and his family.
Collection: President's Daily Diary (Ford Administration)
Name Card Files … This series contains a card file used by the Daily Diary staff to identify personal, social and some official acquaintances of President Gerald R. Ford or individuals associated with the government. Entries often indicate relationships to the President and his …
This series contains a card file used by the Daily Diary staff to identify personal, social and some official acquaintances of President Gerald R. Ford or individuals associated with the government. Entries often indicate relationships to the President and his family.
This series contains photocopies of the source material used for the compilation of President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary, a log of meetings, trips, activities, and telephone calls during his presidency. The source material includes logs of his activities compiled by his staff, military aides, the White House Communications Agency, and the Secret Service; plus telephone logs, lists of attendees at meeting and social events, White House press releases, and occasional briefing papers and notes between the Diary staff and other White House officials attempting to confirm details about a specific event.
Collection: President's Daily Diary (Ford Administration)
Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary Backup Files … This series contains photocopies of the source material used for the compilation of President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary, a log of meetings, trips, activities, and telephone calls during his presidency. The source material includes logs of his activities compiled by his staff, military aides, the White House Communications Agency, and the Secret Service; plus telephone logs, lists of attendees at meeting and social events, White House press releases, and …
This series contains photocopies of the source material used for the compilation of President Gerald R. Ford's Daily Diary, a log of meetings, trips, activities, and telephone calls during his presidency. The source material includes logs of his activities compiled by his staff, military aides, the White House Communications Agency, and the Secret Service; plus telephone logs, lists of attendees at meeting and social events, White House press releases, and occasional briefing papers and notes between the Diary staff and other White House officials attempting to confirm details about a specific event.
This series contains transcripts of interviews scholar William Syers conducted with associates of Gerald Ford regarding how his Congressional career affected his approach to the Presidency. Interviewees include William Baroody Jr., Philip Buchen, Pat Butler, Richard Cheney, Barber Conable, Glenn Davis, Max Friedersdorf, Charles Goodell, Bryce Harlow, Robert Hartmann, Joseph Jenckes, William Kendall, Tom Korologos, Melvin Laird, Charles Leppert, Thomas Loeffler, Patrick O'Donnell, Roger Porter, Patrick Rowland, Hugh Scott, and L. William Seidman.
Collection: William A. Syers Interview Transcripts
Interview Transcripts … This series contains transcripts of interviews scholar William Syers conducted with associates of Gerald Ford regarding how his Congressional career affected his approach to the Presidency. Interviewees include William Baroody Jr., Philip Buchen, Pat Butler, Richard Cheney, Barber Conable, Glenn Davis, Max Friedersdorf, Charles Goodell, Bryce Harlow, Robert Hartmann, Joseph Jenckes, William Kendall, Tom Korologos, Melvin Laird, Charles Leppert, Thomas Loeffler, Patrick O'Donnell, …
This series contains transcripts of interviews scholar William Syers conducted with associates of Gerald Ford regarding how his Congressional career affected his approach to the Presidency. Interviewees include William Baroody Jr., Philip Buchen, Pat Butler, Richard Cheney, Barber Conable, Glenn Davis, Max Friedersdorf, Charles Goodell, Bryce Harlow, Robert Hartmann, Joseph Jenckes, William Kendall, Tom Korologos, Melvin Laird, Charles Leppert, Thomas Loeffler, Patrick O'Donnell, Roger Porter, Patrick Rowland, Hugh Scott, and L. William Seidman.
This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, lists, briefing books, and transcripts. This is a fragmentary series concerning primarily two of the White House Conferences on Domestic and Economic Affairs - South Florida (February 25, 1975) and Milwaukee (August 25, 1975).
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Ford Administration White House Subject Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, lists, briefing books, and transcripts. This is a fragmentary series concerning primarily two of the White House Conferences on Domestic and Economic Affairs - South Florida (February 25, 1975) and Milwaukee (August 25, …
This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, lists, briefing books, and transcripts. This is a fragmentary series concerning primarily two of the White House Conferences on Domestic and Economic Affairs - South Florida (February 25, 1975) and Milwaukee (August 25, 1975).
This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda, speeches, lists, and briefing materials concerning long-range national security and budget planning in the Department of Defense and his work as an aide to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. The files include various projections, estimates, and recommendations along with planning guidance, policy guidance, budget plans, strategy papers (including nuclear warfare strategy), and net assessments. Specific topics include the Vietnam War, the 1970 mid-year report to the President, and the work of the Defense Program Review Committee.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Planning Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda, speeches, lists, and briefing materials concerning long-range national security and budget planning in the Department of Defense and his work as an aide to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. The files include various projections, estimates, and recommendations along with planning guidance, policy guidance, budget plans, strategy papers (including nuclear warfare strategy), and net assessments. Specific topics include …
This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda, speeches, lists, and briefing materials concerning long-range national security and budget planning in the Department of Defense and his work as an aide to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. The files include various projections, estimates, and recommendations along with planning guidance, policy guidance, budget plans, strategy papers (including nuclear warfare strategy), and net assessments. Specific topics include the Vietnam War, the 1970 mid-year report to the President, and the work of the Defense Program Review Committee.
This series contains copies of memoranda, correspondence, talking papers, briefing papers, and lists. It was copied from Melvin Laird's official Department of Defense files by a special team of staff members late in his term as Secretary of Defense in order to document the key issues he handled. National security and defense topics include: all-volunteer force, Cambodia, chemical / biological warfare research, drug abuse in the military, EC-121 (a Navy aircraft shot down by North Korea), equal opportunity and race relations, F-15 procurement, Indochina, Japan, Korea, Laos, MIRV (Multiple Independently-Targetable Reentry Vehicle - including A-X / Close Air Support), MK-48 Torpedo, Middle East and Israel, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), POW / MIA (Prisoners of War / Missing in Action), People's Republic of China, Procurement, SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), Safeguard ABM (Antiballistic Missile), Shipbuilding, Strategy of Realistic Deterrence, Taking Stock of the Department, Thailand, and Vietnam (especially the Vietnam War).
