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This series contains Barry Lafer's memoranda, correspondence, invoices, job applications, staff resumes, staff contracts, work orders, and purchase orders. The bulk of the files document payments to vendors for costs incurred in the production and placement of advertising, and reimbursements to staff. The files also include occasional material on personnel matters.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Barry Lafer's Paid Invoice Files on the Primary Elections … This series contains Barry Lafer's memoranda, correspondence, invoices, job applications, staff resumes, staff contracts, work orders, and purchase orders. The bulk of the files document payments to vendors for costs incurred in the production and placement of advertising, and reimbursements to staff. The files also include occasional material on personnel …
This series contains Barry Lafer's routine correspondence and memoranda, worksheets, media lists, receipts, tabulations, invoices, expense reimbursement forms, deposit slips, photocopied and canceled checks, bank statements, checkbook stubs, and carbons related to reconciliation of primary campaign bank accounts and the petty cash fund.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Barry Lafer's Bank Reconciliation Files on the Primary Elections … This series contains Barry Lafer's routine correspondence and memoranda, worksheets, media lists, receipts, tabulations, invoices, expense reimbursement forms, deposit slips, photocopied and canceled checks, bank statements, checkbook stubs, and carbons related to reconciliation of primary campaign bank accounts and the petty cash …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, briefing papers, speeches, and printed material accumulated by Robert Goldwin in his role as a special advisor to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Ambassador Donald Rumsfeld and special consultant to President Gerald R. Ford. Subjects include education, Jews and Israel (including the Arab Boycott of companies doing business with Israel), affirmative action programs, arms sales, busing for school integration, the role of the President, national vision, crime, the world food situation, State of the Union addresses, ethnicity, jobs and unemployment, higher education, the veto power, and the aftermath of President Ford's massive overhaul of his Cabinet. Of particular note are files on White House seminars and Goldwin's work on behalf of Donald Rumsfeld during his tenure as Secretary of Defense.
Collection: Robert A. Goldwin Papers
General Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, briefing papers, speeches, and printed material accumulated by Robert Goldwin in his role as a special advisor to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Ambassador Donald Rumsfeld and special consultant to President Gerald R. Ford. Subjects include education, Jews and Israel (including the Arab Boycott of companies doing business with Israel), affirmative action programs, arms sales, busing for school integration, …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, press releases, resumes, strategy papers, itineraries, and schedule proposals compiled by President Ford Committee (PFC) Chairman Howard "Bo" Callaway and his assistants, Mimi Austin and Judy Harbaugh during the Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. PFC Political Office staff and state PFC officials created most of the material filed in this series. The materials concern such topics as: state Republican party organizations, the selection and approval of PFC state executive and finance chairmen, rules governing delegate selection, and reports concerning the activities of local PFC organizations. Many files include "memos for the record" drafted by Callaway. Some files include documentation on issues of concern in various states, such as common situs picketing, activities of the First Lady Betty Ford, taxes, and energy policy.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Howard H. "Bo" Callaway's State Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, press releases, resumes, strategy papers, itineraries, and schedule proposals compiled by President Ford Committee (PFC) Chairman Howard "Bo" Callaway and his assistants, Mimi Austin and Judy Harbaugh during the Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. PFC Political Office staff and state PFC officials created most of the material filed in this series. The materials concern such topics as: state Republican …
This series contains letters received by the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign from the general public. There are also carbon copies of staff responses. Topics include requests for campaign material, general comments of support, suggestions for alternative election strategies, offers to volunteer, and inquiries concerning possible employment in the campaign organization.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Correspondence State Files … This series contains letters received by the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign from the general public. There are also carbon copies of staff responses. Topics include requests for campaign material, general comments of support, suggestions for alternative election strategies, offers to volunteer, and inquiries concerning possible employment in the campaign …
