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This series contains appointment slips recording information about visitors to the offices of Vice President Gerald Ford (October 1973 - August 1974) and the offices of the Commission on Central Intelligence Agency Activities Within the United States (January - July 1975). The information recorded includes name of the visitor, name of the person requesting the appointment, name of the person being visited, room number, date, time expected, time arrived, notes on the identification used, guard's name, and guard post.
Collection: Barry N. Roth Files
Executive Protective Service Appointment Records … This series contains appointment slips recording information about visitors to the offices of Vice President Gerald Ford (October 1973 - August 1974) and the offices of the Commission on Central Intelligence Agency Activities Within the United States (January - July 1975). The information recorded includes name of the visitor, name of the person requesting the appointment, name of the person being visited, room number, date, time expected, time arrived, …
This series contains memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, the Domestic Council staff, and departmental and agency officials; briefing papers; drafts of Presidential speeches and statements; drafts of legislation; enrolled bills; meeting notes; press releases; reports; occasional correspondence with members of Congress, state and local officials and the general public; and newspaper clippings. This file concerns legislation drafted by the Ford administration or proposed by members of Congress; and the work of the Domestic Council in identifying major domestic policy problems, coordinating the formulation of policy options, initiating factual analyses, reviewing legislative proposals, and establishing guidelines for implementing laws. Major topics include: aircraft noise control, busing for school integration, crime, drug abuse, energy policy, intergovernmental affairs, a nuclear energy policy statement, the political status of Puerto Rico, regulatory reform, revenue sharing, and uranium enrichment.
Collection: James M. Cannon Files (Ford Administration)
James Cannon's Issues Files … This series contains memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, the Domestic Council staff, and departmental and agency officials; briefing papers; drafts of Presidential speeches and statements; drafts of legislation; enrolled bills; meeting notes; press releases; reports; occasional correspondence with members of Congress, state and local officials and the general public; and newspaper clippings. This file concerns legislation drafted by the Ford administration or proposed …
This series contains James Cannon's memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, Domestic Council staff, and officials of the departments and agencies; press releases; and agency and department federal budget requests. The material relates primarily to the review of agency budget requests, which include program statements, agency and Office of Management and Budget funding recommendations, and the previous year's funding level.
Collection: James M. Cannon Files (Ford Administration)
James Cannon's Budget Files … This series contains James Cannon's memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, Domestic Council staff, and officials of the departments and agencies; press releases; and agency and department federal budget requests. The material relates primarily to the review of agency budget requests, which include program statements, agency and Office of Management and Budget funding recommendations, and the previous year's funding …
This series contains James Cannon's memoranda to and from government officials and others; briefing papers; briefing books; and weekly reports of Domestic Council staff members. This series concerns Cannon's administrative activities; the budget, organization and operation of the Domestic Council; and some Presidential trips. It includes a compilation of issues briefing books for President Gerald Ford and a compilation of memoranda and briefing materials supplied to the President by the Domestic Council. Many sequences of material in this series are incomplete.
Collection: James M. Cannon Files (Ford Administration)
James Cannon's Administrative Files … This series contains James Cannon's memoranda to and from government officials and others; briefing papers; briefing books; and weekly reports of Domestic Council staff members. This series concerns Cannon's administrative activities; the budget, organization and operation of the Domestic Council; and some Presidential trips. It includes a compilation of issues briefing books for President Gerald Ford and a compilation of memoranda and briefing materials supplied to …
This series contains Michael Raoul-Duval's memoranda, briefing papers, reports, correspondence, and other materials on transportation issues. Some materials, particularly issue briefing books, date from the Richard Nixon administration. The Gerald Ford administration materials include information on Pan American World Airways financial problems and the Civil Aeronautics Board.
Collection: Michael Raoul-Duval Files
Michael Raoul-Duval's Transportation Files … This series contains Michael Raoul-Duval's memoranda, briefing papers, reports, correspondence, and other materials on transportation issues. Some materials, particularly issue briefing books, date from the Richard Nixon administration. The Gerald Ford administration materials include information on Pan American World Airways financial problems and the Civil Aeronautics …
This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, reports, press releases, articles, correspondence, notes, statements, occasional Congressional documents, Presidential talking points, questions and answers, fact sheets, bills, agendas, charts, and other printed materials. He inherited many of these files from his predecessor Tod R. Hullin. Substantive housing and urban policy topics include community development, home financing assistance, programs for the city of Detroit, National Growth Reports, and the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration. Correspondents include David Meeker, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Andre Buckles, Staff Assistant for Community Development of the Domestic Council.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's Housing and Urban Development Subject Files … This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, reports, press releases, articles, correspondence, notes, statements, occasional Congressional documents, Presidential talking points, questions and answers, fact sheets, bills, agendas, charts, and other printed materials. He inherited many of these files from his predecessor Tod R. Hullin. Substantive housing and urban policy topics include community development, home financing assistance, programs for the …
This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, correspondence, statements, articles, reports, Congressional documents, occasional agendas, notes, bills, and other papers concerning the citizens' right to privacy and the work of the Domestic Council Committee on the Right of Privacy. Correspondents include Geoffrey Shepard, Richard Parsons, and officials on the Domestic Council Committee on the Right of Privacy.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's Privacy Subject Files … This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, correspondence, statements, articles, reports, Congressional documents, occasional agendas, notes, bills, and other papers concerning the citizens' right to privacy and the work of the Domestic Council Committee on the Right of Privacy. Correspondents include Geoffrey Shepard, Richard Parsons, and officials on the Domestic Council Committee on the Right of …
This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, reports, press releases, articles, correspondence, notes, occasional bills, agendas, schedule proposals, statements, speeches, and other papers. The series concerns various aspects of regulatory reform especially May's participation in the Domestic Council Review Group on Regulatory Reform.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's Regulatory Reform Subject Files … This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, reports, press releases, articles, correspondence, notes, occasional bills, agendas, schedule proposals, statements, speeches, and other papers. The series concerns various aspects of regulatory reform especially May's participation in the Domestic Council Review Group on Regulatory …
This series contains copies of Lynn May's correspondence, memoranda, schedule proposals, questions and answers, and other items sent to other Domestic Council staff, government agencies, special interest groups, and individuals. Occasional related materials are attached. The series relates to commerce, drug abuse, housing, urban policy, telecommunications, postal matters, right of privacy, regulatory reform, and small business.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's Chronological Files … This series contains copies of Lynn May's correspondence, memoranda, schedule proposals, questions and answers, and other items sent to other Domestic Council staff, government agencies, special interest groups, and individuals. Occasional related materials are attached. The series relates to commerce, drug abuse, housing, urban policy, telecommunications, postal matters, right of privacy, regulatory reform, and small …
This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, correspondence, brochures, reports, press releases, draft letters, statements, articles, occasional fact sheets, bills, schedule proposals, notes, issue papers, questions and answers, and other materials. Most of the papers are photocopies or printed material and some were inherited from Domestic Council staff members Tod Hullin and Richard Parsons. Substantive subjects include the Justice Department, National Crime Information Center, Olympic games, General Services Administration, and sex discrimination (Title IX).
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's General Subject Files … This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, correspondence, brochures, reports, press releases, draft letters, statements, articles, occasional fact sheets, bills, schedule proposals, notes, issue papers, questions and answers, and other materials. Most of the papers are photocopies or printed material and some were inherited from Domestic Council staff members Tod Hullin and Richard Parsons. Substantive subjects include the Justice Department, National Crime Information …