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Historical Project Files … This series contains copies of memoranda, correspondence, talking papers, briefing papers, and lists. It was copied from Melvin Laird's official Department of Defense files by a special team of staff members late in his term as Secretary of Defense in order to document the key issues he handled. National security and defense topics include: all-volunteer force, Cambodia, chemical / biological warfare research, drug abuse in the military, EC-121 (a Navy …
This series contains copies of memoranda, correspondence, talking papers, briefing papers, and lists. It was copied from Melvin Laird's official Department of Defense files by a special team of staff members late in his term as Secretary of Defense in order to document the key issues he handled. National security and defense topics include: all-volunteer force, Cambodia, chemical / biological warfare research, drug abuse in the military, EC-121 (a Navy aircraft shot down by North Korea), equal opportunity and race relations, F-15 procurement, Indochina, Japan, Korea, Laos, MIRV (Multiple Independently-Targetable Reentry Vehicle - including A-X / Close Air Support), MK-48 Torpedo, Middle East and Israel, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), POW / MIA (Prisoners of War / Missing in Action), People's Republic of China, Procurement, SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), Safeguard ABM (Antiballistic Missile), Shipbuilding, Strategy of Realistic Deterrence, Taking Stock of the Department, Thailand, and Vietnam (especially the Vietnam War).
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, polling data, reports by President Ford Committee (PFC) state executive directors and field coordinators, and clippings accumulated by Political Office directors Lee Nunn and Stuart Spencer. The materials concern Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign, including such topics as: state and local issues, state Republican party organizations, state campaign plans, selection and approval of PFC state executive and finance chairmen, media strategy, scheduling of presidential and advocate appearances, rules governing delegate selection, and reports concerning the local activities of the Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter campaign organizations. Although some later material appears, the primary period is best documented here. Many of the state files include memos for the record drafted by Chairman Bo Callaway early in the campaign. Spencer created few of the documents in the file; most were prepared for his information by Political Office staff.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Stuart Spencer's State Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, polling data, reports by President Ford Committee (PFC) state executive directors and field coordinators, and clippings accumulated by Political Office directors Lee Nunn and Stuart Spencer. The materials concern Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign, including such topics as: state and local issues, state Republican party organizations, state campaign plans, selection and approval of PFC state executive and finance chairmen, …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, polling data, reports by President Ford Committee (PFC) state executive directors and field coordinators, and clippings accumulated by Political Office directors Lee Nunn and Stuart Spencer. The materials concern Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign, including such topics as: state and local issues, state Republican party organizations, state campaign plans, selection and approval of PFC state executive and finance chairmen, media strategy, scheduling of presidential and advocate appearances, rules governing delegate selection, and reports concerning the local activities of the Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter campaign organizations. Although some later material appears, the primary period is best documented here. Many of the state files include memos for the record drafted by Chairman Bo Callaway early in the campaign. Spencer created few of the documents in the file; most were prepared for his information by Political Office staff.
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, itineraries, scheduling proposals, state campaign budgets, and press releases compiled by William Russo, President Ford Committee (PFC) field coordinator during Gerald Ford's 1976 general election campaign, and his assistant Glenda Leggitt. The materials concern such topics as the advocates program, campaign debates, vice presidential campaign, the Mississippi river boat campaign trip, fiscal procedures and state budgets, the People for Ford volunteer program, and PFC administrative matters. A small but significant file on abortion reflects Marjory Mecklenburg's liaison role with anti-abortion groups.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
William Russo's Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, itineraries, scheduling proposals, state campaign budgets, and press releases compiled by William Russo, President Ford Committee (PFC) field coordinator during Gerald Ford's 1976 general election campaign, and his assistant Glenda Leggitt. The materials concern such topics as the advocates program, campaign debates, vice presidential campaign, the Mississippi river boat campaign trip, fiscal procedures and state …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, itineraries, scheduling proposals, state campaign budgets, and press releases compiled by William Russo, President Ford Committee (PFC) field coordinator during Gerald Ford's 1976 general election campaign, and his assistant Glenda Leggitt. The materials concern such topics as the advocates program, campaign debates, vice presidential campaign, the Mississippi river boat campaign trip, fiscal procedures and state budgets, the People for Ford volunteer program, and PFC administrative matters. A small but significant file on abortion reflects Marjory Mecklenburg's liaison role with anti-abortion groups.
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, and reports concerning a variety of domestic and foreign issues, political affairs, and Gerald Ford administration accomplishments. Rob Quartel of the President Ford Committee (PFC) accumulated this material to respond to questions about President Ford and his views and achievements during the 1976 presidential election campaign. Some of it was also used in compiling the "President Ford Factbook," which the PFC distributed to Cabinet members and other advocates who campaigned for the President.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Answer Desk Coordinator's Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, and reports concerning a variety of domestic and foreign issues, political affairs, and Gerald Ford administration accomplishments. Rob Quartel of the President Ford Committee (PFC) accumulated this material to respond to questions about President Ford and his views and achievements during the 1976 presidential election campaign. Some of it was also used in compiling the "President Ford Factbook," which the PFC …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, and reports concerning a variety of domestic and foreign issues, political affairs, and Gerald Ford administration accomplishments. Rob Quartel of the President Ford Committee (PFC) accumulated this material to respond to questions about President Ford and his views and achievements during the 1976 presidential election campaign. Some of it was also used in compiling the "President Ford Factbook," which the PFC distributed to Cabinet members and other advocates who campaigned for the President.