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This series contains two index card files that document gifts sent by Gerald and Betty Ford (1974-78) and autograph requests filled (1977-78).
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Gifts and Autographs Sent Card Files … This series contains two index card files that document gifts sent by Gerald and Betty Ford (1974-78) and autograph requests filled (1977-78). …
This series contains two photographs of Gerald R. Ford with unidentified individuals.
Collection: Dorothy E. Downton Files (Ford Administration)
Dorothy Downton's Photographs … This series contains two photographs of Gerald R. Ford with unidentified individuals. …
This series consists of black and white and color event photographs and portraits related to Myron Kuropas and other ethnic leaders, including the National Confederation of American Ethnic Groups, and the swearing-in of Mitchell Kobelinski as Small Business Administration Administrator. It also includes portraits of William Baroody, Mike Balzano, Kobelinski, Kuropas, and President and Mrs. Richard Nixon.
Collection: Myron B. Kuropas Papers
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of black and white and color event photographs and portraits related to Myron Kuropas and other ethnic leaders, including the National Confederation of American Ethnic Groups, and the swearing-in of Mitchell Kobelinski as Small Business Administration Administrator. It also includes portraits of William Baroody, Mike Balzano, Kobelinski, Kuropas, and President and Mrs. Richard …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to international relations or in connection with the plans, policies, procedures and programs, regarding foreign countries or governments... (including) matters relating to the administration of foreign affairs; economic development; mutual security; and foreign information and exchange activities." It also includes material related to U.S. ambassadors to other countries, international fishing disputes, and the Panama Canal.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Foreign Affairs … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to international relations or in connection with the plans, policies, procedures and programs, regarding foreign countries or governments... (including) matters relating to the administration of foreign affairs; economic development; mutual security; and foreign information and exchange activities." It also includes material related to …
The series contains agendas, background materials, and notes or memcons (memoranda of conversations). It concerns meetings of the Washington Special Actions Group, Senior Review Group, and National Security Council dealing with specific incidents and crises (especially the Vietnam War, Mayaguez seizure, and the August 1976 incident involving North Korean and American soldiers in the demilitarized zone), and one meeting concerned with "National Security Study Memorandum 235" (U.S. Interests and Objectives in the Asia-Pacific Area).
Collection: National Security Council East Asian and Pacific Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Meetings Files … The series contains agendas, background materials, and notes or memcons (memoranda of conversations). It concerns meetings of the Washington Special Actions Group, Senior Review Group, and National Security Council dealing with specific incidents and crises (especially the Vietnam War, Mayaguez seizure, and the August 1976 incident involving North Korean and American soldiers in the demilitarized zone), and one meeting concerned with "National Security Study Memorandum 235" (U.S. Interests …
This series contains speeches, speech drafts, article drafts, correspondence, transcripts, notes, publications, and clippings. It concerns Melvin Laird's speeches, articles, interviews, and statements along with articles and profiles about Laird. Although many of Laird's speeches and articles concern national security and defense issues, others concern international relations, energy policy, and other matters.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Post-Government Interviews, Articles, Profiles, and Statements Files … This series contains speeches, speech drafts, article drafts, correspondence, transcripts, notes, publications, and clippings. It concerns Melvin Laird's speeches, articles, interviews, and statements along with articles and profiles about Laird. Although many of Laird's speeches and articles concern national security and defense issues, others concern international relations, energy policy, and other …
This series contains transcripts of interviews with Melvin Laird and his friends and colleagues conducted by journalist and author Dale Van Atta under contract with Mr. Laird to assist with a memoir about Laird's life and career.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Biography Interview Files … This series contains transcripts of interviews with Melvin Laird and his friends and colleagues conducted by journalist and author Dale Van Atta under contract with Mr. Laird to assist with a memoir about Laird's life and career. …
This series contains copies of selected files documenting various public aspects of Melvin Laird's congressional career in the U.S. House of Representatives and his service as Secretary of Defense. Included for the congressional years are his speeches, press releases, voting record in Congress, weekly newspaper columns, newsletters, scrapbooks, and publications. From his Department of Defense years, the series includes speeches and public statements, daily press briefings, daily calendars, scrapbooks, and several reports and lists. The scrapbooks include some material predating Mr. Laird's career in Congress.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Selected Unclassified Files on Melvin Laird's Career … This series contains copies of selected files documenting various public aspects of Melvin Laird's congressional career in the U.S. House of Representatives and his service as Secretary of Defense. Included for the congressional years are his speeches, press releases, voting record in Congress, weekly newspaper columns, newsletters, scrapbooks, and publications. From his Department of Defense years, the series includes speeches and public statements, …
This series contains newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and programs for events. The material concerns Melvin Laird and his activities while serving briefly as Counsellor to President Richard Nixon and after leaving government service.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Scrapbooks … This series contains newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and programs for events. The material concerns Melvin Laird and his activities while serving briefly as Counsellor to President Richard Nixon and after leaving government service. …