Displaying 71 - 80 of 1890 results
Page 8 of 189
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Republican Employees Files …
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Interim District Office Subject Files …
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Washington Office Intern Files …
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers
Washington Office Organizations Files …
This series contains correspondence, schedules, and speeches related to former First Lady Betty Ford's trips and events throughout the United States and internationally. Also included are events held at or near her home in Rancho Mirage, California.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Trip and Event Files … This series contains correspondence, schedules, and speeches related to former First Lady Betty Ford's trips and events throughout the United States and internationally. Also included are events held at or near her home in Rancho Mirage, …
This series consists of correspondence, invitations, and regrets regarding former First Lady Betty Ford’s attendance at various functions and events. The 1978 correspondence consists only of photocopies of outgoing responses to invitations, but later material contains of carbons of outgoing letters attached to originals of incoming invitations. The invitations in this series were almost all declined.
Collection: Betty Ford Post-White House Papers
Scheduling Correspondence Files … This series consists of correspondence, invitations, and regrets regarding former First Lady Betty Ford’s attendance at various functions and events. The 1978 correspondence consists only of photocopies of outgoing responses to invitations, but later material contains of carbons of outgoing letters attached to originals of incoming invitations. The invitations in this series were almost all …