Displaying 731 - 740 of 1890 results
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This series consists of photographs from Anne Armstrong’s personal correspondence. Events depicted include a Heritage Group meeting in California, New York Hispanic Luncheon, a naturalization ceremony, the 1973 Federal Women's Award Banquet, and a Congressional Committee Chairman reception.
Collection: Anne Armstrong Files (Ford Administration)
Anne Armstrong's Photographs … This series consists of photographs from Anne Armstrong’s personal correspondence. Events depicted include a Heritage Group meeting in California, New York Hispanic Luncheon, a naturalization ceremony, the 1973 Federal Women's Award Banquet, and a Congressional Committee Chairman …
This series consists of photographs from Anne Armstrong’s personal correspondence. Events depicted include a Heritage Group meeting in California, New York Hispanic Luncheon, a naturalization ceremony, the 1973 Federal Women's Award Banquet, and a Congressional Committee Chairman reception.
This series contains audio recordings that document Ron Nessen’s account of day-to-day operations within the Gerald R. Ford administration as well as his relationships with other White House staff members. This series also contains a recording of Nessen speaking to the National Press Club and a cassette labeled “GRF – TV.”
Collection: Ron Nessen Papers
Audio Diary Recordings … This series contains audio recordings that document Ron Nessen’s account of day-to-day operations within the Gerald R. Ford administration as well as his relationships with other White House staff members. This series also contains a recording of Nessen speaking to the National Press Club and a cassette labeled “GRF – …
This series contains audio recordings that document Ron Nessen’s account of day-to-day operations within the Gerald R. Ford administration as well as his relationships with other White House staff members. This series also contains a recording of Nessen speaking to the National Press Club and a cassette labeled “GRF – TV.”
This series contains correspondence, articles, transcripts, pamphlets, lists, speeches, and political analyses. A majority of the series documents Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign, including issues such as nuclear power, education, foreign policy, and foreign aid, including the Peace Corps. There are also a few documents concerning Nelson Rockefeller.
Collection: William J. Baroody Papers
1964 Presidential Campaign Files … This series contains correspondence, articles, transcripts, pamphlets, lists, speeches, and political analyses. A majority of the series documents Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign, including issues such as nuclear power, education, foreign policy, and foreign aid, including the Peace Corps. There are also a few documents concerning Nelson …
This series contains correspondence, articles, transcripts, pamphlets, lists, speeches, and political analyses. A majority of the series documents Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign, including issues such as nuclear power, education, foreign policy, and foreign aid, including the Peace Corps. There are also a few documents concerning Nelson Rockefeller.
This series contains correspondence, pamphlets, statements, articles, reports, and charts relating to William Baroody's research projects while assisting Congressman Melvin Laird. Topics include Wisconsin dairy farming, urban housing, healthcare, and labor laws. Also included are reports about Democratic Party activities, criticizing the national budget, defense policy, and the political tactics of Lyndon B. Johnson and Robert Kennedy.
Collection: William J. Baroody Papers
Congressional Research Files … This series contains correspondence, pamphlets, statements, articles, reports, and charts relating to William Baroody's research projects while assisting Congressman Melvin Laird. Topics include Wisconsin dairy farming, urban housing, healthcare, and labor laws. Also included are reports about Democratic Party activities, criticizing the national budget, defense policy, and the political tactics of Lyndon B. Johnson and Robert …
This series contains correspondence, pamphlets, statements, articles, reports, and charts relating to William Baroody's research projects while assisting Congressman Melvin Laird. Topics include Wisconsin dairy farming, urban housing, healthcare, and labor laws. Also included are reports about Democratic Party activities, criticizing the national budget, defense policy, and the political tactics of Lyndon B. Johnson and Robert Kennedy.
This series contains copies of outgoing memoranda and correspondence. Most documents were signed by William Baroody, but some (although drafted by Baroody) were signed by his boss, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird. They are addressed to a wide range of people in Richard Nixon's administration, Congress, and private sector and primarily concern national security issues and the operations of the Department of Defense.
Collection: William J. Baroody Papers
Department of Defense Chronological Files … This series contains copies of outgoing memoranda and correspondence. Most documents were signed by William Baroody, but some (although drafted by Baroody) were signed by his boss, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird. They are addressed to a wide range of people in Richard Nixon's administration, Congress, and private sector and primarily concern national security issues and the operations of the Department of …
This series contains copies of outgoing memoranda and correspondence. Most documents were signed by William Baroody, but some (although drafted by Baroody) were signed by his boss, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird. They are addressed to a wide range of people in Richard Nixon's administration, Congress, and private sector and primarily concern national security issues and the operations of the Department of Defense.
