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This series contains memoranda exchanged between Robert Hartmann and President Gerald Ford, White House staff, or departmental and agency officials; reports; briefing materials; speeches and speech drafts; messages; schedules; press releases; and occasional correspondence and clippings. One major focus of this series is the speechwriting process and the Hartmann's oversight of the White House Editorial Staff. Another important focus is the selection of a new Vice President in August 1974. Materials on economic and energy policy are abundant, but documents tend to be few and/or routine on other topics such as the Bicentennial, federal budget, appointments to government positions, and presidential trips.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Robert Hartmann's General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda exchanged between Robert Hartmann and President Gerald Ford, White House staff, or departmental and agency officials; reports; briefing materials; speeches and speech drafts; messages; schedules; press releases; and occasional correspondence and clippings. One major focus of this series is the speechwriting process and the Hartmann's oversight of the White House Editorial Staff. Another important focus is the selection of a new Vice …
This series contains polling data and correspondence relating to a January 1975 proposal for a White House contract with Decision Making Information, Inc. (headed by Richard B. Wirthlin) to establish an ongoing White House program to survey changes in public opinion. The series includes results from two national surveys and five local surveys, the latter concerning changes in perceptions of President Gerald Ford and his programs after presidential trips to those locales. The major focus of these surveys was on issues, especially economic and energy policy questions, rather than on politics. After a brief test of the program it was apparently discontinued as no materials from a later period have been discovered.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Robert Hartmann's Survey Research Program Files … This series contains polling data and correspondence relating to a January 1975 proposal for a White House contract with Decision Making Information, Inc. (headed by Richard B. Wirthlin) to establish an ongoing White House program to survey changes in public opinion. The series includes results from two national surveys and five local surveys, the latter concerning changes in perceptions of President Gerald Ford and his programs after presidential trips to …
This series contains drafts of outgoing head of state and head of government correspondence along with scattered drafts of messages to Congress concerning international agreements and drafts of letters to American citizens concerning foreign policy and defense matters. The National Security Council submitted these drafts to Robert Hartmann for his editing. While some of the head of state correspondence is substantive, the bulk consists of routine messages concerning birthdays, national day celebrations, or the American Bicentennial celebration.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Robert Hartmann's National Security Council Memoranda … This series contains drafts of outgoing head of state and head of government correspondence along with scattered drafts of messages to Congress concerning international agreements and drafts of letters to American citizens concerning foreign policy and defense matters. The National Security Council submitted these drafts to Robert Hartmann for his editing. While some of the head of state correspondence is substantive, the bulk consists of routine …
This series contains Robert Hartmann's copies of decision memoranda drafted by the Presidential Personnel Office and circulated to the White House senior staff for comments. Most of these documents bear annotations by Hartmann or one of his assistants, but such notes are usually brief (often "No comment" or "OK"). The memoranda concern the appointment of department and agency officials, federal judges, U.S. attorneys and marshals, and appointments to advisory councils, delegations, boards, and commissions.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Robert Hartmann's Personnel Decision Memoranda … This series contains Robert Hartmann's copies of decision memoranda drafted by the Presidential Personnel Office and circulated to the White House senior staff for comments. Most of these documents bear annotations by Hartmann or one of his assistants, but such notes are usually brief (often "No comment" or "OK"). The memoranda concern the appointment of department and agency officials, federal judges, U.S. attorneys and marshals, and appointments to …
This series contains correspondence between Robert Hartmann and persons seeking positions in the White House or the federal departments, agencies, boards, and commissions. Much of the material in this series actually dates from Gerald Ford's congressional and vice presidential service, but Hartmann's staff continued to add some material throughout the Ford presidency.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Personnel Correspondence … This series contains correspondence between Robert Hartmann and persons seeking positions in the White House or the federal departments, agencies, boards, and commissions. Much of the material in this series actually dates from Gerald Ford's congressional and vice presidential service, but Hartmann's staff continued to add some material throughout the Ford …
This series contains memoranda, background material, draft legislation, status reports, and testimony transcripts concerning legislative issues and White House liaison with Congress. Prominent subjects include the intelligence community investigations, the proposed consumer protection agency, energy policy , Indochina refugees, regulatory reform, surface mining, and the Mayaguez seizure.
Collection: Max L. Friedersdorf Files
Max Friedersdorf's Legislative Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, background material, draft legislation, status reports, and testimony transcripts concerning legislative issues and White House liaison with Congress. Prominent subjects include the intelligence community investigations, the proposed consumer protection agency, energy policy , Indochina refugees, regulatory reform, surface mining, and the Mayaguez …
The official files, March 1973 - December 1974, include copies of generally routine outgoing correspondence and memoranda of Patrick O'Donnell. Weekly legislative summary reports from government departments for late 1973, collected by O'Donnell, are included. The material documents White House legislative liaison activities with Senators.
The Personal files, December 1971 - January 1975, include correspondence and memoranda on personal and routine matters.
Collection: Patrick E. O'Donnell and Joseph S. Jenckes Files
Patrick E. O'Donnell's Chronological Files … The official files, March 1973 - December 1974, include copies of generally routine outgoing correspondence and memoranda of Patrick O'Donnell. Weekly legislative summary reports from government departments for late 1973, collected by O'Donnell, are included. The material documents White House legislative liaison activities with Senators. The Personal files, December 1971 - January 1975, include correspondence and memoranda on personal and routine …
This series contains Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's schedule proposals, briefing papers, memoranda and correspondence concerning the President Gerald Ford's meetings with members of the House of Representatives, either individually or in groups. Many of these meetings were routine in nature and merely allowed a congressman to introduce to the President prominent constituents such as the local "Apple Queen." However, some meetings related to issues, legislation, and other aspects of legislative liaison.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's Files on Presidential Meetings With Members of the House of Representatives … This series contains Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's schedule proposals, briefing papers, memoranda and correspondence concerning the President Gerald Ford's meetings with members of the House of Representatives, either individually or in groups. Many of these meetings were routine in nature and merely allowed a congressman to introduce to the President prominent constituents such as the …
This series contains copies of Eugene Ainsworth's outgoing correspondence and memoranda. Only a small part of this file relates to legislation or issues, while the bulk consists of responses to requests for photographs or birthday greetings, schedule proposals, routine briefing papers, correspondence concerning personnel matters and gifts to President Gerald Ford, and other aspects of legislative liaison with the House of Representatives.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Eugene Ainsworth's Chronological Files … This series contains copies of Eugene Ainsworth's outgoing correspondence and memoranda. Only a small part of this file relates to legislation or issues, while the bulk consists of responses to requests for photographs or birthday greetings, schedule proposals, routine briefing papers, correspondence concerning personnel matters and gifts to President Gerald Ford, and other aspects of legislative liaison with the House of …
This series contains copies of outgoing Vernon Loen's correspondence and memoranda. While some documents concern legislation or legislative liaison with the House of Representatives or summarize congressional views on issues, the bulk concerns personnel matters, gifts, schedule proposals, pen letters, telephone call recommendations, Kennedy Center tickets, photograph requests and birthday and wedding anniversary greetings requests.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Vernon Loen's Chronological Files … This series contains copies of outgoing Vernon Loen's correspondence and memoranda. While some documents concern legislation or legislative liaison with the House of Representatives or summarize congressional views on issues, the bulk concerns personnel matters, gifts, schedule proposals, pen letters, telephone call recommendations, Kennedy Center tickets, photograph requests and birthday and wedding anniversary greetings …