This series contains reports, computer printouts, and printed material produced by the Republican National Committee (RNC) and used by the President Ford Committee (PFC) Political Office as a reference file during Gerald Ford's 1976 general election campaign. Materials include a lengthy Jimmy Carter quotebook and information concerning the RNC nationwide phone bank program, especially the state-level organizations and tabulation of responses for the period immediately preceding the November election. Several publications compiled by the RNC's Presidential Campaign Task Force concern state Republican and PFC organizations, local events providing campaign opportunities, media, balloting procedures, demographic and statistical data, and state issues.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Republican National Committee Campaign Files … This series contains reports, computer printouts, and printed material produced by the Republican National Committee (RNC) and used by the President Ford Committee (PFC) Political Office as a reference file during Gerald Ford's 1976 general election campaign. Materials include a lengthy Jimmy Carter quotebook and information concerning the RNC nationwide phone bank program, especially the state-level organizations and tabulation of responses for the period …
This series contains compilations of quotes by President Gerald Ford, often from campaign speeches, on a wide variety of domestic, foreign, and economic events and issues for use in the 1976 presidential election campaign. Joy Manson maintained these books, which primarily cover January to June 1976, with occasional items from as late as September.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Gerald Ford Quotebooks … This series contains compilations of quotes by President Gerald Ford, often from campaign speeches, on a wide variety of domestic, foreign, and economic events and issues for use in the 1976 presidential election campaign. Joy Manson maintained these books, which primarily cover January to June 1976, with occasional items from as late as …
This series contains briefing papers, clippings, polling data, memoranda and press releases. The material concerns the 1976 presidential election campaign, primarily such topics as the Jimmy Carter campaign, voter demographics, Gallup and Harris public opinion polls, and mailings which either summarized President Gerald Ford's actions and accomplishments or distributed information of use to advocates campaigning on behalf of the President.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
General Subject Files … This series contains briefing papers, clippings, polling data, memoranda and press releases. The material concerns the 1976 presidential election campaign, primarily such topics as the Jimmy Carter campaign, voter demographics, Gallup and Harris public opinion polls, and mailings which either summarized President Gerald Ford's actions and accomplishments or distributed information of use to advocates campaigning on behalf of the …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, congressional bills, legal briefs and motions, contracts and agreements, notes taken at meetings, press releases and clippings compiled by Robert Visser, President Ford Committee (PFC) general counsel during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. Small, but significant, files concern the meetings of the PFC Advisory Committee, Executive Committee, and Convention Coordinating Group. Other materials concern such aspects of the campaign as ballot security, contracts with public opinion polling firms and other companies providing services to the PFC, clearance of text for campaign ads and brochures, operation of the PFC advertising group (Campaign '76 Media Communications, Inc.), potential Republican National Convention delegate challenges, guidance and instructions for persons involved in fundraising or the allocation of expenses, complaints about activities by Ronald Reagan's primary election campaign in Texas, and the work of the PFC treasurer and Political Office field coordinators.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Robert Visser's Political Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, congressional bills, legal briefs and motions, contracts and agreements, notes taken at meetings, press releases and clippings compiled by Robert Visser, President Ford Committee (PFC) general counsel during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. Small, but significant, files concern the meetings of the PFC Advisory Committee, Executive Committee, and Convention Coordinating Group. Other materials concern …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, notes, reports, question and answer briefing sheets, schedules and lists compiled by Peter Teeley, President Ford Committee (PFC) press secretary during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential general election campaign. The material documents aspects of the Press Office's operations and provides a record of its printed material. Included are reports prepared after the election evaluating Press Office programs, relations with the news media, reports on the PFC's audio program and budget, staff lists and biographies, briefing material prepared for James Baker, and a complete set of press releases prepared under Teeley's direction.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Peter Teeley's Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, notes, reports, question and answer briefing sheets, schedules and lists compiled by Peter Teeley, President Ford Committee (PFC) press secretary during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential general election campaign. The material documents aspects of the Press Office's operations and provides a record of its printed material. Included are reports prepared after the election evaluating Press Office programs, relations …