Displaying 551 - 560 of 1890 results
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Collection: Edward H. Levi Speeches and Scrapbooks
Speeches and Testimony …
Collection: A. James Reichley Interview Transcripts
Ford Administration White House Staff Interviews …
This series contains Roberts's recollections, memoranda, correspondence, press releases, pool reports, schedules, interview transcripts, and clippings. Materials relate to press arrangements and briefing materials for President Gerald Ford's foreign trips, operation of the press office, and the 1976 presidential campaign.
Collection: John W. "Bill" Roberts Papers
Presidential Subject Files … This series contains Roberts's recollections, memoranda, correspondence, press releases, pool reports, schedules, interview transcripts, and clippings. Materials relate to press arrangements and briefing materials for President Gerald Ford's foreign trips, operation of the press office, and the 1976 presidential …
This series includes schedules, briefing papers prepared for the President, press releases, pool reports, interview transcripts, and notes on press briefings. A broad range of topics is covered in the files, but no one topic is dealt with extensively.
Collection: John W. "Bill" Roberts Papers
President's Daily Schedules … This series includes schedules, briefing papers prepared for the President, press releases, pool reports, interview transcripts, and notes on press briefings. A broad range of topics is covered in the files, but no one topic is dealt with …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, clippings, newsletters, printed materials, and press releases and primarily document Myron Kuropas’ work as Special Assistant to the President for Ethnic Affairs. Subjects include background materials for White House meetings addressing ethnic concerns, the administration’s position on captive nations in Eastern Europe and the Sonnenfeldt Doctrine, ethnic groups and the 1976 presidential campaign, and ethnic Bicentennial celebrations. Several folders relate to Kuropas' work in Senator Robert Dole’s office. Some of the materials date back to the 1960s and may have been collected while Kuropas was working for ACTION.
Collection: Myron B. Kuropas Papers
Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, clippings, newsletters, printed materials, and press releases and primarily document Myron Kuropas’ work as Special Assistant to the President for Ethnic Affairs. Subjects include background materials for White House meetings addressing ethnic concerns, the administration’s position on captive nations in Eastern Europe and the Sonnenfeldt Doctrine, ethnic groups and the 1976 presidential campaign, and ethnic Bicentennial celebrations. Several …
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Papers Relating to his U.S. Navy Service
Navy Subject Files …
Collection: William E. Simon Papers
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Subject Files …