Displaying 431 - 440 of 1890 results
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Collection: David C. Hoopes Files
David Hoopes' Chronological Files …
Collection: President's Daily News Summaries (Ford Administration)
News Summaries …
Collection: Bobbie Greene Kilberg Files (Ford Administration)
Bobbie Kilberg's Arab Boycott Files …
Collection: Bobbie Greene Kilberg Files (Ford Administration)
Philip Buchen's Busing Files …
Collection: Bobbie Greene Kilberg Files (Ford Administration)
Bobbie Kilberg's Presidential Clemency Board Files …
Collection: White House Administrative Office Files (Ford Administration)
White House Budget Files …
This series contains a copy file of National Security Study Memoranda (NSSMs) relating to issues requiring a presidential decision. NSSMs from the period of the Gerald R. Ford administration are numbered 207-248.
Topics include military assistance, military bases, nuclear energy, the U.S. Sinai Support Mission, the Persian Gulf, and international relations with other countries including Angola, Portugal (Azores), China, Ethiopia, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Oman, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, and South Vietnam.
Collection: National Security Decision Memoranda and National Security Study Memoranda (Ford Administration)
National Security Study Memoranda … This series contains a copy file of National Security Study Memoranda (NSSMs) relating to issues requiring a presidential decision. NSSMs from the period of the Gerald R. Ford administration are numbered 207-248. Topics include military assistance, military bases, nuclear energy, the U.S. Sinai Support Mission, the Persian Gulf, and international relations with other countries including Angola, Portugal (Azores), China, Ethiopia, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Oman, …
This series contains memoranda of conversations (memcons), reports, draft communiques and agreements, proposals, briefing papers, letters, notes, and press releases concerning U.S.-China relations. Included are materials on Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's trips to China, President Ford's head of state visit to China, and Secretary Kissinger's meeting with the Chinese Foreign Minister in New York. Memcons and reports from meetings with Chairman Mao, Chou En-Lai, Teng Hsiao P'ing, and other Chinese officials are of particular interest. There is also information on the Shanghai Communique and the normalization process in U.S.-China relations, Chinese-Soviet relations, U.S.-Taiwanese relations, Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT), Yugoslavia, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, missing in action, foreign trade, energy policy, and the United Nations.
Collection: Henry Kissinger Reports on U.S.S.R., China and Middle East Discussions (Ford Administration)
China Memoranda of Conversations and Reports … This series contains memoranda of conversations (memcons), reports, draft communiques and agreements, proposals, briefing papers, letters, notes, and press releases concerning U.S.-China relations. Included are materials on Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's trips to China, President Ford's head of state visit to China, and Secretary Kissinger's meeting with the Chinese Foreign Minister in New York. Memcons and reports from meetings with Chairman Mao, Chou …