This series contains news clippings, correspondence, transcripts, memoranda, pamphlets, agendas, conference books, reports, research papers, and name lists. The materials concern the conferences hosted by the White House Public Liaison Office and held in 15 cities to discuss economic and domestic issues with community leaders. President Gerald Ford and other high level administration officials were frequently in attendance. Conferences dated from July 26, 1974 to October 7, 1975.
Collection: William J. Baroody Papers
Ford Administration Files on White House Conferences on Domestic and Economic Affairs … This series contains news clippings, correspondence, transcripts, memoranda, pamphlets, agendas, conference books, reports, research papers, and name lists. The materials concern the conferences hosted by the White House Public Liaison Office and held in 15 cities to discuss economic and domestic issues with community leaders. President Gerald Ford and other high level administration officials were frequently in …
This series contains news clippings, correspondence, transcripts, memoranda, pamphlets, agendas, conference books, reports, research papers, and name lists. The materials concern the conferences hosted by the White House Public Liaison Office and held in 15 cities to discuss economic and domestic issues with community leaders. President Gerald Ford and other high level administration officials were frequently in attendance. Conferences dated from July 26, 1974 to October 7, 1975.
This series contains correspondence, phone messages, address lists, and speeches concerning White House liaison with interest groups and the work of the Public Liaison Office during the presidency of Gerald Ford.
Collection: William J. Baroody Papers
Ford Administration White House Correspondence … This series contains correspondence, phone messages, address lists, and speeches concerning White House liaison with interest groups and the work of the Public Liaison Office during the presidency of Gerald Ford. …
This series contains correspondence, phone messages, address lists, and speeches concerning White House liaison with interest groups and the work of the Public Liaison Office during the presidency of Gerald Ford.
The series contains correspondence and briefing papers concerning White House briefings for various associations and groups arranged by the Office of Public Liaison. The groups attending the briefings were primarily business and trade associations, but some other groups do appear.
Collection: William J. Baroody Papers
Ford Administration Files on White House Briefings for Associations and Groups … The series contains correspondence and briefing papers concerning White House briefings for various associations and groups arranged by the Office of Public Liaison. The groups attending the briefings were primarily business and trade associations, but some other groups do …
The series contains correspondence and briefing papers concerning White House briefings for various associations and groups arranged by the Office of Public Liaison. The groups attending the briefings were primarily business and trade associations, but some other groups do appear.
The series contains carbon copies of letters written by Roland Elliott and his staff for Elliott's signature in response to public mail to President Gerald Ford on a variety of subjects. Most are based on form letters with some additional details added to personalize the letter.
Collection: Roland L. Elliott Files (Ford Administration)
Roland Elliott's Letters … The series contains carbon copies of letters written by Roland Elliott and his staff for Elliott's signature in response to public mail to President Gerald Ford on a variety of subjects. Most are based on form letters with some additional details added to personalize the …
The series contains carbon copies of letters written by Roland Elliott and his staff for Elliott's signature in response to public mail to President Gerald Ford on a variety of subjects. Most are based on form letters with some additional details added to personalize the letter.
This series consists of correspondence, calendars, cards, reports, memorandums, directories, clippings, logs, and notes used by First Lady Betty Ford and her staff. Materials relate to Mrs. Ford’s schedules, the arts, fashion, social issues, communications with the East Wing staff and the Curators Office, gifts, events, political issues, and family issues. There are large segments on the Equal Rights Amendment, Mrs. Ford’s interview with Morley Safer on "60 Minutes," and miscellaneous notes taken by Weidenfeld during her tenure as the Press Secretary to the First Lady.
Collection: Sheila Weidenfeld Papers
Subject Files … This series consists of correspondence, calendars, cards, reports, memorandums, directories, clippings, logs, and notes used by First Lady Betty Ford and her staff. Materials relate to Mrs. Ford’s schedules, the arts, fashion, social issues, communications with the East Wing staff and the Curators Office, gifts, events, political issues, and family issues. There are large segments on the Equal Rights Amendment, Mrs. Ford’s interview with Morley Safer on "60 Minutes," and miscellaneous notes …
This series consists of correspondence, calendars, cards, reports, memorandums, directories, clippings, logs, and notes used by First Lady Betty Ford and her staff. Materials relate to Mrs. Ford’s schedules, the arts, fashion, social issues, communications with the East Wing staff and the Curators Office, gifts, events, political issues, and family issues. There are large segments on the Equal Rights Amendment, Mrs. Ford’s interview with Morley Safer on "60 Minutes," and miscellaneous notes taken by Weidenfeld during her tenure as the Press Secretary to the First Lady.